The Jenna Bush Marriage: Hmmmm....she's either getting fat, or she's pregnant

Damnit! The picture won't load for me at work.

I always thought she was a borderline chubster, and a real mu mu just waiting to bust out, so, I wont' jump to the pregnant conclusion.

Plus, you know, it would just be TOO FUCKING DELICIOUS! lol
Damnit! The picture won't load for me at work.

I always thought she was a borderline chubster, and a real mu mu just waiting to bust out, so, I wont' jump to the pregnant conclusion.

Plus, you know, it was just be TOO FUCKING DELICIOUS! lol

This is going to be a real bummer for cawacko.

Now that jenna's got her wedding ring, she's either letting herself go and becoming a real porker....or, this was a shot gun wedding. ;)
This is going to be a real bummer for cawacko.

Now that jenna's got her wedding ring, she's either letting herself go and becoming a real porker....or, this was a shot gun wedding. ;)
She has always been just before that line... However, the way she holds the arms and the way others appear to conveniently block the abdomen during times they know they are being photogralphed...

I can't really say. I will say, I was engaged for over a year, we set the date and everything, but we were pregnant 3 months before the wedding...

very observant Damo.

I assumed this website was just spoofing. I always thought jenna was a bit of a porker, just like darla said. But, I'll trust your keen eyes on this one.
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We will see if the date for the weddig comes really quickly.

Sometimes girls just gain a little when they find that right guy because they arent making themselfs sick trying to stay thinner than their body wants to be.

I will feel nothing less about her if she is but it would be an embarrasment for the people who think the Rs have cornerd the market on morality.

I really dont know how anyone can think that with the rapes charges and blowjobs that have come out recently.
We will see if the date for the weddig comes really quickly.

Sometimes girls just gain a little when they find that right guy because they arent making themselfs sick trying to stay thinner than their body wants to be.I will feel nothing less about her if she is but it would be an embarrasment for the people who think the Rs have cornerd the market on morality.

I really dont know how anyone can think that with the rapes charges and blowjobs that have come out recently.

Also a possibility.
Good Lord..........

This thread sounds like a bunch of middle aged spinsters having brunch and gossiping as they drool bits of coffee and donuts down their sad!