The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Dutch Uncle
When you think of my purple dick do you picture it fully erect and throbbing, Ms. Moon? #83
Suicide bombs and terrorism are illegal, Ms. Moon.

Says the perverted racist prick.
The British Mandate passed into law via UNGAR 181 in 1947 when the UN took on the , previously-British, responsibilities for Palestine. Resolution 181 clearly defines the borders of each partitioned state, Jewish and Arab.
International law forbade/forbids either state from encroaching upon the other.
Occupation is illegal. Annexation is illegal. There will never be any ' Greater Israel '. Palestinian statehood awaits full recognition under law. Israel declared statehood unilaterally. Palestine may do the same.

Res 181 is NOT international law as you claim.
Res 181 is NOT international law as you claim.

I don't claim that it is. Res 181 was an advisory Resolution which PASSED into law as the authoritative partition plan for Palestine into three divisions, a Jewish state, an Arab state and the international territory of Jerusalem. Those divisions are protected by binding international law and the UN Charter.

Do you think that you might tire of inventing 'claims' for me quite soon ?
I don't claim that it is. Res 181 was an advisory Resolution which PASSED into law as the authoritative partition plan for Palestine into three divisions, a Jewish state, an Arab state and the international territory of Jerusalem. Those divisions are protected by binding international law and the UN Charter.

Do you think that you might tire of inventing 'claims' for me quite soon ?

Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW. :palm:
Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW. :palm:

Once again- for the convoy's slow ships- the borders agreed upon by the ACCEPTANCE of the Resolution by the United Nations are clearly defined in the maps associated with UNGAR 181 . Those borders are backed by binding international law , the same international law which backs Resolution 242 in demanding that the Israeli fascists withdraw from territories illegally occupied in 1967.

Territory can never be gained by force. Britain held legal Mandate title to Palestine and, by design, that title passed to the United Nations as Resolution 181 was passed.
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Once again- for the convoy's slow ships- the borders agreed upon by the ACCEPTANCE of the Resolution by the United Nations are clearly defined in the maps associated with UNGAR 181 . Those borders are backed by binding international law , the same international law which backs Resolution 242 in demanding that the Israeli fascists withdraw from territories illegally occupied in 1967.

Territory can never be gained by force.

Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW, international or otherwise.
Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW, international or otherwise.

Once again- for the convoy's slow ships- the borders agreed upon by the ACCEPTANCE of the Resolution by the United Nations are clearly defined in the maps associated with UNGAR 181 . Those borders are backed by binding international law , the same international law which backs Resolution 242 in demanding that the Israeli fascists withdraw from territories illegally occupied in 1967.

Territory can never be gained by force. Britain held legal Mandate title to Palestine and, by design, that title passed to the United Nations as Resolution 181 was passed.

Thus Israel's borders were legally established by the United Nations Partition Resolution of 1947, which ended Great Britain's power as a trustee on condition that an Arab State and a Jewish State would be established with borders as demarkated in the text of the resolution.

Legally? Wrong. Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW.

Res 181 did NOT even guarantee a Jewish State.

Even the ISRAELI'S agreed with the Resolution 181 borders when they unilaterally declared independence- so do quit repeating that neo-Zionist nonsense.

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, in a ceremony in Tel Aviv, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel."[43] Epstein, Agent, Provisional Government of Israel said in a letter to President Truman seeking recognition from the U.S government, sent immediately after the Declaration of May 14, 1948, "that the state of Israel has been proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947",[44] (i.e., within the area designated as the "Jewish state" in the partition plan).

Truman subsequently recognized the state of Israel according to the 181 borders and NOWHERE ELSE
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On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, in a ceremony in Tel Aviv, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel."[43] Epstein, Agent, Provisional Government of Israel said in a letter to President Truman seeking recognition from the U.S government, sent immediately after the Declaration of May 14, 1948, "that the state of Israel has been proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947",[44] (i.e., within the area designated as the "Jewish state" in the partition plan).

Rubbish. No source link, again. :palm:

Res 181 NEVER passed into LAW as you claim.
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I'll tell you again- just paste the text into a search engine;

So give your reasoning as to why you think so- and we'll stack you up against international law.

Thank you for YOUR source.

