Satire for Sanity
You are bullshitting everyone.
No- but you have become , like so many others, a dodging obfuscation monkey.
UNGAR 181 did NOT create States or international borders.
Yes, so we've both been saying for pages past. What is your point in continually repeating it ?
Again, 181 proposed three partitions. It passed by majority UNGA vote with Jewish support in 1947. Thus homelands were created , one for Jews, one for Arabs along with the international territory of Jerusalem. The Resolution was the product of the dissolution of the British Mandate for Palestine and carried the legal authority of the Mandate which ended in 1948. The borders so described are protected to this day by the UN with the backing of international law.
I suggest that you don't even know which legal authority protects them- and that's why you continue to produce meaningless obfuscationary fluff. Prove me wrong or be silent.
Territory can never be gained by force. The Zionist invaders must withdraw.
UNGAR 181 partitioned Palestine, according to and backed by the British plan with the legal authority of their Mandate for Palestine, into three partitions- one for a Jewish homeland, one for the indigenous Arabs and the international territory of Jerusalem. Borders may not be changed by force and both invasion and annexation are illegal under international law.
Your criminal Zionists are required , by law, to withdraw from Palestine. They are also being investigated by the ICC
So then- let's see you outline your understanding of the international laws which protect the territories of Israel, Palestine and Jerusalem. The laws are BINDING so you're not going to escape them .
My guess is that you can't- and you'll be back with more repetitious obfuscation.

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