Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
fuck you, racist jew-bag.
Poor aggrieved goy
fuck you, racist jew-bag.
What the leftist student types think is less than useless. You don't think stopping voter fraud is a good think? Fascinating.
I'm taking about this contradiction and the danger it poses to the larger population.
Don't be an idiot. I was not defending their actions, just explaining that it doesn't really change anything because pro-Palestinian groups are not going to invite pro-Israeli speakers; so, putting a ban in the by-laws is just attracting attention and it is obviously working.
This is nothing new. There is a lot of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli sentiment on college campuses (and even on JPP). There is also a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment.
What makes "racial discrimination" illegal in America? It depends on the law/constitution and who it applies to. And, Jews are not a race. Those civil rights laws do not apply to student organizations. If I am a business I cannot discriminate in hiring if I have at least 15 employees; so, it is not just a general prohibition against discrimination.
If you are in a pro-Christian student group are you discriminating because you do not invite a Hare Krisna, Unification Church, or Black Muslim speaker to your group?
Jews absolutely are a race. You're an oblivious idiot if you think they aren't.
There are only three races and Jews is not one of them. It is a religion.
Try to wed a Hebrew Princess and see how much flak you get from the family. They have actively endeavored to keep their bloodline pure for millenia.
Its only relevance here is the territory that it ascribed to the Brits.
We both know that the Brits abrogated their responsibilities under their Mandate for Palestine and that those responsibilities passed to the UN- which applies them today- or attempts to while negotiating the immoral interference of the US. Nevertheless, modern international law applies and Palestine is a UN-recognized state.
The squatters that the Israeli fascists have installed into Palestinian territory are there illegally. All of those illegal structures that Israel has built will become housing for the ethnically-cleansed Palestinians when international law with regard to Israel's crimes is applied. Of course, that will not happen until there is a sea-change in US politics- the decline of white Christian Zionists as a political force. That requires the truth about Zionism to be made known to the US voting public- and that- of course- is why I bother relaying the truth to brain-scrubbed America.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act applied primarily to public accommodations--hiring, housing, certain retail facilities (restaurants). A student group that chooses not to invite Jewish speakers is not covered by the law. Also, the law allows for civil penalties, not booting a club off campus.
The executive order and Civil Rights Act do not override the 1st amendment protections of the students. Putting the restriction in their bylaws might violate school policy for student organizations. Choosing not to invite Jewish speakers is not discrimination although the change in bylaws might violate school policy. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act applies to university policy, not student actions. Any American is free to call for the destruction of Israel, they don't lose that right because they are students.
Try to wed a Hebrew Princess and see how much flak you get from the family. They have actively endeavored to keep their bloodline pure for millenia.
And title VI says recipients and subrecipients of federal funding must comply with the '64 Civil Rights Act.
These white lib Berkeley Student groups might as well be flying a Nazi flag on campus.
1. Americans are free to fly a Nazi flag. If they go to UC which receives federal funds does that mean they lost that constitutional right?
2. Does the violation occur only if they put these restrictions in their by-laws or if they simply choose not to invite Jews to speak to their organization? Does that same thing apply if a conservative student group chooses not to invite liberal, socialist, or communist speakers?
No, they still have freedom of speech. And while their Pell Grants should be revoked, ... more importantly IT IS Berkeley that would lose its federal Funding if the school does not come into compliance with the Civil Rights Act.
Just by announcing it, they identified themselves as white lib hate groups. They ran the swastika up the flag pole.
liberal, socialist, or communist speakers? ... They are NOT covered by the Civil Rights Act.
"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."
You can't revoke a Pell Grant because you disagree with their political opinions. A "white lib hate group" is not prohibited under the law.
Title VI protects: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Now you are saying it protects Jews but does not prohibit discrimination against any other religion? That seems to defeat the purpose of anti-discrimination legislation.
Does the group have to include the discriminatory language in its bylaws to be in violation or does simply choosing not to invite Jews to speak to their organization constitute a violation?
"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."
Banning someone for being Zionist is the same as banning some one for being Black.
If you ban some one just for being Christian or Muslim, ... yeah, that's disclination if you're getting federal funding.
Whether it can be verbal or has to be in writing is up to the courts.