The Holes in the Case for Military Action Against Syria

Because they know things we don't know.

there is some reason they feel evidence will be missed due to the people who are NOW dead and initially survived the attack.

when your emergency treatment people have died you lose a shit load of evidence

so we have to 'trust' our elected officials implicitly?
I don't care if Assad gargles with chemical weapons. Until and unless he uses them on Americans, it's not a reason to attack Syria.
Well, the degree of doubt that Assad used chemical weapons is a matter of opinion, not a statement of fact.
so you're going to be a partisan and claim that they were misunderstanding evidence in a way that pointed blame to Assad, not lying or trying to influence public opinion by mistating facts.
so you're going to be a partisan and claim that they were misunderstanding evidence in a way that pointed blame to Assad, not lying or trying to influence public opinion by mistating facts.

No, I'm saying that the degree of doubt regarding whether Assad used chemical weapons is a matter of opinion. If you think Kerry or Obama lied, you should probably write about those facts that you think they've lied about, not matters of opinion.
R in office, government is lying. D in office, government is not lying.

Is that about it?

up to this point I would have to agree with you, also with Obama knowingly helping al queda groups in Libya, and Egypt who is to say the rebels in league with al queda in syria didn't do this hoping America would jump in and weaken Government forces, I am not saying this is what happened just it may have.
This is more about the politics of Congressional approval but it sounds like Boehner has said he will support the action but won't take the lead on getting other Republicans to follow, that is Obama's job. Kind of an interesting stance from a Speaker.

Of course everything going on here is completely political.
Well, the degree of doubt that Assad used chemical weapons is a matter of opinion, not a statement of fact.

Kerry said it was undeniable.

edit: check that... diff source said it was undeniable chem weapons used... high probability that it was Assad
This is more about the politics of Congressional approval but it sounds like Boehner has said he will support the action but won't take the lead on getting other Republicans to follow, that is Obama's job. Kind of an interesting stance from a Speaker.

Of course everything going on here is completely political.

what if the UN agrees that "ass sad" is responsible?

UNITED NATIONS -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is warning that any "punitive" action taken against Syria for an alleged chemical weapons attack last week could unleash more turmoil and bloodshed in that nation's civil war.

Ban also cautioned nations such as the United States and France that may be considering such strikes that they are legal only in self-defense under the U.N. Charter or if approved by the U.N. Security Council.

Russia and China have used their veto power in the council multiple times to keep it from taking action against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

President Barack Obama received key support from leaders in Congress on Tuesday for a potential strike.
up to this point I would have to agree with you, also with Obama knowingly helping al queda groups in Libya, and Egypt who is to say the rebels in league with al queda in syria didn't do this hoping America would jump in and weaken Government forces, I am not saying this is what happened just it may have.

if your goal is to NEVER allow people who are enemies with you to help you out of stupidity then you may have a point.

That is not the goal of our foreign policy
if your goal is to NEVER allow people who are enemies with you to help you out of stupidity then you may have a point. That is not the goal of our foreign policy

Is the goal nation-building and regime change (as long as a Democrat is in the White House, of course)?
Well, regardless of what cooler heads are advising, we are going to "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Syria". And in fact, the original artist from that smash hit, "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran' was brought in to sing a little revised ditty. Imagine, Obama and McCain getting the old band back together to release this fabulous cover!

Give me the beat!

Well, I for one believe this time will be different. I know Iraq turned out not to be a cakewalk, and even worse, someone left Cheney's cake out in the rain! And he'll never have that recipe again! But I digress...the point is, this time is totally, totally, going to be a cakewalk, and in fact, what the liberal media isn't telling us is that already, as we speak, Syrians are lining the streets carrying hastily made signs "We Need To Be Saved: Please Bomb Us!". And some of them are holding flowers for us! That's right!

We have to save these poor people, so we must bomb them as soon as possible. We can do no less.