Israel Declaration of Independence
"The borders were not specified in the Declaration, although its 14th paragraph indicated a willingness to cooperate in the implementation of the UN Partition Plan. The original draft had declared that the borders would be decided by the UN partition plan. While this was supported by Rosen and Bechor-Shalom Sheetrit, it was opposed by Ben-Gurion and Zisling, with Ben-Gurion stating, "We accepted the UN Resolution, but the Arabs did not. They are preparing to make war on us. If we defeat them and capture western Galilee or territory on both sides of the road to Jerusalem, these areas will become part of the state. Why should we obligate ourselves to accept boundaries that in any case the Arabs don't accept?"[8] The inclusion of the designation of borders in the text was dropped after the provisional government of Israel, the Minhelet HaAm, voted 5–4 against it.[9] The Revisionists, committed to a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River (that is, including Transjordan), wanted the phrase "within its historic borders" included, but were unsuccessful."

Because it NEVER passed into LAW. It was always just a recommendation for when the British mandate ended.
Thank you for YOUR source.

Israel Declaration of Independence
"The borders were not specified in the Declaration, although its 14th paragraph indicated a willingness to cooperate in the implementation of the UN Partition Plan. The original draft had declared that the borders would be decided by the UN partition plan. While this was supported by Rosen and Bechor-Shalom Sheetrit, it was opposed by Ben-Gurion and Zisling, with Ben-Gurion stating, "We accepted the UN Resolution, but the Arabs did not. They are preparing to make war on us. If we defeat them and capture western Galilee or territory on both sides of the road to Jerusalem, these areas will become part of the state. Why should we obligate ourselves to accept boundaries that in any case the Arabs don't accept?"[8] The inclusion of the designation of borders in the text was dropped after the provisional government of Israel, the Minhelet HaAm, voted 5–4 against it.[9] The Revisionists, committed to a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River (that is, including Transjordan), wanted the phrase "within its historic borders" included, but were unsuccessful."

Because it NEVER passed into LAW. It was always just a recommendation for when the British mandate ended.

Despite the semantic shenanigans of the terror-gang leader, ben Gurion.Israel's final draft of its , unilateral, declaration of Independence recognizes 181 and acknowledges that Israel will implement it. ;

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL is prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th November, 1947, and will take steps to bring about the economic union of the whole of Eretz-Israel.

Further, Israel asked other countries, including the US, to recognize it as a state within the borders designated by 181. Truman accepted that. Neither Truman- nor anybody else, agreed to recognize an Israeli state without any borders. That is pure Zionist wishful-thinking. Quite obviously, a state has to have borders in order to be recognized. That is one of the requirements of statehood. There are NO states that have no designated borders.

Again- the request to the US for recognition;

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, in a ceremony in Tel Aviv, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel."[43] Epstein, Agent, Provisional Government of Israel said in a letter to President Truman seeking recognition from the U.S government, sent immediately after the Declaration of May 14, 1948, "that the state of Israel has been proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947",[44] (i.e., within the area designated as the "Jewish state" in the partition plan).

Israel was, therefore, recognized on the 181 borders then and Israel's legal borders remain as they were recognized . Any alterations to those borders were, of course, made with the agreements of any other state party.
Invasion is illegal. Palestine, the territory desiganated Arab by 181, has been illegally invaded and illegally occupied. Occupation is illegal and Israel's illegal squatters are required, by law, to return to within the legal borders of the recognized Israeli state. 242 requires its military to withdraw and the binding Geneva Conventions- to which Israel is a ratified signatory- bars any transfer of populations into , or out of, occupied territory.

Your boys are criminals, Bigdoggie- and who can blame anybody for not wanting to give criminals a forum.
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UN News 20 October 2022

Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory illegal

Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful under international law due to its permanence and the Israeli government’s de facto annexation policies, a UN-appointed Commission of Inquiry said in its first report, published on Thursday.

The three-member Commission is pushing for the issue to be referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN’s highest court.
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They stressed that under international humanitarian law, the occupation of territory in wartime is a temporary situation and does not deprive the occupied power of its statehood or sovereignty.


