The Islamofascists are coming!


Will work for Scooby snacks
Glenn Greewald has an awesome column, about wingnut paranoia, that I am excerpting and commenting on.

GLENN GREENWALD: Every now and then, it is worth noting that substantial portions of the right-wing political movement in the United States -- the Pajamas Media/right-wing-blogosphere/Fox News/Michelle Malkin/Rush-Limbaugh-listener strain -- actually believe that Islamists are going to take over the U.S. and impose sharia law on all of us. And then we will have to be Muslims and "our women" will be forced into burkas and there will be no more music or gay bars or churches or blogs. This is an actual fear that they have -- not a theoretical fear but one that is pressing, urgent, at the forefront of their worldview.

This is so true. I could point you to message boards, talk radio shows, and cable TV shows, where Cons are shitting their diapers, wetting the bed, and wringing their hands in abject fear over this mythical “Muslim invasion”: Whenever some crazy Muslim crashes his car into a door at a Scottish airport, one can see the con fear manifested in cries of: ”The U.K. is under Attack!!!”. On the extremely rare occasion that some muslim is detained in the U.S. for suspicion of supporting terrorism, the cries of ”We need to spy on all Mosques in America” are heard throughout wingnuttia.

GREENWALD: And their key political beliefs -- from Iraq to Iran to executive power and surveillance theories at home -- are animated by the belief that all of this is going to happen. The Republican presidential primary is, for much of the "base," a search for who will be the toughest and strongest in protecting us from the Islamic invasion -- a term that is not figurative or symbolic, but literal: the formidable effort by Islamic radicals to invade the U.S. and take over our institutions and dismantle our government and force us to submit to Islamic rule or else be killed.

They actually think this is going to happen ("read Zawahiri's speeches about the Plan for Caliphate!!") and believe that we must do everything in our power -- without limits -- to stop it. And there are a lot of them who think this.

In the past I have decided to test the depths of this experiment is simple: do these wing nuts really believe muslim hordes could overrun America, and fly the Crescent flag over the US Capitol? Or, are they just parroting paranoid NeoCon talking points to promote the politics of fear, without having any real conviction behind them?

When the residents of wingnuttia are asked by me if they really think that massive muslim navies and invasion fleets could invade Norway, Iceland, Canada, Scotland, and the United States, and even have a prayer of “taking over” and forcing us to accept sharia law, wing nuts are loathe to admit how crazy this sounds. Usually, I will get some baloney response about ”What about the Caliphate??!!”. Or, some nonsense about if Bin Laden get his hands on Saudi oil, they will have the economic resources to build a military and invasion fleet capable of conquering western Europe and North America.

Clearly, to any modestly informed person, this is bug nut crazy. This is never going to happen. Winguts betray an absolute ignorance of world history, Islamic history, and basic military knowledge when they issue these fatwas of muslim paranoia. Do I really need to point out how ridiculous it is, that a muslim navy will come across the Atlantic to invade us? Do I really need to point how infinitesimally small the chances are for the divided and disparate Islamic cultures and countries to unite under one banner? Do I really need to address the paranoia that American Muslims, or muslim immigrants who come here to work as nurses, engineer, and doctors, are some sort of “Trojan horse”, that the cons think could undermine and take over the republic?

Do I really need to direct wing nuts to the writings and evidence that Bin Laden and his whacked out band of criminals, are largely using the siren song of “Caliphate” to cynically attract dim-witted followers and stooges, to participate in their “movement” which largely has political goals narrowly directed at change (in their view) in the Arabian peninsula, and north Africa?

In the art of war, Sun Tzu advised that you must know your enemy to defeat them. Informed people (aka, anyone who isn’t a Con), knows that there’s not a snow balls chance in hell, that muslim navies and muslim hordes are going to overrun Kansas City and Memphis. Let alone fly the crescent flag over a burning Capitol building. The dangers and threats of terrorism are real. But it is a threat of a largely criminal nature; one that can be dismantled through smart intelligence gathering, law enforcement, covert ops, and the intelligent application of our soft power and global cooperation.

Lastly, how wimpy do Cons really think we are? Even if muslim hordes from the middle east invaded our shores, they would be repulsed and driven into the sea within hours. This nation is armed to the teeth. Liberals think america could easily demolish any invasion of the american homeland. Cons, in contrast, evidently think we would lose (or, that there‘s at least a chance we would lose), and that we will be living under sharia law. You wing nuts don’t know liberal women - they are going to resort to guerilla war and fight to the death, before some conservative muslim cleric makes them wear a burka. LOL. Don't mess with progressive women. Our great strength against a mythical muslim invasion would be our (liberal) women.

Greenwald at:
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and what about the Islamic School in the news as of late(NYC)...teaching and preaching terrorism...and what about the fight going on in Lebanon with the internal takeover...there are many Liberal women in Lebanon...however they are not bearing arms! The Islam movement in the US... now going on... is the same movement that has caused so many problems in England and France...
Do you really want to have their problems???
That is why I have hated in particular any referance to Whiney liberals.

It is by far a trait better displayed by the right wing fear mavens.

Fear ,FeAr ,fEar ,fEAr,feaR, FeaR, and then whiney liberal.

