The irony; the left whines about JPP threadbans but cheers Twitter/Facebook bans


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News flash:

  • Just like Big Tech, JPP is a privately-held company.
  • JPP's TOS allows users to impose threadbans.

Yet the leftists here have whined for years about being threadbanned, (despite the fact that it was their idea), and now they defend Big Tech's bans of conservative posters by stating (correctly) that a privately-held company can make its' own policies.

I thought this was a free speech forum?
He once was better about not censoring, he’s still better than most for a right wing dominant board, that’s why I post here.
Chickenshit thread ban work around thread closed by right-wing chickenshits...So one of the head right-wing chickenshits has decided to use their "awesome forum honcho" power to shut down dissenting opinion. Big surprise. I wonder which one of them tucked tail and went running to the mods while pissing in their diaper. So much for those imaginary "JPP standards" we heard some weak chirping about earlier. Right-wingers and Trumptards are the biggest chickenshit scum to ever slither and crawl on their bellies through life.
In fact, often the best way to prove a person is stupid is to let them prove it to everyone else not just claim they are stupid, a troll or anything else.
You serial thread-banners are spineless chickenshits who are afraid of dissenting views and stifling them is the only way you can protect your delicate little canary asses.
The RWers use thread banning far more than the LWers.
Echo Chambers always tend to implode if supported by membership.
facts fuck them hard so they ban the people who bring them facts
Basically, they’re just talking to themselves.

Online platforms can ban anyone for any reason

~ The left

I am outraged that I can be banned from a thread on JPP

~ Also the left

Online platforms should ban anyone whose posts are objectionable

~ The left

Banning people whose posts are objectionable from threads on JPP is cowardly

~ Also the left

I think it's all a pathetic display of sensitive snowflakes needing safe spaces.

Like this?

It's one thing to thread ban habitual trolls.
I ban people.
I often have a thread ban list when I start a thread.
It's a good way to cut down on trolls who only show up to start flame wars or derail the topic.
I don't allow racists, or haters in.
Does not seem cowardly to me. Like other mature adults who respect social etiquette, it just makes sense to exclude known racists, belligerent bigots, girlish gossipers, and libelers from civilized conversation.
I thread banned his ass so he couldn't shit the place up with his stinking shit.
It is every poster's option to ban as many others as he/she decides. It is an exaggeration to say that anyone here is 'banning everyone.'
Banning all the idiots is the best first line of defense.
I've never put anybody on ' Ignore ' but my reserve thread ban serves useful purposes. Once you've been a member for some considerable time here you can anticipate the reaction of the forum trolls to any given topic. Sometimes you might want to investigate a topic with other reasonable members and so you post your ban to eliminate the dross from your thread
There are a handful of posters here who are such good-for-nothing trolls they don't deserve to be allowed to post in my threads. Or anyone else's either. Ergo, I ban only them from every thread I start.
I only ban obvious trolls and posters who blatantly engage in overt racism, misogyny, bigotry, libel, and slander. Those are not forms of "free speech" and they are not even remotely close to conventional political speech. The only reason anyone could make it onto my thread ban list is if they are either a troll, or they are a terrible human being.
The trolls often derail the thread. I think banning trolls is fine.
If you're trying to have a serious discussion, whether it's off-topic or about politics, there are some who just cannot act like adults and should be excluded.
I thread-ban the known trolls and the more virulent racists like TDAK, TOP, CFM, Legion, USF, H. Moron, etc. They exist only to hijack a discussion and turn it into a new segment of their ongoing vendettas with normal ppl.
Then I’m a coward and proud of it. I will ignore them and ban them.
Facebook and Twitter don't ban people to troll, Dingus Khan. They also only ban for rule-breaking, thus making it a bogus comparison. Thread bans are not banning from a site, Facebook, in the same way, lets you manage who can view and respond to your posts.

Facebook and Twitter don't ban people to troll, Dingus Khan. They also only ban for rule-breaking, thus making it a bogus comparison. Thread bans are not banning from a site, Facebook, in the same way, lets you manage who can view and respond to your posts.

Is that so?

How about these whining leftist posts complaining about forum moderation - you know, the same thing they say Big tech has very right to do?

