The John F. Kennedy Assassination

Yes. All the evidence supports Oswald and nothing refutes it. No evidence supports any of the conspiracy theories. American love conspiracy theories and always want to doubt the official story--election fraud, Covid, January 6.....all have their conspiracy theory supporters with no evidence. Read "Case Closed."

If the JFK assassins had resources and experience, they would never have planned such a lame story. Same applies to 9-11.

I thought it was a conspiracy till I read Death of a President by William Manchester ,the book Jackie asked him to write.
The next election was 1964 and LBJ won by a landslide.

Lyndon B. Johnson: 'Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president', Address to the Nation - 1968
Lyndon B. Johnson: 'Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president', Address to the Nation - 1968

Correct. He did not run in 1968. Your post said "so forced LBJ to not run for the next election."

The next election after the assassination (1963) was 1964. Just a confusion about dates.

Nobody "forced" LBJ not to run (no evidence). Vietnam was the reason LBJ did not seek reelection.

None of that is evidence--it is all conjecture. The opinion of one person without evidence has no credibility. The only evidence the CIA was involved was that Wecht "believes" they were involved.

There was no "missing brain." The doctors who performed the autopsy said exactly what happened to the brain.

There has been a cottage industry of people making money off this assassination by writing books, appearing as expert witnesses, and getting speaker fees by claiming it was a conspiracy.

The NY Post is a tabloid with a history of fake news. It claimed Ted Cruz's father was involved.
None of that is evidence--it is all conjecture. The opinion of one person without evidence has no credibility. The only evidence the CIA was involved was that Wecht "believes" they were involved.

There was no "missing brain." The doctors who performed the autopsy said exactly what happened to the brain.

There has been a cottage industry of people making money off this assassination by writing books, appearing as expert witnesses, and getting speaker fees by claiming it was a conspiracy.

The NY Post is a tabloid with a history of fake news. It claimed Ted Cruz's father was involved.

Like! Anyone who saw the shooting knows most of Kennedy's brain is on Jackie the car interior and the street in Dallas!
How old were in November '63?

I hadn't yet been born. I was a teen when Oliver Stone's JFK came out though. I didn't see it right away, but I certainly saw it and thought it was quite good. I later read a good portion of one of the books it was based on, Jim Marrs' first book, Crossfire.
I hadn't yet been born. I was a teen when Oliver Stone's JFK came out though. I didn't see it right away, but I certainly saw it and thought it was quite good. I later read a good portion of one of the books it was based on, Jim Marrs' first book, Crossfire.

JFK movie has lots of fiction!
Death of a President by William Manchester is the best source! Jackie asked him to write the book.
While we may not know for sure what actually happened, I have a strong idea about the Kennedy assassination that is more than sufficiently plausible for me to not give it much further thought.

I was seventeen when it happened, and seem to have gotten over it.

I don't think it has too much effect on the current political situation.
JFK's Democratic vice president was a Texan with a cracker accent who signed the civil rights bill into law.

The modern political landscape quickly evolved into being soon after that, but not in any way as a result of the assassination--
more as a result of LBJ signing the legislation just as Kennedy would have signed it.
While we may not know for sure what actually happened, I have a strong idea about the Kennedy assassination that is more than sufficiently plausible for me to not give it much further thought.

I was seventeen when it happened, and seem to have gotten over it.

I don't think it has too much effect on the current political situation.
JFK's Democratic vice president was a Texan with a cracker accent who signed the civil rights bill into law.

The modern political landscape quickly evolved into being soon after that, but not in any way as a result of the assassination--
more as a result of LBJ signing the legislation just as Kennedy would have signed it.

Actually the assassination of Bobby Kennedy changed the Political scene more!
We got Nixon instead of Bobby!swung the country far right!
I hadn't yet been born. I was a teen when Oliver Stone's JFK came out though. I didn't see it right away, but I certainly saw it and thought it was quite good. I later read a good portion of one of the books it was based on, Jim Marrs' first book, Crossfire.

JFK movie has lots of fiction!

Some, certainly, but Crossfire, one of the books that Oliver Stone used for the film, is full of facts.

Death of a President by William Manchester is the best source! Jackie asked him to write the book.

Based on the views you've expressed about the JFK assassination, I strongly doubt it. Recently, more information has come out linking Lyndon Johnson to the JFK assassination. Here's an article I found interesting on the subject:

Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination |

From the article:

Literally at the very moment JFK was being assassinated in Dallas on 11-22-63, Don Reynolds was testifying in a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee about a suitcase of $100,000 given to LBJ for his role in securing a TFX fighter jet contract for Fort Worth’s General Dynamics.

