What a bunch of hypocrites!! You all sit hear typing away this bullshit on your petro based keyboards, Monitor Frame, Laptop frames whatever..., probably going to hop in that petro based vehicle and go grab a StarBucks... and pretend you are holier than thou... non contributors to the addiction of OverSea's Oil ....that your political wing has so much responsibilty for... your self denial.
You sit at your key boards and act as if you and your philosophy have nothing to do with the need for Oil from these Countries.. all the while preaching and banning us from Exploration on our own front. You fucking hyprocrites.
And then come in hear and act all surprised when Glen Beck admits the obvious... yes bottom line..we are fighting for Oil...
You fucking morons.... so blinded by your pretentious self loathing liberal fantasies...that you ignore the National Security Issues involved in securing Oil from this region of the Planet? Your politcal power plays have forced us into 70% importation of Oil... you fucking political whores!! And then come in come in here pretending that alternatives and solar energy can replace the need for foriegn oil... you fucking morons.
I understand your frustration with the constant bashing of those in the right wing party..... But GWB would have not become President of the United States if it weren't for alot of Democratic voters, voting for him....there has never been a majority of Republican voters....and Democratic voters should be upset with the Democratic voters that allowed all of the "right wing shennanigans" to permiate and go forward imo...and not the Right wing themselves....I expect them to be the way they are!!!!!
Having said that....
Every drop of oil that the usa has in its soil or off shore would not break the usa from needing and using Middle eastern oil....we do not have enough oil to supply ourselves for any length of time and NEVER WILL.....and the oil we do have is not easily refinable in our refineries, it is actually sold to others in many cases and our Oil guys buy the "light crude" from others is what i have read? Not that i even understand what all of that means but i think i understand enough of it....And in addition to this, it is not easily gotten to....our first oil well had to go down 8000 feet to reach oil, and the reports show that some of the oil in the gulf would need us to drill 28,000 feet under....this IS VERY COSTLY and ALMOST not worth doing UNLESS oil prices stay at the $120 a barrel price or near it....
When Clinton was in office oil was $10-$27 bucks MAX per barrel....it wasn't feasable to drill in all the spots that are being talked about now, and be worth it for the oil companies is my interpretation and understanding?
And I might add that it is the Republicans in Florida that has lead the "no Drilling off the coast of florida" campaign and had the power and insider road to keep it off the table for the last 8 years....Jebb Bush said something to the effect that they would be drilling over his dead body if they did try to drill there....
Now, let's take this whole issue a little bit further....and let's think together on this Klaatu.....and I know you have supported a new movement of green of sorts... in our country to get us off of middle eastern oil....
Haven't seen you in a long time so I am not certain if your views on this have changed but let's assume you are still willing to think outside of the box regarding this as you used to try to do...
Don't you think if we had changed our cafe standards YEARS AGO, we would be in MUCH better shape now than what we are in?
If Cafe standards are changed, we would get an immediate affect with every single new car and truck and suv sold in our country....whereas drilling in the gulf or ANWR could take 10 years before the first drop comes out, and even THEN, THIS OIL THAT COMES OUT is put on the GLOBAL MARKET....it is not saved for us....even though our tax dollars helped pay for the geological suveys to find it and for drilling it....
This oil would have ONLY CONTINUED to fuel our need for MORE and more oil with a false sense of security in my opinion, and also a small drop in the bucket of oil if we continued to pursue this Oil dependent route...
Conservation gives us IMMEDIATE RESULTS, without spending a penny....this is the route we, as americans need to pursue FIRST, then alternative energies and fuel standards etc.....think green in all that we do, if it is feasably possible and cost effective....
We have 8% of the world's oil, we use 27% of the world's oil as a country...
THIS IS A HUGE Disparity and cannot ever be solved with us drilling for more oil....
ONLY a JFK going to the moon project, only in conservation and ingenuity regarding new types of energy can save us from ourselves, imho.