The Ides of March...

Adopted father. Technically Octavian was Julius Caesars nephew by his elder sister but Caesar adopted him posthumously in his will after he was assassinated much to the complete consternation of Marcus Antonius who was, not without reason, expecting to be Caesars heir.

his actual nephew

wow see because of you I now know this

you're always a bitch.

what just happened today, happens literally everyday. You are always wrong, always an idiot. Every single hour, every single day. You becoming briefly conscious of your ineptitude is just a brief anomaly that are due to arise out of an set of events given enough time.

Thanks grindy

get a second date yet?
you're tiny brain wouldn't even begin to be able to understand the complexities surrounding the fall of the republic.
It's not that complex. The Republic had evolved to govern a city State and collapsed from the strain of governing a world wide empire for which a Republic designed to govern a small City State was not competent at.
Here's the shit kicker Desh....Octavian was only 19 years old when he took the political mantle of Caesars heir. In many respects he was a greater political genius (and Caesar must have been aware of his talent for politics) than Julius Caesar was, though not a universal genius like Caesar who was incredibly gifted at everything he put his hand too. Octavian was certainly not a great general but his political skill exceeded his legendary Uncle and probably the best evidence of that is that he died in bed of old age. Few Roman Emperors ever did that.


And he did it while handling Livia and her son, Tiberius.

That was a pair to draw to!