The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

What the leftist student types think is less than useless. You don't think stopping voter fraud is a good think? Fascinating.

I'm taking about this contradiction and the danger it poses to the larger population.

It caused a danger to the larger population in than it caused a riot in the Capitol and almost resulted in an interruption in the peaceful transfer of power. The anti-Israeli student groups are not as much of a danger unless that attitude spreads to the larger population. What occurs among student organizations is usually rather trivial and most of those more radical students are now Republican accountants.

Stopping voter fraud is very important, but when it does not exist and causes a riot in the Capitol and millions believe it exists there is a real danger that the population has become delusional.
Don't be an idiot. I was not defending their actions, just explaining that it doesn't really change anything because pro-Palestinian groups are not going to invite pro-Israeli speakers; so, putting a ban in the by-laws is just attracting attention and it is obviously working.

This is nothing new. There is a lot of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli sentiment on college campuses (and even on JPP). There is also a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment.

What makes "racial discrimination" illegal in America? It depends on the law/constitution and who it applies to. And, Jews are not a race. Those civil rights laws do not apply to student organizations. If I am a business I cannot discriminate in hiring if I have at least 15 employees; so, it is not just a general prohibition against discrimination.

If you are in a pro-Christian student group are you discriminating because you do not invite a Hare Krisna, Unification Church, or Black Muslim speaker to your group?

Jews absolutely are a race. You're an oblivious idiot if you think they aren't.
There are only three races and Jews is not one of them. It is a religion.


Try to wed a Hebrew Princess and see how much flak you get from the family. They have actively endeavored to keep their bloodline pure for millenia.

Try to wed a Hebrew Princess and see how much flak you get from the family. They have actively endeavored to keep their bloodline pure for millenia.

Because they don't want their children to marry non-Jews does not make them a race. Keeping a bloodline pure does not constitute a race.
' Jewishness ' is an ethnicity. That's it.

Jews indigenous to Palestine are ethnic Palestinians - just like Jesus of Nazareth.
Apart from religious differences there were no schisms among ethnic Palestinians- until the political doctrine of Zionism raised its horrendous head and sold itself as ' chosen '. Chosen horseshit.
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Its only relevance here is the territory that it ascribed to the Brits.

We both know that the Brits abrogated their responsibilities under their Mandate for Palestine and that those responsibilities passed to the UN- which applies them today- or attempts to while negotiating the immoral interference of the US. Nevertheless, modern international law applies and Palestine is a UN-recognized state.

The squatters that the Israeli fascists have installed into Palestinian territory are there illegally. All of those illegal structures that Israel has built will become housing for the ethnically-cleansed Palestinians when international law with regard to Israel's crimes is applied. Of course, that will not happen until there is a sea-change in US politics- the decline of white Christian Zionists as a political force. That requires the truth about Zionism to be made known to the US voting public- and that- of course- is why I bother relaying the truth to brain-scrubbed America.

The Ottoman Empire surrendered and ceded those lands to the League of Nations.

Both the Muslims and the Jews rebelled against British rule. The mandate was always temporary.

Squatters? ... why should the Jews be the only ones that have to obey the U.N. rules??? ... the Muslims never have. :dunno:
The 1964 Civil Rights Act applied primarily to public accommodations--hiring, housing, certain retail facilities (restaurants). A student group that chooses not to invite Jewish speakers is not covered by the law. Also, the law allows for civil penalties, not booting a club off campus.

The executive order and Civil Rights Act do not override the 1st amendment protections of the students. Putting the restriction in their bylaws might violate school policy for student organizations. Choosing not to invite Jewish speakers is not discrimination although the change in bylaws might violate school policy. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act applies to university policy, not student actions. Any American is free to call for the destruction of Israel, they don't lose that right because they are students.

And title VI says recipients and subrecipients of federal funding must comply with the '64 Civil Rights Act.

These white lib Berkeley Student groups might as well be flying a Nazi flag on campus.

Zionists have the same rights as Blacks.
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Try to wed a Hebrew Princess and see how much flak you get from the family. They have actively endeavored to keep their bloodline pure for millenia.

