Somebody's being silly, Bigdoggie- and it ain't me;
You'll be signing, of course, unlike the ethnic cleanser, guno.
It's Da Jews moonie, Da Jews.
Somebody's being silly, Bigdoggie- and it ain't me;
You'll be signing, of course, unlike the ethnic cleanser, guno.
It's Da Jews, Da Jews.![]()
Jewish fascists spraying sewage into densely populated Shuafat camp:
This is the face of US-supported ethnic-cleansing in Palestine.
Now you're just arguing for the sake of it. One last time- a state does not have to be subscribed to the ICC to be affected by its rulings. Why do you think that the Israeli fascists were mortified when Palestine was recognized by the UN and gained access to the ICC ?
What's that supposed to mean ? You don't know that the UN has an executive branch ? Chapter Seven Resolutions can be backed by military force ? You don't know that ?
A minority of countries do not recognize the Palestinian state. They are those which are beholden to the US , partners in crime, if you like. The PLO lost the elections to Hamas in 2006. It took a US-organized coup to keep our puppet, Abbas, in power in the West Bank. His tenure ended years ago. The US and the Israeli fascists act in tandem to prevent further elections because they know that Hamas would win by a landslide. Again. If you think that the PLO today is a shadow of Arafat then you are hugely mistaken.
Anyway- you don't have anything to offer other than crusty canards , long debunked and consigned to the prosemitic dumpster.
The ICC investigation of Israeli crimes continues. Palestinian support grows daily along with condemnation of Israeli atrocities. Palestine will be free of your parasites.
Jordan has fuck all to do with it. It's just another prosemitic canard by thieving Zionists who want Palestine ethnically cleansed of Palestinians. Good luck with that.
There will be a reckoning.
"U.S. Department of State
MARCH 3, 2021
Today, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), whose term ends in June, confirmed the opening of an investigation into the Palestinian situation. The United States firmly opposes and is deeply disappointed by this decision. The ICC has no jurisdiction over this matter. Israel is not a party to the ICC and has not consented to the Court’s jurisdiction, and we have serious concerns about the ICC’s attempts to exercise its jurisdiction over Israeli personnel. The Palestinians do not qualify as a sovereign state and therefore, are not qualified to obtain membership as a state in, participate as a state in, or delegate jurisdiction to the ICC.
The Prosecutor’s statement acknowledges some of the many reasons why the ICC will first take its time to determine its priorities, given its limited resources and other challenges, and not proceed to conduct any investigative activity related to this situation. She has previously recognized that “it would be contrary to judicial economy to carry out an investigation in the judicially untested jurisdictional context of this situation only to find out subsequently that relevant legal bases were lacking.” As she acknowledges, that very possibility remains as likely today as ever. The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I’s decision of February 5 did not resolve the serious legal questions arising from any exercise of territorial jurisdiction in this matter, suggesting potential temporal, territorial, and nationality gaps in the finding of jurisdiction in future cases, leaving it to the Prosecutor to navigate such complicated circumstances.
The United States remains deeply committed to ensuring justice and accountability for international atrocity crimes. We recognize the role that international tribunals such as the ICC can play—within their respective mandates—in the pursuit of those important objectives. The ICC was established by its States Parties as a Court of limited jurisdiction. Those limits on the Court’s mandate are rooted in fundamental principles of international law and must be respected.
Moreover, the United States believes a peaceful, secure and more prosperous future for the people of the Middle East depends on building bridges and creating new avenues for dialogue and exchange, not unilateral judicial actions that exacerbate tensions and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution.
Of course Jordan is significant. It's border, established under the Brit Mandate, is the last legally drawn boundary.
Jordan violated the mandate, broke the law and stole the West Bank.
Resolution 181 defined the Jewish Homeland and the Palestinian Homeland. If you want to un-define Israel, go right ahead. You'll have a few billion supporters.
Again, No, it did NOT.
"UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States."
..the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948, has abolished forever the idea of acquisition of territory by military conquest. No matter who was the aggressor, international borders cannot change by the process of war. Resort to war is itself illegal, and while self-defense is of course legal, the self-defense cannot go so far as to constitute a new war of aggression all its own. And if it does, the land taken may at best be temporarily occupied, but cannot be annexed.[/b] Thus after all the wars, the bloodshed, aggressions and counter-aggressions, acts of terror, reprisals, and attendant UN resolutions, nothing has changed the legal situation as it existed after Resolution 181 in 1947. The legal boundaries of Israel and Palestine remain today exactly as they were delimited in Resolution 181.
