But that's exactly what makes them less than human just as someone in training is less than a professional. Just as eggs and milk and flour in a bowl is less than a cake. Just as a trail cut through the bush is less than a highway. Just as an undergraduate is less than a graduate.
Somewhere along the way you've picked up a science book well before having the intelligence to understand it. Perhaps you might want to check out this site.
Or you've read too many sci-fi magazines. Tomorrow is not today. There is no time travel. And human beings, unlike embryos, can not be placed in a freezer for six months, defrosted, then continue on with their life. That's not to say folks are not trying. Places like
http://www.alcor.org/ freeze people's heads and hope that future technology (nano technology) will be able to repair any damage done by the freezing process.
Having said that it begs the obvious question. Have you gone out in sub-freezing temperatures without a hat?
I see you're one of those folks who require "doing" rather than just reading so here's something to try. Look for a simple cake recipe on the net and add chickens where it specifies eggs. Let us know how that works for you.
Even premature fetuses can not breathe properly due to the lungs not having finished forming. It is not a self-sufficient anything. The process to becoming a human being has not been completed.
There is nothing dehumanizing about it. It is a fact.
The point you miss, again, is that is can live somewhere else because it is a complete "unit".
Do you know of a way to remove a 3 month old fetus and continue it's survival? If so, please share. Otherwise, as the old saying goes, STFU.