All the things you can post here that would get you banned elsewhere and I get deleted? Telling someone off that's cheering on Rittenhouse and the unholy behaviors of violent Trump supporters with a card of a fake paper phallus and something that is said a hundred times over on this place gets removed. Your rules make no sense and are fucking retarded. Have some real standards for fuck sake. You mod Billy talks about posters mothers choking on his dick, CFM saying the n-word more than a Christian says amen. If this is such a lightweight place a cheesy paper willie would be deleted, why are far worse allowed? Seriously, I'm a Catholic boy with an aversion to overly sexual things and even I thought this was nothing. I'm getting tired of trying to play by rules that don't add up. You'd be shocked how many people don't get the rules around here. It's like you put offensive things in a hat and plucked for what's OK and what's not. 12b gets weird at times.
Katzgar tells a Joke: Guy from the Water Department Knocks on my Door Yesterday. He asked if I had a well. I said no. He started shouting no well!, no well! at the top of his lungs." It's a Christmas joke 'NOEL', get it) Phantasmal: "Wrong forum" Well Kids, this could be a rough New Year we're looking at.
So one of the head right-wing chickenshits has decided to use their "awesome forum honcho" power to shut down dissenting opinion. Big surprise. I wonder which one of them tucked tail and went running to the mods while pissing in their diaper. So much for those imaginary "JPP standards" we heard some weak chirping about earlier. Right-wingers and Trumptards are the biggest chickenshit scum to ever slither and crawl on their bellies through life.
He should have his mod powers stripped then. He obviously doesn't deserve to be entrusted with them.
I thought the War Zone was where we could go to air our petty differences and now we are even being censored there! Censorship on this board is strange.
censorship is still a problem at this site. its destroying the site. how many left leaning posters here are unaffected by grinds hate of the left?
Just that. I can ignore or not just fine. I don't need daddy to tell he who I am allowed to talk to. On a related note, what about the ignore list I proposed? I just started at least 2 other threads without banning the putrid pile of vile entrails (tom).
The Mods ADMITTING they CENSOR what the regular folk can and cannot read. Who's excited to see what bullshit excuse they come up with this time in order to deny what Bullshit Billy JUST WROTE?
Because they side WITH the Mods. It's only posters who the Mods HATE that get what they can and cannot read censored.
Well that's just plain old horseshit...but everyone except for Grind's little circle jerk buddies knows this to be true. I haven't asked for ANYONE to be banned in MONTHS, yet I am still being CENSORED. I have NEVER "gone psycho" everyday on someone in every thread, yet I am being CENSORED. Why? It's simple...the MODS hate me. There is no other explanation. The ridiculous list of "hoops" the MODS demand I jump through in order to end their CENSORSHIP includes rules NOT ONE OTHER POSTER HERE has to follow...I am being singled out for punitive punishment.
I don't see the Mods giving me the same second chance they've given all the others.
Oh, you mean all those EXTRA RULES not one other poster here has to follow? You're right...If you're going to arbitrarily make up rules that I alone have to follow and single me out for punitive punishment then your petty double standard is going to get highlighted again and again until I am treated the same as every other poster.
I told you Rune, the mods simply hate me too much to treat me like they treat everyone else here.
Amorphous things impossible to quantify like: If the Mods determine I am "lying" about other posters and/or's back on forced ignore. How can that be determined honestly with the partisan Mods we have here? Posters here make up bullshit lies about me and each other every single day and the Mods don't have a problem, but God help me if I try to defend myself from their attacks, then the Mods will single me out with arbitrary rules no one else has to follow...
I'm not allowed to "complain" about comments made by others...Translation: No more calling out partisan clowns for their narrow-minded stupidity. Just one more thing every single poster here is allowed to do...everyone but me. I'm also required to stay "on topic" even though other posters go off topic every day in nearly every single thread started, I'm not allowed the same freedom or it's back to being CENSORED. Grind and the Mods don't want this discussed out here where their petty double standard makes them look like the hate-filled little tyrants they are.