Yes, it did- and the Zionists accepted the division.
The resolution did not have to be binding. The borders between the two states were set by Resolution 181 and the General Assembly agreed it. Both parties were contained by other binding international laws and so any attempt by either to encroach upon the other was illegal then and remains illegal today. International law- to which all states are subject- forbade the Zionists to land-grab Palestine.
From the Northwest School of law;
Your boys are criminals. Only US support is keeping them in place- and that will change.
I used to believe the media BIG LIE that UNGAR 181 was inviolate international law. But with a little research, it turns out it's just a RECOMMENDATION for when the British mandate ENDED.
Kellogg-Briand? ... no, when the Mandate ended on May 14, the territory from the river to the sea became self governing.
Because the Muslims refused to agree to 181, it became null and void. The recommendations were NEVER international borders. . As evidenced by 5 Muslim State Armies invading to annex the whole territory, militarily, ... the instant British rule ended.
The only violation of KB, is Jordan annexing the West Bank.
..the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948, has abolished forever the idea of acquisition of territory by military conquest. No matter who was the aggressor, international borders cannot change by the process of war. Resort to war is itself illegal, and while self-defense is of course legal, the self-defense cannot go so far as to constitute a new war of aggression all its own. And if it does, the land taken may at best be temporarily occupied, but cannot be annexed. Thus after all the wars, the bloodshed, aggressions and counter-aggressions, acts of terror, reprisals, and attendant UN resolutions, nothing has changed the legal situation as it existed after Resolution 181 in 1947. The legal boundaries of Israel and Palestine remain today exactly as they were delimited in Resolution 181.
Nah- you're just regurgitating hasbara canards.
181 PASSED even though Arab states objected. The Jews accepted the division.
181 delineated the Jewish Homeland and the Arab Homeland. The borders are inviolate under international law as outlined again below.
Any attempt by either to capture part of the other is illegal under international law as outlined again below
The Jews must return to their ascribed territory as demanded by Resolution 242- which is based upon the inarguable illegality of taking of territory by force.
Zionism has no valid arguments.
Every year the UN confirms its resolutions against Israel.
Palestine is a UN-recognized state
No wonder you got banned at Berkeley. You refuse to obey the law.
Nah- you're just regurgitating hasbara canards.
181 PASSED even though Arab states objected. The Jews accepted the division.
181 delineated the Jewish Homeland and the Arab Homeland. The borders are inviolate under international law as outlined again below.
Any attempt by either to capture part of the other is illegal under international law as outlined again below
The Jews must return to their ascribed territory as demanded by Resolution 242- which is based upon the inarguable illegality of taking of territory by force.
Zionism has no valid arguments.
Every year the UN confirms its resolutions against Israel.
Palestine is a UN-recognized state
Res 242 is very vague and further complicated by French and English versions.
It had to be vague or it would not have gotten the votes.
Show me in 242 where specifically it says the Jews must withdrawal from the West Bank
242 was a 'land for peace" deal.
Show me in the UN charter where the UNGA has the legal authority to grant sovereign Statehood.
Your quote on KB, without a source, is just a blogger's opinion.
Haw, haw- you think that thr UN doesn't speak both English and French. Haw, haw.
Wishful speculation
That would be the bit where it says that the Jews must withdraw from the West Bank.
1. Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles
requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace
in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
242 is not a ' deal '- it's a Chapter VI ruling.
It doesn't. I haven't suggested that it does. Again ( again ) 181 is the partition resolution. The parties are tied to their divisions by the international rulings so described. The Jews agreed to the borders described therein. It doesn't matter that the Arabs didn't- the Resolution PASSED.
No, it's the legal opinion by a Leighton Professor at Law. Just search with the given text and you'll happen across the full paper.
However, if you want to challenge the rulings of ' the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948' then you're going to have to do it without me- as I'm not going to get drawn into such abject silliness.
You have crumbled.
You're starting to sound like your boy Biden, just babbling gibberish, using undefined terminology, and contradicting yourself. (and no source links for your quotes).
And your KB quote is still just an OPINION ... of some white lib nazi professor ... not a ruling.
You've collapsed in the face of international law- just as Zionism will.
Your attempts to fudge responses are juvenile forum horseshit.