Their whole platform is nothing but fear and then they call anyone who doesnt Fear whiney.
and what about the Islamic School in the news as of late(NYC)...teaching and preaching terrorism...and what about the fight going on in Lebanon with the internal takeover...there are many Liberal women in Lebanon...however they are not bearing arms! The Islam movement in the US... now going on... is the same movement that has caused so many problems in England and France...
Do you really want to have their problems???

thanks for proving my point .
and what about the Baptist Church in the news as of late(CA)...teaching and preaching for the deaths of those that oppose thier tax free status for political influence...and what about the fight going on in Washington with the internal takeover...there are many Conservative women in Fox...however they are not bearing Children! The evangelical movement in the US... now going on... is the same movement that has caused so many problems in the middle east...
and what about the Islamic School in the news as of late(NYC)...teaching and preaching terrorism...and what about the fight going on in Lebanon with the internal takeover...there are many Liberal women in Lebanon...however they are not bearing arms! The Islam movement in the US... now going on... is the same movement that has caused so many problems in England and France...
Do you really want to have their problems???

Here's a case in point.

Rabid, out of control, wingnut paranoia.
"...remember that one of the first lessons aspiring novelists and screenwriters learn is that the goodness of a hero is defined by a single quality - the badness of his opponent. From Superman's Lex Luthor to Batman's Joker to Indiana Jones' Nazis to Luke Skywalker's Darth Vader, for a hero to be perceived as larger than life, he must have a larger than life enemy...
...Rove and Bush realized that if they simply branded Osama as the criminal thug that he was - the leader of an obscure Islamic mafia with fewer than 20,000 serious members - they wouldn't have the super-villain they needed for George W. Bush to be seen as a super-hero. If Bush only authorized a police action, he'd miss a golden opportunity to position himself as the Battle Commander of The War Against Evil Incarnate.

And so began the building of the mythos. Osama as evil genius. Osama as worldwide mastermind. Even Osama as the antichrist (as General Boykin reminded us so candidly).

Even though Osama is almost certainly dead or badly disabled ... Bush can't afford to acknowledge that - to retain his Superman pose, George must continue to have a Kryptonite-equipped foe."

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels

ya gotta respect BushCo. because they understand the power of fear mongering and propaganda and they know how to use it.
Y'all can..........

relax...we conservatives will save your sorry asses from the terrorists and ya can enjoy your lattes and listen to your professors diatribes while we do the fighting(dirty work)...when it is over we will take our VA benefits and get our degrees without all the student loan burden...have a nice vacation from pain!
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The only wingnuts around are the ones that use left-wing websites to gather rather nutty "facts" and then find other left-wing sites to substantiate them...its no wonder your brains are cooked and can't function with a little common sense.....
Are you addressing me?

The only wingnuts around are the ones that use left-wing websites to gather rather nutty "facts" and then find other left-wing sites to substantiate them...its no wonder your brains are cooked and can't function with a little common sense.....

If so at least have the guts to make a quote...are you punky's brother by any chance...? I am saying this since I used a gov site...wheras punky used a wiki site...lmao!
If so at least have the guts to make a quote...are you punky's brother by any chance...? I am saying this since I used a gov site...wheras punky used a wiki site...lmao!

Cept you forget to mention your government site said exactly what I did - that embryonic stem cells from from in vitro, not from fucking dead fetuses. Wikipedia said the same thing. You have provided zero evidence to make your retarded claim seem less retarded.
"...remember that one of the first lessons aspiring novelists and screenwriters learn is that the goodness of a hero is defined by a single quality - the badness of his opponent. From Superman's Lex Luthor to Batman's Joker to Indiana Jones' Nazis to Luke Skywalker's Darth Vader, for a hero to be perceived as larger than life, he must have a larger than life enemy...
...Rove and Bush realized that if they simply branded Osama as the criminal thug that he was - the leader of an obscure Islamic mafia with fewer than 20,000 serious members - they wouldn't have the super-villain they needed for George W. Bush to be seen as a super-hero. If Bush only authorized a police action, he'd miss a golden opportunity to position himself as the Battle Commander of The War Against Evil Incarnate.

And so began the building of the mythos. Osama as evil genius. Osama as worldwide mastermind. Even Osama as the antichrist (as General Boykin reminded us so candidly).

Even though Osama is almost certainly dead or badly disabled ... Bush can't afford to acknowledge that - to retain his Superman pose, George must continue to have a Kryptonite-equipped foe."

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels

ya gotta respect BushCo. because they understand the power of fear mongering and propaganda and they know how to use it.
If they did acknowledge that OBL was dead he would likely rise as a martyr quickly.
relax...we conservatives will save your sorry asses from the terrorists and ya can enjoy your lattes and listen to your professors diatribes while we do the fighting(dirty work)...when it is over we will take our VA benefits and get our degrees without all the student loan burden...have a nice vacation from pain!

Latte ? yech quit grouping all those who despise Bush and his fear machine together.

If they did acknowledge that OBL was dead he would likely rise as a martyr quickly.

I truly believe that UBL(OBL) passed on during the initial offensive or shortly after...his personna is being used by both sides...when he is no longer useful as a personna the truth shall come out...this is mis-information during wartime at it's best!