The Hunter Biden Laptop

IT does seem silly to think that H. Biden would fly into the East Coast from California where he lived, drop off his laptop with a blind but ardent Trump supporter, while the surveillance cameras were down, only to forget to pick it up.

Sounds like a bad SNL skit..........
Sounds like a bad SNL skit..........

Remember when Don Junior challenged Hunter Biden to a debate. THAT was SNL worthy. It's like when the WWF managers would go up against each other. Well, not even THAT good. Don Junior is Bobby the Brain Heenan. Spittle and all.
part of the trump circus, the clown kid wants to debate another kid......

Why would anyone watch or listen to that, who gives a FXXX..

Sad the state the country is in now........
Once Biden is inaugurated, I think we should look into this, I think he should be impeached!
So Corona Romney spouts a big conspiracy and it is the job of the press to investigate it? WTF. She has to provide something real to go on. Just follow my wild goose chases until I come with another. It will then be your job to investigate that one. She does not know how the press works.