The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

I gave a precise definition: "Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

If that is too many words to take in try: CRT is the study and theory of how perceptions of race shape our society.

For every CRT theorist and defender of CRT there are a few hundred or so handwringing Right wingers.

That isn't a definition, it's word salad. It doesn't define CRT it tries to tell us who uses it and what the potential outcomes are. It says absolutely nothing about what CRT is or how it works.

I assume you got that drivel from some radical Leftist academic site. Those often produce ponderous, wordy, and totally meaningless drivel like that.

If that is too many words to take in try: CRT is the study and theory of how perceptions of race shape our society.

Your attempt here to define it is drivel too. If I wanted to use CRT myself, could I do so correctly starting with your definition and nothing else? I don't think so...
Originally Posted by martin View Post
I gave a precise definition: "Critical race theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shape, and are shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity."

Yes. My own conception of ' race ' disappeared when I discovered that it didn't exist.
That isn't a definition, it's word salad. It doesn't define CRT it tries to tell us who uses it and what the potential outcomes are. It says absolutely nothing about what CRT is or how it works.

I assume you got that drivel from some radical Leftist academic site. Those often produce ponderous, wordy, and totally meaningless drivel like that.

Your attempt here to define it is drivel too. If I wanted to use CRT myself, could I do so correctly starting with your definition and nothing else? I don't think so...

The definition is from a politically neutral academic source, which puts it over your head.
"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."

The NY Post is responsible for about half the misinformation on JPP.
Irrelevant appeal to authority. And, by your admission, it appears I was spot on in my assessment of where it came from.

The birdbrain equates "radical leftist" with "politically neutral" though, in his defense, politically neutral and radical leftist are not much different in his birdbrain world.
Yes. My own conception of ' race ' disappeared when I discovered that it didn't exist.

Well then, if you want to keep your "liberul card", ... you definitely need to take some CRT training.
The NY Post is responsible for about half the misinformation on JPP.

Who is responsible for the other half? :0)

The Dean is trying to do damage control, parse and spin. Are any of these sources satisfactory ... since the nypost got the Hunter laptop story so wrong. (sarcasm off)

The Jerusalem Post
UC Berkeley Law student groups ban Zionist speakers
UC Berkeley's Law Students for Justice in Palestine (LSJP) declared that not inviting pro-Zionist speakers was necessary for “the safety and...
.2 days ago

UC Berkeley Law School's 'Jew Free Zones': the Latest Progressive Trend | Opinion
For several decades, Jewish college students have been sounding the alarm about rising antisemitism on college campuses.
.1 day ago

Israel Hayom
Latest anti-Israel measure at Berkeley Law raises concern in Israel
Anti-Israeli activities, sometimes exceeding certain boundaries and developing into antisemitism, is a familiar and common temperament...
.1 day ago

The Democrat party has an established sordid history of anti Semitism and siding with Muslims against the Jewish Nation.
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Who is responsible for the other half? :0)

The Dean is trying to do damage control, parse and spin. Are any of these sources satisfactory ... since the nypost got the Hunter laptop story so wrong. (sarcasm off)

The NY Post broke the Biden story but that doesn't make it a creditable source. The National Enquirer broke the Bill Cosby story but it is like the NYPost--a tabloid.

If you read all those stories about Berkeley it is somewhat exaggerated and misleading. There are no Jew free zones. If a liberal/conservative student group chooses not to invite somebody of the opposite political view to speak (which they almost never do) that doesn't mean that person cannot speak on campus. It just means those pro-Palestinian groups will not invite them which they were very unlikely to do before they changed their bylaws.
Well then, if you want to keep your "liberul card", ... you definitely need to take some CRT training.

The absence of ' race ' is the basis of CRT. It ridicules those who act according to imaginary divisions.

On a non-racial issue - your thread heading. Why do you fail to differentiate between Judaism, a religious movement- and Zionism, a political movement ?
The absence of ' race ' is the basis of CRT. It ridicules those who act according to imaginary divisions.

On a non-racial issue - your thread heading. Why do you fail to differentiate between Judaism, a religious movement- and Zionism, a political movement ?


crt is breathing new life into racial stereotypes that were dying.

crt is the divide and conquer of populations along racial lines.

whiteness is being on time and being able to do fractions......etc.
The absence of ' race ' is the basis of CRT. It ridicules those who act according to imaginary divisions.

On a non-racial issue - your thread heading. Why do you fail to differentiate between Judaism, a religious movement- and Zionism, a political movement ?

No, CRT divides children by race and teaches them to judge everyone according to skin color, just like Democrats.

Because Zionism is a Jewish led political movement to reclaim the religious homeland of their Temple. The Jewish State of Israel would not, and will not, exist without it.

The first day modern Israel became a nation on May 15, 1948, the Muslims broke the U.N. international law, invaded and attempted a second Jewish genocide, ... just 3 years after the Nazi's genocide ended.
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The NY Post broke the Biden story but that doesn't make it a creditable source. The National Enquirer broke the Bill Cosby story but it is like the NYPost--a tabloid.

If you read all those stories about Berkeley it is somewhat exaggerated and misleading. There are no Jew free zones. If a liberal/conservative student group chooses not to invite somebody of the opposite political view to speak (which they almost never do) that doesn't mean that person cannot speak on campus. It just means those pro-Palestinian groups will not invite them which they were very unlikely to do before they changed their bylaws.

Yes, nypost broke the laptop story and was censored (under pressure from the Dems and FBI) and defamed for it, ... and for a year, all the Democrat media claimed it was a Russian hoax until they admitted they were all lying to us.

The Berkeley story was broken by the Jewish Journal, not the nypost.

