The increase in Arctic sea ice volume during November was the largest on record.

See what happens when you leave? You don't get your posts groaned by the Limey.

I love those who reference the extent of arctic sea ice coverage, as if that means more than actual thickness of the ice.

You know, we had a mini ice age not too long ago. So no one even knows what the normal amount of ice is. Perhaps the ice and temps are simply returning to normal. Believe it or not, we didn't always have ice caps. Things used to be quite a bit warmer in the distant past, and we're still here.
"Arctic sea ice extent for November averaged 9.80 million square kilometers (3.78 million square miles). This was the ninth lowest November in the 1979 to 2018 satellite record, falling 900,000 square kilometers (347,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average, yet 1.14 million square kilometers (440,000 square miles) above the record November low in 2016."

Source (actual scientist ppl):

Finallly. Someone posted a link to a reputable and credible scientific organization.

The weird thing is? It almost, virtually never, comes from Climate Deniers and Flat Earthers.

The Bottom Line: Every sentient human being knows that spewing billions of tons of heat trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year is probably a really bad idea.

Everyone who is not retarded knows that artificially altering the chemistry of the global atmosphere probably is something we should avoid.

The fact that The Deniers will not attest to this, will not acknowledge it as a significant risk, is a hallmark of their abject dishonesty.
Meteorologist's aren't scientists? Since when?

The basic requirement for becoming a meteorologist or a climatologist is a 4-year Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology or Atmospheric Sciences. Some teaching, research or management positions require a Masters of Science degree or a Ph.D.

I was being sarcastic!
Finallly. Someone posted a link to a reputable and credible scientific organization.

The weird thing is? It almost, virtually never, comes from Climate Deniers and Flat Earthers.

The Bottom Line: Every sentient human being knows that spewing billions of tons of heat trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year is probably a really bad idea.

Everyone who is not retarded knows that artificially altering the chemistry of the global atmosphere probably is something we should avoid.

The fact that The Deniers will not attest to this, will not acknowledge it as a significant risk, is a hallmark of their abject dishonesty.

Shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt, I'm a lukewarmer always have been!!
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Not a credible website.

Get back to us with an actual legitimate scientific source, a credible scientific website.

When the truth is inconvenient, attack the messenger. The messenger here provides the sources of its data and the sources are credible.
When the truth is inconvenient, attack the messenger. The messenger here provides the sources of its data and the sources are credible.

Let me know next time you have a tooth ache, and you make an appointment with a pediatrician about it, or consult a rightwing blogger about it.

You believe in trained expertise just as much as me.

Your emotional need to deny global warming is the only thing preventing you from acknowledging that training and expertise in climate science is just as important as training and expertise in dentistry.
Let me know next time you have a tooth ache, and you make an appointment with a pediatrician about it, or consult a rightwing blogger about it.

You believe in trained expertise just as much as me.

What difference does it make if the data comes directly from the Danish Meterlogical Institute and Rutgers Climate Lab or that just reports the data ?
Are you saying the findings of the Danish Meterlogical Institute and Rutgers Climate Lab are invalidated because of the media that reports it?
Basically your logic would be that brushing and flossing isn't good oral health if People magazine cites an article from JADA saying the same thing.
Crypiss always comes out with the same bollox over and over. Apparently climate alarmists are allowed to change their views based on the data or more likely on the output of yet another dodgy climate model, sceptics are not afforded such luxuries according to him. Look at that charlatan Michael Mann. His now totally discredited Hockey Stick paper was rushed through peer review in order to get it into the IPCC Third Assessment back in 2001. Steve McIntyre of the Climate Audit website ran his eye over the data and decided it was premium grade bullshit. Mann, tried to discredit him but luckily didn't succeed. Congress then hired the services of leading statistician Edward Wegman to write a report on the now infamous Hockey Stick graph.

The Wegman Report was a devastating blow to the credibility of Mann. It demonstrated that the method used by him to produce the graph could be used to create any shape you wanted, classic case of garbage in garbage out. Mann should have been consigned into the wilderness yet still thrives as climate alarmists need the likes of him to support their wild theories.
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Crypiss always comes out with the same bollox over and over. Apparently climate alarmists are allowed to change their views based on the data or more likely on the output of yet another dodgy climate model, sceptics are not afforded such luxuries according to him. Look at that charlatan Michael Mann. His now totally discredited Hockey Stick paper was rushed through peer review in order to get it into the IPCC Third Assessment back in 2001. Steve McIntyre of the Climate Audit website ran his eye over the data and decided it was premium grade bullshit. Mann, tried to discredit him but luckily didn't succeed. Congress then hired the services of leading statistician Edward Wegman to write a report on the now infamous Hockey Stick graph.

The Wegman Report was a devastating blow to the credibility of Mann. It demonstrated that the method used by him to produce the graph could be used to create any shape you wanted, classic case of garbage in garbage out. Mann should have been consigned into the wilderness yet still thrives as climate alarmists need the likes of him to support their wild theories.

Tim Ball said it best about Mann, 'he belongs in the state pen, not Penn State'. Of course the fat slob got butthurt and pursed a libel case against him in Canada. He lost millions in the process.
