The Iceage will SUCK

I'm an expert and I say alt energy doesn't have a chance. There is no progress being made in solar, it is essentially the same principle it has always been and will always be. The primary stumbling block at this time, is cost.

The reason I can say alt energy doesn't have a chance is, because pinhead liberals are at the forefront. You guys totally don't believe in capitalism and free markets, you prefer socialism and government controls. This is why there is no chance for alt energy to ever emerge to the point of overtaking the current energy sources. IF you idiots could grow a brain and learn to accept capitalism and free markets, there might be a chance for alt energy, but you won't do that. Instead, you'll try to mandate it and force it down our throats by instigating governmental controls and regulation, and this will result in resistance by capitalism.

Eventually, the cost of energy will rise to a point where alt energy becomes attractive to capitalists, and you will get what you could have had 50 years earlier. This will cause you to all stand up (and cast aside your walkers) to claim a moral victory, like the idiot pinheads you are! The thought that you could have had alt energy 50 years earlier, won't even enter your pinheaded minds.

And you may be right... (about the national security part). Let's be clear, my argument has never been against alternative fuel, I think we need to switch from oil to something else. Reading this thread, the pinheads make me sound like some moron who is opposed to alternative energy, and that is not the case. Nor do I believe alternative energy and "green technology" is a waste of time and destined for failure. I haven't said that either, yet to read the thread, you get a completely different impression. We even have Oncie chiming in to warn me how he is going to throw this thread back up in my face someday, when alternative energy succeeds. Establishing the "fact" that I would somehow be "spinning" if alternative energy takes off.

In the current dynamic, the market for alternative energy is saturated, and there is no intrinsic consumer interest in energy which costs more than traditional sources. National security could certainly be a catalyst to change that dynamic, but it would involve a very real sense of threat we all felt. Damo, you and I may be patriotic enough to fork over considerably more in fuel costs for the sake of our nation, but I believe we are largely in the minority. Things could certainly change, another terrorist attack like 9/11, OPEC going insane or cutting off our oil supply, or some revolutionary new process we don't currently know about, which makes alt fuel cheaper than oil... those are very real possibilities which could change the current dynamic.

Like it or not, we are a capitalist-driven nation. If alternative fuel offers no real tangible advantage or benefit to the consumer, the consumer will be reluctant to embrace it and pay more for it. That is just plain simple capitalist economics. Coupled with the fact that pinhead liberal environmentalists are pushing the alternative fuel industry, and that exacerbates the problem. We will be lucky to see a 50% market in alternative energy by 2050 in the current climate, that is all I've stated, yet this thread is dominated by lying asshole pinheads who want to distort my every word, and make it seem that I have said something completely different. I've never seen anything like it in all my life!
However, if you can get a bunch of people to believe that butterfly farts are valuable because a consensus says so, they will buy them. Even if the devices used to measure the butterfly farts are inaccurate even in the best of cases because they were set up improperly.

If you then got these people to believe that they could save the planet for paying for butterfly farts on a website and that planting mushrooms caused more butterfly farts, you'd have websites selling butterfly farts and promising to plant mushrooms for your cash.

Much like you can net billions on sales of stories about a magic man, if enough people believe in the magic man.
" this thread is dominated by lying asshole pinheads who want to distort my every word"

From the hack who came in 3/4 of the way through a discussion about alt energy surpassing oil by mid-century as far as meeting our energy needs and immediately asserted that we were guaranteeing that alt energy would be at 100% in 15-20 years, then posted a one day stock drop to "prove" that alt energy companies weren't profitable.


Stocks on both of the companies you cited originally, are down over 5% for the year, and closed 2008 down for the year. If you look at the 'trend' I'll bet the spike in profit was realized when gas prices started going through the roof. Capitalism tends to work like that... oil and gas goes up, alternative fuels become more attractive to the investor. You've gotten sidetracked on some tangent about stock prices, and we are talking about the future of the industry and transition from oil to alternative fuels. You should try to stay focused on the topic, and avoid shiny objects.

Again you dolt....

1) stock price movement does not necessarily indicate profitability.

2) Both companies are profitable trailing 12.

3) No, both companies, Corning and First Solar are the ones I mentioned. You were the moron that pulled up Owens Corning, because you are too ignorant to pay attention.

4) "I" did not get sidetracked by stock prices ditzie. You are the one that posted the stock prices returns in your proclimation that 'these here stocks caint be profitable cuz theys stock prices iz down'. I simply mocked your ignorance once again.
However, if you can get a bunch of people to believe that butterfly farts are valuable because a consensus says so, they will buy them. Even if the devices used to measure the butterfly farts are inaccurate even in the best of cases because they were set up improperly.

If you then got these people to believe that they could save the planet for paying for butterfly farts on a website and that planting mushrooms caused more butterfly farts, you'd have websites selling butterfly farts and promising to plant mushrooms for your cash.

