The Iraq War Was a Mistake!

it doesn't much matter....he DID sell us his sham of a war, it HAS cost us over 25K dead and wounded, and over a half a trillion dollars and all of that cost has not bought us an ounce of security and only made us more hated and less trusted throughout the world. the republican party should be banned from the grown up's table for at least a few decades.

Dixie and Bush are going to hell in a handbasket.
The myth that Saddam would have been willing to assist Osama a decade after the Saudis severed ties with him is just that - a fucking MYTH

Well, no, it's not a myth, his regime certainly gave assistence to alQaeda. In fact, is former loyalists are allied with alQaeda at this very moment, against us in Iraq.
dixie: you never did address this issue:

Did you really think President I'm 'o need a job (or whatever his name is) of Iran was an "arab" nationalist?

DIXIE: "Some Arab Nationalists are in line with the concept of an Islamic Caliphate. Armagedongoneinsane and OBL are two such "so-called Arab Nationalists" who believe in the Caliphate objectives."

Yes, I am fully aware the president of Iran is not an Arab. He is a part of the radical Islamofascist element, and he does exploit the "Arab Nationalist" message, just as many so-called proponents of Arab Nationalism do. This is why I used the term "so-called" in front of "Arab Nationalist" and put them in quote marks.
Dixie's saying that a Persian - the age old, blood-enemy of the arab - is promoting the Arab Nationalist Agenda


I'll be totally honest here. I did not know, before this thread that Persians were not Arabs. I think getting excited about that point is really splitting hairs, as really nobody is upset about an ethnicity, and that, the misuse of a term does not automatically negate the argument. Carry on.
I'll be totally honest here. I did not know, before this thread that Persians were not Arabs. I think getting excited about that point is really splitting hairs, as really nobody is upset about an ethnicity, and that, the misuse of a term does not automatically negate the argument. Carry on.

your honesty is refreshing.

To your additional credit, I have never seen you hold yourself out as any sort of a middle eastern expert or policy wonk like Dixie has, however. Calling the Iranian President an arab nationalist - or even a "so-called arab nationalist" is the same thing as calling Jimmy Carter a "so called black activist". At issue is the fact that persians and arabs are much more than just two different ethnic groups who primarliy are muslims. They are two different ethnic groups who HATE each other. For Dixie to so easily lump persians in with arabs is clear evidence that, from his bigoted perspective, all ragheads really are alike. He similarly suggests that arab nationalists are the same thing as islamic extremist organizations such as Al Qaeda. He does this so that he can use the fact that Saddam trained palestinian and iranian nationalists as synonymous with training Al Qaeda, and therefore ample justification to invade, conquer, and occupy Iraq at a cost of 25K dead and wounded Americans, a half a trillion dollars, tens and most likely hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, a total loss of American credibility around the globe, and a middle east poised on the brink of sectarian violence spanning several countries. He is no middle eastern policy wonk, but he IS a koolaid guzzling Bush apologist who will NEVER admit that the idea to invade Iraq was ill advised and has had disasterous consequences.
Uhm, no... that wasn't what I said, moron... try reading it again! Promoting and exploiting are two different things.

what you said was that the persian iranian president was a so called arab nationist.... the same as Osama....

and neither one is.

you're a conceited idiot.
I'll be totally honest here. I did not know, before this thread that Persians were not Arabs. I think getting excited about that point is really splitting hairs, as really nobody is upset about an ethnicity, and that, the misuse of a term does not automatically negate the argument. Carry on.

Don't feel bad. A lot of people don't know it.

And it's not splitting hairs. Its important for policy-makers to be informed on the historical and geopolitical context of the islamic world. There is NO monolithic threat called "islamofascism", as dixie seems to think.

The islamic world is far from monolithic. Its even more fractured than the christian "world". We can't treat one extremist islamic faction, like the next.

Saying the difference between persian mulisms and arab muslims is hair splitting, is like saying the difference between kuridish muslims, and their turkish muslim or iranian muslim antagonists is simply splitting hairs. There is simply no credible chance that kurdish muslims, persian muslims, and arab muslims are going to unite in a global islamofascist campaign for the caliphate, as Dixie asserts.
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