The Issue of Abortion

You still haven't posted a single shread of evidence that supports the innuendo, suppositions, accusations, or assertions that you keep spewing.

Show where all those aborted babies would have been abused and/or neglected.

You are quickly losing what little credability you may have had. :palm:

You gotta be fuckin' jokin'....creditability!!!!....
this, less than sane asshole, NEVER had any creditability.....

He wants to SAVE babies form poverty, and abuse and starvation by killing them.....and then adds that its ok because one of them MIGHT have become the next Hitler.....
Can't you see this is a fuckin' label him a lunatic is being charitable....and is unjust to real lunatics.....hes a waste of perfectly good oxygen....

You gotta be fuckin' jokin'....creditability!!!!....
this, less than sane asshole, NEVER had any creditability.....

He wants to SAVE babies form poverty, and abuse and starvation by killing them.....and then adds that its ok because one of them MIGHT have become the next Hitler.....
Can't you see this is a fuckin' label him a lunatic is being charitable....and is unjust to real lunatics.....hes a waste of perfectly good oxygen....

I was trying to give him an opportunity to defend his inane logic; but he doesn't seem to be able to take advantage of it.
The "clump of cells" is already a human may of may not become a adult human being...

and its worth repeating, a thousand times if necessary...
Originally Posted by bravo
..Orphanages, adoption, abuse, poverty, etc....are all far off the topic of discussion....
None of this has anything to do with abortion....any fuckin' clown that preaches its ok to kill babies to save them from poverty or abuse is plainly mentally defective. Why bother to seriously discuss anything with a psycho.

No babies are being killed. Try to grasp the sequence of events starting with a zygote, then an embryo, then a fetus, THEN a baby if/when a birth takes place.

It's like someone setting fire to a pile pf lumber on a vacant lot and the owner saying someone burnt his house down. There was no house.

On this planet we live in a world governed by time.

Just because abuse of children does not bother you it does concern others.
No babies are being killed. Try to grasp the sequence of events starting with a zygote, then an embryo, then a fetus, THEN a baby if/when a birth takes place.

It's like someone setting fire to a pile pf lumber on a vacant lot and the owner saying someone burnt his house down. There was no house.

On this planet we live in a world governed by time.

Just because abuse of children does not bother you it does concern others.

I think you might be on to something here, apple... We could use your reasoning to end poverty, homelessness, and welfare in America... we just exterminate these people, and they won't have to live that way anymore! Seems perfectly fair to me, after all, they have gotten to actually live some of their lives already, an unborn human being hasn't. Think of all the money we could save taking care of these burdens on society? And why stop there? We could terminate the life of handicapped people too! They certainly don't want to live with a handicap, what kind of life is that? While we're at it, we could take out the ugly as well... they shouldn't have to endure a life of loneliness and depression because they happened to get the short end of the stick on looks. You know, if we get the ball rolling on this, we could "fix" a whole lot of the problems society faces, and just think of what a wonderful world it would be?
Only those who don't understand.

Fortunately, the majority of society and the members of the S.C. do understand. Again, why continue to display your ignorance for all to see?

good lord, got a lot of nerve calling me ignorant.....I don't think there's another poster on this board that raises arguments as idiotic as yours......I can't think of anyone who hasn't already told you that, on both sides of the political spectrum........
Apple, if you lived in Sub-saharan Africa, would you kill yourself? How about a ghetto in Detriot, Oakland or LA?

Nature is designed so all living things struggle to live regardless of conditions. That is especially true when that is all it knows. On rare occasions one will commit suicide such as when a wealthy person looses everything.
You still haven't posted a single shread of evidence that supports the innuendo, suppositions, accusations, or assertions that you keep spewing.

Show where all those aborted babies would have been abused and/or neglected.

You are quickly losing what little credability you may have had. :palm:

Obviously you are unaware of the abuse and neglect children suffered in government/religious institutions and those who were "lucky" enough to be adopted.

I suggest you educate yourself before you accuse others of losing credibility.
If you're going to use the Bible to attempt to support your position, then you can't just cherry pick the parts you want and really need to apply it all.

The point is there always have been unwanted pregnancies and there always will be until society undergoes a fundamental change. Considering sex has always been a taboo subject perhaps the solution lies in changing that.

You gotta be fuckin' jokin'....creditability!!!!....
this, less than sane asshole, NEVER had any creditability.....

