The Jenna Bush Marriage: Hmmmm....she's either getting fat, or she's pregnant

Check out this picture. It's chilling and made me naseous. She looks like her father, which I never noticed before, probably because i have spent nowhere near the time Cawacko has spent staring at her. Oh, and she's not beautiful, I'm way better looking, and I don't consider myself beautiful, and her fiance looks like he should have "NERD" stamped on his forehead and a pocket protector.

And both of these little shits should be in Iraq. He worked for Rove and met her while working on bush's 04 campaign. Two dirty war supporters screwing their brains out, instead of putting their asses where their big mouths are. Meanwhile, we have soldiers on their 4th tour, dying to come home, who only wish they could sit around posing for photographers while "supporting the troops" and cheering the war from home. Sickening, all around.

She looks like George. Just like him.
yeap she looks like Barbra Bush and her dad.

I do think she is a very pretty young woman though

I don't. Unless that is just a bad shot of her. As I said, I haven't paid any attention before now, I knew she was blonde, that was it.

The resemblence to W is just gross. That's his smile, his eyes, his face, right there.
I think Bush is a nice looking man.

Not my type because I have a hard time with pointy noses for some reason.

His face does make me want to wretch because of what he has done though.

The same with Barbras face
I don't. Unless that is just a bad shot of her. As I said, I haven't paid any attention before now, I knew she was blonde, that was it.

The resemblence to W is just gross. That's his smile, his eyes, his face, right there.
It's like looking at the Presley girl. Her face is Elvis' face, it's freaky.
It's like looking at the Presley girl. Her face is Elvis' face, it's freaky.

Yeah, but he was gorgeous when young, and if you can put herside her freakiness, she is actually a beautiful girl. Plus, you know, neither one a lying murderer, so, props for that.
I agree froggy, Barbra looks like a Linebacker.

I think prissila Presley is creepy looking , but I never thought elvis was all that either.

I just have problems with pointy noses for some reason.