And Berkely's Dean reprimanded the 9 student groups that vowed to implement their Zionist Jew ban, ... pointing out that it would ban him and many of the school's students.
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No, CRT divides children by race and teaches them to judge everyone according to skin color, just like Democrats.

That's a very weird perception of it.

Because Zionism is a Jewish led political movement to reclaim the religious homeland of their Temple. The Jewish State of Israel would not, and will not, exist without it.

No, there are far more Christian Zionists than there are Jews, let alone ' Jewish Zionists ' . Political Zionism USED the Shoa in order to occupy Palestine. Judaism is its fig leaf. Also, there is no ' Jewish State of Israel '. 25% of Israelis are not Jewish.

The first day modern Israel became a nation on May 15, 1948, the Muslims broke the U.N. international law, invaded and attempted a second Jewish genocide, ... just 3 years after the Nazi's genocide ended.

That's the Zionist narrative. The fact is that Zionist terror-gangs had razed many Palestinian villages, murdered thousands of indigenous Palestinians and displaced thousands more before the Arab League attempted to intervene. Of course, Israel's declaration of independence was unilateral. Truman recognized it for VOTES- against all advice- and never recognized a ' Jewish ' state. In fact he crossed out ' Jewish state ' on the document and inserted ' State of Israel '. Attempting to blame the Arabs is yesterday's hasbara.

Those that support Israel are supporting political Zionism, not Jews- and political Zionism is a foul doctrine of ethnic cleansing. Of course, nobody wants to think that they've been fooled, but................

Haw, haw...............................haw.
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That's a very weirtd perception of it.

No, there are far more Christian Zionists than there are Jews, let alone ' Jewish Zionists ' . Political Zionism USED the Shoa in order to occupy Palestine. Judaism is its fig leaf. Also, there is no ' Jewish State of Israel '. 25% of Israelis are not Jewish.

That's the Zionist narrative. The fact is that Zionist terror-gangs had razed many Palestinian villages, murdered thousands of indigenous Palestinians and displaced thousands more before the Arab League attempted to intervene. Of course, Israel's declaration of independence was unilateral. Truman recognized it for VOTES- against all advice- and never recognized a ' Jewish ' state. In fact he crossed out ' Jewish state ' on the document and inserted ' State of Israel '. Attempting to blame the Arabs is yesterday's hasbara.

Those that support Israel are supporting political Zionism, not Jews- and political Zionism is a foul doctrine of ethnic cleansing. Of course, nobody wants to think that they've been fooled, but................

Haw, haw...............................haw.

Moonie, was this thread designed to suck uou in? I read the title and knew it would land in your lap.
Yes, nypost broke the laptop story and was censored (under pressure from the Dems and FBI) and defamed for it, ... and for a year, all the Democrat media claimed it was a Russian hoax until they admitted they were all lying to us.

The Berkeley story was broken by the Jewish Journal, not the nypost.

And Berkely's Dean reprimanded the 9 student groups that vowed to implement their Zionist Jew ban, ... pointing out that it would ban him and many of the school's students.

Because a news source did not carry a story because of lack of information to support it, that is not censorship. There was no lack of coverage of the laptop story. You could easily go to the website of the NYPost to get all the stories. Is that too difficult to do? Despite claims of Facebook censoring it the NYPost has a Facebook page and those stories were available there and many other sources.

The right says they don't read the mainstream media and then complains it is censoring stories which could be found everywhere. If a person does not read the mainstream media he has no clue whether it is covering a story; except, he heard some talk show host claim it was not being covered.

Yes, the dean would be "banned" under the Zionist ban, but do you think the pro-Palestinian groups are going to invite that dean to speak without the ban? Choosing not to invite someone to speak who does not support the group's views is no real difference than changing the by-laws to "ban" those speakers. It changes nothing but makes better press.

Pro-Israel groups are not banned from speaking on campus or banned from certain areas of campus. The pro-Palestinian groups just added stuff to their by-laws banning stuff they never planned to do, anyway. It creates a false impression of what is occurring on college campuses. We are now going to hear talk show hosts claiming pro-Israel groups are being banned from college campuses and listeners to those shows will call C-SPAN during the morning call-in program and then we will seen them on JPP, Facebook, Twitter, etc.----creating more false alarms because of the terrible things happening in our country.
Because a news source did not carry a story because of lack of information to support it, that is not censorship. There was no lack of coverage of the laptop story. You could easily go to the website of the NYPost to get all the stories. Is that too difficult to do? Despite claims of Facebook censoring it the NYPost has a Facebook page and those stories were available there and many other sources.

The right says they don't read the mainstream media and then complains it is censoring stories which could be found everywhere. If a person does not read the mainstream media he has no clue whether it is covering a story; except, he heard some talk show host claim it was not being covered.

Yes, the dean would be "banned" under the Zionist ban, but do you think the pro-Palestinian groups are going to invite that dean to speak without the ban? Choosing not to invite someone to speak who does not support the group's views is no real difference than changing the by-laws to "ban" those speakers. It changes nothing but makes better press.

Pro-Israel groups are not banned from speaking on campus or banned from certain areas of campus. The pro-Palestinian groups just added stuff to their by-laws banning stuff they never planned to do, anyway. It creates a false impression of what is occurring on college campuses. We are now going to hear talk show hosts claiming pro-Israel groups are being banned from college campuses and listeners to those shows will call C-SPAN during the morning call-in program and then we will seen them on JPP, Facebook, Twitter, etc.----creating more false alarms because of the terrible things happening in our country.

You're trying to engage with a guy who headlines a thread with "Jew Hating White Libs" when the majority of American Jews are white libs themselves. This is not a fruitful mission.
You're trying to engage with a guy who headlines a thread with "Jew Hating White Libs" when the majority of American Jews are white libs themselves. This is not a fruitful mission.

“Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest.”