He wants to SAVE babies form poverty, and abuse and starvation by killing them.....and then adds that its ok because one of them MIGHT have become the next Hitler.....
Can't you see this is a fuckin' label him a lunatic is being charitable....and is unjust to real lunatics.....hes a waste of perfectly good oxygen....

But, but in msg. 166 you wrote,
The problem I have with your analysis is, you can't possibly determine what the course of life would be for every aborted human being. It's possible one of those aborted humans could have gone on to discover the cure for cancer.

So it is fair to say your position is it doesn't matter if children are neglected and abused as it's possible one of them might find a cancer cure? In that case I suppose teenage pregnancies should be celebrated. Women should have as many children as possible regardless of their ability to provide for them. After all, the children will survive, one way or another.

Are you an old hippy, Bravo? Did you live in a commune during the 60s? You know, free love? Get it on? Let nature take it's course?

You old bugger, you! :D
I think you might be on to something here, apple... We could use your reasoning to end poverty, homelessness, and welfare in America... we just exterminate these people, and they won't have to live that way anymore!

Or we could prevent bringing children into the world and subjecting them to neglect and abuse that frequently results in them experiencing poverty, homelessness and welfare later in life. Wouldn't that be the more sensible solution?
good lord, got a lot of nerve calling me ignorant.....I don't think there's another poster on this board that raises arguments as idiotic as yours......I can't think of anyone who hasn't already told you that, on both sides of the political spectrum........

Obviously you aren't aware of the private feedback I receive from posters.

In any case my arguments come to the same conclusion as the majority of the western world which is the need for legal abortion.

As I've noted before the entire world (except for a few who refuse to educate themselves) is familiar with the time when abortion was illegal. "Been there, done that." If you aren't aware of the injustice and pain and suffering that resulted for the women and children then, please, do some research.

While the US Supreme Court referred to "privacy matters" other western countries claimed different reasons for allowing abortion. (Not the government's business. A woman's right to her body. Fetuses are not human beings. Etc.) The only reasonable conclusion one can draw is those decision-makers looked at the big picture and simply chose the "legal right" by referring to their individual constitutions/laws.

We know. That is what one has to remember. We know what happens when abortions are illegal. As distasteful as legal abortion is the alternative is much, much worse. We know. As a species we've lived it and we still see the needless suffering going on today. We still see religious leaders condemning birth control while hundreds of children die every day due to illness and malnutrition.

We see poverty and crime attributed to adults who were neglected and abused as children. It's proven. Evidence abounds. Our prisons. Our welfare rolls. The proof is there.

Either you are ignorant of the facts or you just don't give a damn about anyone else. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I think euthanasia implies the consent of the person desiring it. The fetus is unable to give consent so, no, abortion is not euthanasia.
Euthanasia: The intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit.


Have you always been so fuckin' stupid or is your condition getting worse?
Obviously you aren't aware of the private feedback I receive from posters.
in your dreams?......there are probably a handful of people as stupid as you are.....some of them may even be capable of typing......but private feedback?

If you aren't aware of the injustice and pain and suffering that resulted for the women and children then, please, do some research.

you're a fool if you think it's worse than it is today....

(Not the government's business. A woman's right to her body. Fetuses are not human beings. Etc.)
yes, all fueled by the ignorance of our past..... now we are aware of how foolish those arguments were....

The only reasonable conclusion one can draw is those decision-makers looked at the big picture and simply chose the "legal right" by referring to their individual constitutions/laws.
the only reasonable conclusion is that they chose the wrong answer and it must be changed for the sake of society......we must stop being the generation of child killers.....

As distasteful as legal abortion is the alternative is much, much worse.
actually, we know the opposite.....and the proof of it?...

we still see the needless suffering going on today.

killing our children stopped nothing, but now we have 48 million dead children to answer for.......
Obviously you are unaware of the abuse and neglect children suffered in government/religious institutions and those who were "lucky" enough to be adopted.

I suggest you educate yourself before you accuse others of losing credibility.

And once again, post your data and show how the aborted children would have been neglected and/or abused.
The point is there always have been unwanted pregnancies and there always will be until society undergoes a fundamental change. Considering sex has always been a taboo subject perhaps the solution lies in changing that.

Which has nothing to do with people being responsible for their actions.
I'm sure you'll feel better after a breakfast of scrambled chickens.
They aren't chickens until they are fertilized. This is simplistic in application and lower than your normal capability in arguing such a topic. It's weak and silly to equate an unfertilized chicken egg with an early development human. Even the most vehement protector of the zygote understands the difference between an unfertilized ovum and one that has been fertilized as I suspect you do.