Three days before the JFK assassination, JFK told Evelyn Lincoln that he was going to get a new running mate for 1964. “I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, “Who is your choice as a running-mate.’ He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, ‘at this time I am thinking about Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon.'”

At this point I should add that I think the CIA/military intelligence murdered John Kennedy for Cold War reasons, particularly over Cuba policy. The fact that the Kennedys were within days of politically executing & personally destroying Lyndon Johnson could very well have been the tripwire for the JFK assassination.

Some, certainly, but Crossfire, one of the books that Oliver Stone used for the film, is full of facts.

Based on the views you've expressed about the JFK assassination, I strongly doubt it. Recently, more information has come out linking Lyndon Johnson to the JFK assassination. Here's an article I found interesting on the subject:

Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination |

From the article:

Literally at the very moment JFK was being assassinated in Dallas on 11-22-63, Don Reynolds was testifying in a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee about a suitcase of $100,000 given to LBJ for his role in securing a TFX fighter jet contract for Fort Worth’s General Dynamics.

Three days before the JFK assassination, JFK told Evelyn Lincoln that he was going to get a new running mate for 1964. “I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, “Who is your choice as a running-mate.’ He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, ‘at this time I am thinking about Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon.'”

At this point I should add that I think the CIA/military intelligence murdered John Kennedy for Cold War reasons, particularly over Cuba policy. The fact that the Kennedys were within days of politically executing & personally destroying Lyndon Johnson could very well have been the tripwire for the JFK assassination.


The two years after JFK was murdered every possible conspiracy theory was on ever talk show and endless book!
No one has had a bit of proof it wasn't LHO.
That Johnson nonsense is old fake news!
Half the people think the movie JFK is facts!
It's not!
I read all the books saw all the conspiracy theories, no one has proved that anyone but LHO was involved.
The two years after JFK was murdered every possible conspiracy theory was on ever talk show and endless book!
No one has had a bit of proof it wasn't LHO.

I never said there was proof, but I do believe it very likely that Lyndon Johnson was deeply involved in JFK's assassination.

That Johnson nonsense is old fake news!

I'm not sure what you consider to be old news, but a former Nixon aide named Roger Stone claims Lyndon Johnson did it in a book he published in 2013. Daily Mail wrote an article about it here:
Former Nixon aide claims he has evidence Lyndon B. Johnson arranged John F. Kennedy's assassination in new book | Daily Mail

Half the people think the movie JFK is facts!
It's not!
I read all the books saw all the conspiracy theories, no one has proved that anyone but LHO was involved.

So you read Roger Stone's book? I still haven't, but I found Jim Marrs' earlier book Crossfire to be quite illuminating. Did you read Crossfire?
Roger Stone that supports Trump?

Apparently so. I hadn't realized that until just now. I haven't read his book, but from the article I linked to, it looks well worth reading. I did read a good chunk of Jim Marrs' Crossfire a long time ago. I don't recall him being certain who was behind JFK's Assassination, but he presented plenty of evidence that Oswald was only used as a patsy, which is what Oswald himself said.
Apparently so. I hadn't realized that until just now. I haven't read his book, but from the article I linked to, it looks well worth reading. I did read a good chunk of Jim Marrs' Crossfire a long time ago. I don't recall him being certain who was behind JFK's Assassination, but he presented plenty of evidence that Oswald was only used as a patsy, which is what Oswald himself said.

I would not trust that guy on anything!
Apparently so. I hadn't realized that until just now. I haven't read his book, but from the article I linked to, it looks well worth reading. I did read a good chunk of Jim Marrs' Crossfire a long time ago. I don't recall him being certain who was behind JFK's Assassination, but he presented plenty of evidence that Oswald was only used as a patsy, which is what Oswald himself said.

Since November '63 nobody yet has proved anyone but
Oswald was involved
I would not trust that guy on anything!

From what I've read, it seems that his explanation is the most likely. However, if you or someone else has read his book and found his evidence wanting, I'd certainly be interested to know what errors you or someone else found. I may even buy the book myself one day to take a look at everything he has to say.
Since November '63 nobody yet has proved anyone but
Oswald was involved

You may well be right in terms of proof. It's generally very hard to prove anything in cases like these. I do believe that Oswald was involved, but only that he was set up to be the patsy.
You may well be right in terms of proof. It's generally very hard to prove anything in cases like these. I do believe that Oswald was involved, but only that he was set up to be the patsy.

If someone else was involved, it would have leaked decades ago.