More petty, impotent whining from another Mod. If only you could ban me for violating the laundry list of arbitrary rules you created to keep me on forced ignore...BUT YOU CAN'T!
Just a reminder of the arbitrary rules the Mods have applied to me alone...
No...all this is about the Mods CENSORING what I can and cannot read and then establishing arbitrary rules ONLY I HAVE TO FOLLOW if I want it to end.
I'm still being CENSORED. Someone ask Grind about all the arbitrary rules the MODS have put in place for ME ALONE...because the little coward refuses to discuss them out in the open.
Someone ask Grind how many other posters have to follow these arbitrary rules: If the Mods determine I am "lying" about other posters and/or's back on forced ignore. How can that be determined honestly with the partisan Mods we have here? Posters here make up bullshit lies about me and each other every single day and the Mods don't have a problem, but God help me if I try to defend myself from their attacks, then the Mods will single me out with arbitrary rules no one else has to follow...I'm not allowed to "complain" about comments made by others...Translation: No more calling out partisan clowns for their narrow-minded stupidity. Just one more thing every single poster here is allowed to do...everyone but me.
I'm also required to stay "on topic" even though other posters go off topic every day in nearly every single thread started, I'm not allowed the same freedom or it's back to being CENSORED. Grind and the Mods don't want this discussed out here where their petty double standard makes them look like the hate-filled little tyrants they are.
I notice how you don't say word one about the arbitrary rules Grind and the MODS have in place for ME alone. I certainly don't expect one of Grind's little friends to discuss the MODS double standard. regarding posters here.
Odd that I never saw those "special rules" listed anywhere in the rules section. In essence, that is EXACTLY what Grind did. I received a PM stating that I must adhere to rules not one other poster is required to obey.
Posters that are BANNED from this site return with no added behavioral requirements for having been penalized. Those posters who were banned broke the rules and had NO ARBITRARY RULES put in place to ensure they show "good faith" to the MODS.
One of the mods recently confessed to treating Zappa differently than the rest of the board. It is a prole move the way they treat him.
And let's not forget Billy's "unbiased" comment regarding me and Forced Ignore...There it is in Billy's OWN WORDS. Nothing I do will ever be good enough for the hate filled Mods here...they will ALWAYS find some excuse.
It will all end as soon as the arbitrary restrictions placed on ME ALONE are lifted and I am free to read whichever posts I decide and treated the same as every other poster here.
I checked with Darla, and she confirmed what I suspected. She had no ridiculous, arbitrary rules she alone had to follow, forced on her upon her return. I wasn't ever banned and I am singled out by the Mods for special punishment.
I guess just commenting one the ridiculous rules Grind set is just too much to ask, huh? As I pointed out and ThreeDee confirmed, every other poster here is allowed to complain about me without reprisal.
More proof of the bias the Mods display towards me. It doesn't matter what the rules are that Grind has set. It doesn't matter if I follow each and everyone of them to the letter. I have so enraged the MODS and so disturbed the calm of their little forum, Billy the MOD will NEVER agree to remove me from Forced Ignore.
The mods only use it to CENSOR those they disagree with.
And that is precisely what the Mods have done...the CENSOR what I can and cannot read, but those who I am blocked from reading are free to read and respond to my comments. It's one-sided, punitive punishment for being a thorn in Grind's side.
If you had stopped by JPP a year ago, you'd have found this place had almost twice as many frequent posters than it does now...and nearly every single person who left did so due to the partisan Mods allowing truly vicious trolls free reign while enforcing aribitrary rules like this Forced Ignore nonsense.
What Grind won't mention is, that at this point, I have repeatedly asked to be REMOVED from forced ignore, only to be told by Grind that I must now adhere to a bunch of arbitrary rules not one other poster here must follow, if I want the Mods to stop censoring what I can read. Of course, if you believe what our fair and impartial Moderator IWI Tavor said, I will NEVER be removed from forced ignore no matter WHAT I do. Take a moment, ask Grind what the rules are I must agree to before he will treat me the same as every other poster...he refuses to post them since he knows doing so will highlight the partisan hatred that drives our Mods.
If Grind is willing to acknowledge that the rules I posted are the actual rules he expects me to follow, then he wouldn't have to post them himself. The only problem is Grind wont do that, because if he did, it would be tantamount to admitting he's trying to force me to abide by rules not one other poster has to follow.
It's always a good thing, in ConservLand, when opponents are sent to the Gulags.
Some of the mods talk about screwing someone's mother.
Sorry Quetzalcoatl is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her. Fuck you, Q. You'd better fuck with my posts because you sure can't stand up to them. Asshole
I'm just posting temporarily until Q blocks me, Jack. It's just a matter of time. Once these brain-dead assholes start fucking with your posts, the ban is right behind it.