Because with intermariage the offspring more then not wind up as a goy and lost to the Jewish people

On Intermarriage
The Basis for the Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage

The Basis
The primary source upon which the prohibition for a Jew to marry a non-Jew is based is to be found in the Bible (Deut. 7:3): "You shall not marry them (the gentiles, about which the Bible speaks in the previous verses), you shall not give your daughter to their son and you shall not take his daughter for your son."

The reason for this prohibition is clearly spelled out in the following verse: "Because he will lead your son astray from Me and they will serve strange gods…" ("Strange gods" can also be interpreted to mean those ideals and ‘isms’ that do not conform to the dictates of the Torah, and before which one bows his head and dedicates his heart and soul.)

It is clear then, that we are not dealing here with racial discrimination which is borne of a personal and subjective attitude that the Jew has vis-à-vis the gentile. What we are talking about here is an objective, Divine command that is accompanied by an explanation. If your son will marry a non-Jewish woman, the children born of this union are no longer considered to be your children. In the event that your daughter marries a non-Jew, inevitably your grandchildren will stray very far from the path of Judaism even though they will still be considered Jewish.

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And title VI says recipients and subrecipients of federal funding must comply with the '64 Civil Rights Act.

These white lib Berkeley Student groups might as well be flying a Nazi flag on campus.

1. Americans are free to fly a Nazi flag. If they go to UC which receives federal funds does that mean they lost that constitutional right?

2. Does the violation occur only if they put these restrictions in their by-laws or if they simply choose not to invite Jews to speak to their organization? Does that same thing apply if a conservative student group chooses not to invite liberal, socialist, or communist speakers?
Go to the source not what non Jews claim

What is a Jew?
In order to answer these questions, we must explain another basic concept: What is a Jew? What distinguishes a Jew from his non-Jewish neighbor? Please note that I am not asking here ‘Who is a Jew?’ but ‘What is a Jew?’ because the answer to the question ‘Who is a Jew?’ is very clear: one who was born to a Jewish mother or has converted to Judaism according to the laws stipulated in the Torah. This does not, however, answer the question ‘What is a Jew?’

People often answer this question by saying that being Jewish means ‘feeling a sense of belonging to the Jewish people’. This is a not a satisfactory answer. It simply transfers the question of identity away from the individual. What, then, is the Jewish People? A Nation composed of individuals that have no other identity other than belonging to a People that has no definition? It is like saying that the definition of ‘tree’ is: ‘part of a forest’. The reasoning is the other way around. Once I know what a tree is, I can then define what a forest is by saying ‘a group of trees’. I cannot define what a tree is simply by saying: ‘part of a forest’!

It is also obvious that I cannot define what a Jew is based on his or her fulfillment of the Mitzvos, because here, too, the reasoning goes the other way around: One has the obligation to do Mitzvos because he or she is Jewish. I cannot say that one is Jewish because he or she fulfills the Mitzvos. Consider: a recently born baby is Jewish even though he or she has not fulfilled a single Mitzvah and has no conscious awareness of faith! A Jewish baby boy is circumcised because he is Jewish; he is not Jewish because he is circumcised.

What, then, is a Jew?

After studying the matter for many years and having countless conversations with Jews of every degree of observance and belief, I think that the most convincing and coherent answer is that the distinguishing element of the Jew is the Neshamah (soul) that every Jew possesses. The soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew. They have different characteristics, potentials and needs. Every Jew has essentially the same type of soul as any other Jew. This Jewish soul is inherited from his or her mother. It is the common denominator that connects the Russian Jew with the Syrian, Yemenite, Canadian or Uruguayan Jew, even though they do not speak the same language and may have different customs and habits. The only meaningful difference between one Jew and another is the level and intensity of expression of this common essence. In some, this essence manifests itself constantly, while in others, it expresses itself once a year and in others it may express itself once in their lifetime.

