I'm not going to fall into the spin that you have always tried to do, when pressed to provided proof of your assertions.
You implied that all the aborted babies would have been neglected and/or abused.
Either show recent data (not 50 years ago) that supports your supposition, unless you're just once again pulling a feeling out of your ass.
Where did you receive your education? Have you ever heard the term "critical thinking"? Wiki defines it as, "Critical thinking, in its broadest sense has been described as "purposeful reflective judgment concerning what to believe or what to do."
"Purposeful reflective judgment"
Purposeful: having a purpose; significant
Reflective: given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation
Judgment: the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely,
So, what would happen if the country was flooded with unwanted children? To answer that question we have to use "critical thinking" or "purposeful reflective judgment concerning what to believe or what to do."
When contemplating future events one looks to the past to see if there was a similar situation and what occurred. (I know that's difficult for anti-abortionists as they consider the present and the future as one.)
Anyway, we have plenty of information on what happened to unwanted children. First hand information from a number of countries. Critical thinking, or "purposeful reflective judgment", informs us exactly what would happen should the same situation arise since nothing material has changed.
We still have children living in poverty and people complaining about helping them because they don't want their taxes to increase. "To hell with the single mother and her child" is the Conservative mantra. It doesn't take a lot of thinking to understand what would happen to children in an institution.
As to your comment "...you're just once again pulling a feeling out of your ass" I submit your problem may be due to your being anal-retentive. Take your mind off your ass and put it to good use by educating yourself.
As for your comment, "I'm not going to fall into the spin..." there is no spin. I'm asked you to let me know why you believe unwanted children wouldn't be neglected and abused. On what do you base your belief other than using your ass as a magic eight ball?