Much like you can net billions on sales of stories about a magic man, if enough people believe in the magic man.

LMFAO... You really need to take a break Damo, you are losing it!! :cof1:

In a way, I don't disagree with what you are trying to say, although I wouldn't have said it so colorfully. What you are indicating, is precisely what I said two pages back, if pinheads would allow capitalists to get involved in marketing alt energy, it might be a commercial success. Superfool took that to mean I wanted to have a myopic debate on whether capitalists were invested in green technology, but that wasn't my point. He is still stuck on 'capitalist companies' who have made a buck or two on alternative energy, as if that makes any difference in transitioning America away from oil by mid century.

When the price of alternative energy becomes competitive with traditional sources, capitalism will get involved whether pinheads like it or not... my guess is, they won't, because they don't inherently believe in capitalism. We'll start to see regulations, restrictions and taxes on alternative energy business, as ironic as that sounds at the moment.
Again you dolt....

1) stock price movement does not necessarily indicate profitability.

Yes it does.

2) Both companies are profitable trailing 12.

Neither showed a positive gain in stock value in 2008, both are down over 5% for 2009.

3) No, both companies, Corning and First Solar are the ones I mentioned. You were the moron that pulled up Owens Corning, because you are too ignorant to pay attention.

Owens Corning Fiberglass is the company I assumed you were referring to, since they are the ones who are making the windmill blades. Is there another division of Owens Corning doing this?

4) "I" did not get sidetracked by stock prices ditzie. You are the one that posted the stock prices returns in your proclimation that 'these here stocks caint be profitable cuz theys stock prices iz down'. I simply mocked your ignorance once again.

Yes, you got sidetracked.
LMFAO... You really need to take a break Damo, you are losing it!! :cof1:

In a way, I don't disagree with what you are trying to say, although I wouldn't have said it so colorfully. What you are indicating, is precisely what I said two pages back, if pinheads would allow capitalists to get involved in marketing alt energy, it might be a commercial success. Superfool took that to mean I wanted to have a myopic debate on whether capitalists were invested in green technology, but that wasn't my point. He is still stuck on 'capitalist companies' who have made a buck or two on alternative energy, as if that makes any difference in transitioning America away from oil by mid century.

When the price of alternative energy becomes competitive with traditional sources, capitalism will get involved whether pinheads like it or not... my guess is, they won't, because they don't inherently believe in capitalism. We'll start to see regulations, restrictions and taxes on alternative energy business, as ironic as that sounds at the moment.

Tell us oh wise 'expert capitalist'...

1) what exactly are these 'pinhead liberals' doing to stop capitalists from getting involved?

2) Why do you continue to ignore that capitalists already are involved in R&D and installation of alt energy?

3) Why it is that you think profitable alt energy companies don't make a difference in transitioning away from oil? Because typically, when you show that a profit can be made in a sector, it attracts further investors in said sector.

4) Why do you say it wasn't your point (that capitalism isn't involved) when you continue to put forth the assertation that it is a sector run by 'liberal pinheads that are stopping capitalism from being involved'????
Tell us oh wise 'expert capitalist'...

1) what exactly are these 'pinhead liberals' doing to stop capitalists from getting involved?

I never said liberal pinheads were stopping capitalists from getting involved. They can't stop capitalists, that's why they have to regulate, restrict, and control them with taxation. Capitalists aren't largely involved because there is no incentive for them to be. Profits drive capitalism, and without them, capitalists are not interested.

2) Why do you continue to ignore that capitalists already are involved in R&D and installation of alt energy?

I don't ignore it, I simply said capitalists are not involved in alternative energy to a large degree, and it mostly pushed by liberal environmentalist pinheads.

3) Why it is that you think profitable alt energy companies don't make a difference in transitioning away from oil? Because typically, when you show that a profit can be made in a sector, it attracts further investors in said sector.

Correct, but there is little to no profit in alternative energy at the moment. Profitable capitalistic alternative energy companies could indeed help transition us away from oil, but liberal pinheads will not allow that to ever happen, they will begin to restrict, regulate, and tax the capitalists, they always do. Generally, when you show a profit can be made in a sector, it attracts pinhead liberals who want to restrict it and tax investments.

4) Why do you say it wasn't your point (that capitalism isn't involved) when you continue to put forth the assertation that it is a sector run by 'liberal pinheads that are stopping capitalism from being involved'????

Irrelevant question based on an assumption of a false answer to the first question. This is why you remain so confused. You continue to think I am saying something I am not saying. Liberal pinheads can't stop capitalists from being involved if there is profit to be made. Currently, there is no profit to be made, so capitalists are not interested to a large degree. If the cost of alternative energy becomes competitive, capitalists will be interested in a big way, and liberal pinheads can't stop them, so they will regulate, restrict, and tax them. It never fails!