This definition of ‘What is a Jew?’ does not contradict the aspiration that one may have to be a ‘citizen of the universe’, because in order to really be a ‘citizen of the universe’, one must fulfill his or her specific role within the universal community. Being a ‘citizen of the universe’ does not imply denying the particular role that one has, but, rather, inserting oneself into society with a clear identity and purpose.
1. Americans are free to fly a Nazi flag. If they go to UC which receives federal funds does that mean they lost that constitutional right?

2. Does the violation occur only if they put these restrictions in their by-laws or if they simply choose not to invite Jews to speak to their organization? Does that same thing apply if a conservative student group chooses not to invite liberal, socialist, or communist speakers?

No, they still have freedom of speech. And while their Pell Grants should be revoked, ... more importantly IT IS Berkeley that would lose its federal Funding if the school does not come into compliance with the Civil Rights Act.

Just by announcing it, they identified themselves as white lib hate groups. They ran the swastika up the flag pole.

liberal, socialist, or communist speakers? ... They are NOT covered by the Civil Rights Act.
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The Right’s Antisemitism Problem—and the Left’s

One of the few points of agreement between the left and right is that hatred of Jews is acceptable political behavior. As alarming evidence of rising antisemitism gathers throughout the United States and Europe, mainstream media and political culture react with a collective yawn to a form of bigotry that doubles as a lethal conspiracy theory.
No, they still have freedom of speech. And while their Pell Grants should be revoked, ... more importantly IT IS Berkeley that would lose its federal Funding if the school does not come into compliance with the Civil Rights Act.

Just by announcing it, they identified themselves as white lib hate groups. They ran the swastika up the flag pole.

liberal, socialist, or communist speakers? ... They are NOT covered by the Civil Rights Act.

You can't revoke a Pell Grant because you disagree with their political opinions. A "white lib hate group" is not prohibited under the law.

Title VI protects: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Now you are saying it protects Jews but does not prohibit discrimination against any other religion? That seems to defeat the purpose of anti-discrimination legislation.

Does the group have to include the discriminatory language in its bylaws to be in violation or does simply choosing not to invite Jews to speak to their organization constitute a violation?
"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."


Watching White Supremacist Extremist supporters slam others about hating Jews is rich, but so is watching them, once again, spin lies.

It's not "anti-Jewish" zones, it's anti-Israel. Jewish leaders understand the difference, as do anti-Zionist Jews. I don't agree with the ban but understand it's about politics, not religion. I also understand this isn't the first time Berkeley students acted like idiots. WSEs are antisemitic liars.
is the “Jew-free” label accurate? Not according to Jewish leadership at the university. Here’s a rundown of the controversy, and where people have come down on it.
You can't revoke a Pell Grant because you disagree with their political opinions. A "white lib hate group" is not prohibited under the law.

Title VI protects: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Now you are saying it protects Jews but does not prohibit discrimination against any other religion? That seems to defeat the purpose of anti-discrimination legislation.

Does the group have to include the discriminatory language in its bylaws to be in violation or does simply choosing not to invite Jews to speak to their organization constitute a violation?

Banning someone for being Zionist is the same as banning some one for being Black.

If you ban some one just for being Christian or Muslim, ... yeah, that's disclination if you're getting federal funding.

Whether it can be verbal or has to be in writing is up to the courts.

Banning pro Israel speeches is different than banning pro Israel people.
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"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."

Interesting that you equate 'Jews' with Israel. You do understand many Jews do not support the apartheid state of Israel and its genocidal government, right? Surely you're not so stupid as to not know that, right?
Banning someone for being Zionist is the same as banning some one for being Black.

If you ban some one just for being Christian or Muslim, ... yeah, that's disclination if you're getting federal funding.

Whether it can be verbal or has to be in writing is up to the courts.

Zionism is a political ideology/movement, not a race; so, it is not the same as banning blacks.

How can it be discrimination to ban a Muslim or Christian because that is religion; Title VI protects "race, color, or national origin." Other sections of the law include religion, but not Title VI.

It doesn't have to be a verbal agreement to ban Jews, they may just have other speakers they prefer to hear (although it was obviously written in this case).