And there you have it.
Now- if you DON'T support international law then you are inviting war, the invasion of all countries and turning a blind eye to the future rounding-up and extermination of the world's minorities , including Jews.
Despite the semantic shenanigans of the terror-gang leader, ben Gurion.Israel's final draft of its , unilateral, declaration of Independence recognizes 181 and acknowledges that Israel will implement it.

"prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations";

Yep, Israel was willing to accept the 181 recommendations for peace. No one has argued otherwise. :dunno:

Further, Israel asked other countries, including the US, to recognize it as a state within the borders designated by 181. Truman accepted that. Neither Truman- nor anybody else, agreed to recognize an Israeli state without any borders. That is pure Zionist wishful-thinking. Quite obviously, a state has to have borders in order to be recognized. That is one of the requirements of statehood. There are NO states that have no designated borders.

Again- the request to the US for recognition;

Yet, Palestine declared independence is 1988 without delineating any borders. :dunno:

Of course, Ben-Gurion said "frontiers" not borders. And Truman had no authority to determine Israel's manifest destiny or its borders.

What laid beyond the "frontiers" was unsettled wilderness, NOT A STATE.

Israel was, therefore, recognized on the 181 borders then and Israel's legal borders remain as they were recognized . Any alterations to those borders were, of course, made with the agreements of any other state party.
Invasion is illegal. Palestine, the territory desiganated Arab by 181, has been illegally invaded and illegally occupied. Occupation is illegal and Israel's illegal squatters are required, by law, to return to within the legal borders of the recognized Israeli state. 242 requires its military to withdraw and the binding Geneva Conventions- to which Israel is a ratified signatory- bars any transfer of populations into , or out of, occupied territory.

Your boys are criminals, Bigdoggie- and who can blame anybody for not wanting to give criminals a forum.

Total manufactured bullshit.

There was no Palestine State in 1948 (unless you count Jordan), only unclaimed, ungoverned wilderness, ... beyond the Frontier.

242 makes absolutely no reference to the 181 border recommendations. And as evidenced by legal precedents with Egypt and Jordan, for Israel to withdraw, there must be a Recognition of its right to exist, and a Peace Treaty with security. Which the Muslims have refused to do since 1947.

Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW as you claim.
And there you have it.
Now- if you DON'T support international law then you are inviting war, the invasion of all countries and turning a blind eye to the future rounding-up and extermination of the world's minorities , including Jews.

And the article leaves "Palestinian territory" undefined. You have nothing.

And many countries, including the U.S., Russia, and China do NOT recognize the authority of ICJ. :dunno:
Yep, Israel was willing to accept the 181 recommendations for peace. No one has argued otherwise. :dunno:

You think that you're going to get away with the FACT that Israel also accepted the border definitions of 181 ? Astounding attempt at cherry-picking

Haw, haw.........................haw.

Yet, Palestine declared independence is 1988 without delineating any borders. :dunno:

181 already did that.

Of course, Ben-Gurion said "frontiers" not borders. And Truman had no authority to determine Israel's manifest destiny or its borders.

What laid beyond the "frontiers" was unsettled wilderness, NOT A STATE.

Truman accepted the 181 borders as identified by the newly-declared Israeli state. I've already posted that twice. ben Gurion's letter to Truman contains no ambiguities.

There was no ' wilderness'. The British documented Palestinian civilization very thoroughly.

There was no Palestine State in 1948 (unless you count Jordan), only unclaimed, ungoverned wilderness, ... beyond the Frontier.

There was a territory- as delineated by 181. There was no Israeli state either until Israel's unilateral declaration and its ACCEPTANCE by the world community.

242 makes absolutely no reference to the 181 border recommendations. And as evidenced by legal precedents with Egypt and Jordan, for Israel to withdraw, there must be a Recognition of its right to exist, and a Peace Treaty with security. Which the Muslims have refused to do since 1947.

242 references existing laws with respect to territorial integrity.

Res 181 was NEVER passed into LAW as you claim.

You keep parroting this nonsense. A repeated lie never becomes truth.
And the article leaves "Palestinian territory" undefined. You have nothing.

181 defines the Palestinian state - and also the Jewish state. They were agreed as a pair. I have the law. You have violence, illegal occupation and dumbass US Evangelists.

And many countries, including the U.S., Russia, and China do NOT recognize the authority of ICJ. :dunno:

Bullies and criminals aren't fond of the law, true.