The JPP Debate Championship Official Start

Actually Mott, Sol and I agree in a lot of subjects. He's just hung up on this gay thing and apparently made it his life's work to demonize me because of my opposite opinion.

We do agree on a lot of subjects. I am not demonizing you because you hold an opposite opinion. I get along fine with many people who believe differently than I do.

I come after you because you are absolutely closed-minded, arrogant, and (if you had your way) would change the laws to turn this nation into a theocracy. I also come after you because of your hypocrisy and the fact that you give conservatives a bad name and make it more difficult to get true conservatives elected.

Well, all that and because its so easy. lol
The whole thing is a farce, you all already know The Southern Man is the best debater, as he proves every time a libby tries to challenge him.
I've never advocated a theocracy.

But you insist that this is a christian nation and demand that it follow christian religious laws.

YOur ideas of freedom are only good for people who believe and act exactly as you do.
mott how married are you to the scheduling plan? We could probably comfortably have 2 debates going at once in separate threads. I fear that by the end most people might not be paying attention anymore. I have no preference either way I'm just dwelling on things.
I'm not married to it at all. I didn't want to over whelm you judges and I wanted to string it out so that Captain Billy would be back from vacation before his turn to debate.
I will make the finals. All I have to do is beat Bravo in a debate about Rap music and the winner of #1 in a debate about library books.

Now, whether or not SM makes it out of the starting gate is debateable. Then he has to face the winner of #8.

Yeah, you are correct. We won't meet in the finals.
You'll also have to debate funding stem cell research in the semi finals. You have to win 3 debates to make it to the finals.
I'll have to disqualify myself from this contest as I would have to tie half my brain and knowledge behind my head even to give just a smidgen of hope to any competitor. But I look forward to some insight when I re-visit, and hope that what they say about American education isn't all true.

"The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits." Albert Einstein
Uhhmmm well....your to late to sign up and that's what Asshat said. There can't be enough room for the two of you! :pke:
I'll have to disqualify myself from this contest as I would have to tie half my brain and knowledge behind my head even to give just a smidgen of hope to any competitor. But I look forward to some insight when I re-visit, and hope that what they say about American education isn't all true.

"The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits." Albert Einstein

Normally, since I make posts like this all the time, I'd laugh and say what a kidder you are, but since I've never seen you be anything except stone-cold serious... Wowzers!
What I'm interesed in seeing is scientist debating lawyers. Most lawyers take great pride in their debating skills where as it's not much of a consideration to those in science.

Having said that most the time I've seen scientist debating lawyers the've kicked the lawyers asses with relative ease.
I'm not married to it at all. I didn't want to over whelm you judges and I wanted to string it out so that Captain Billy would be back from vacation before his turn to debate.

we could put billys debate near the end and still keep him in the same seed.

I am just thinking for everybody in the competition, it would be better to have two debates going at once. Only so much is going to be said in any case considering we have word limits. If we stretch this thing on for more than a month a lot of people will probably just forget about it when it's down to 4 people.
What I'm interesed in seeing is scientist debating lawyers. Most lawyers take great pride in their debating skills where as it's not much of a consideration to those in science.

Having said that most the time I've seen scientist debating lawyers the've licked the lawyers asses with relative ease.

Fixed that for ya.
we could put billys debate near the end and still keep him in the same seed.

I am just thinking for everybody in the competition, it would be better to have two debates going at once. Only so much is going to be said in any case considering we have word limits. If we stretch this thing on for more than a month a lot of people will probably just forget about it when it's down to 4 people.
I have no problem with that. What ever you think works best and will work for ya'll schedule.
What I'm interesed in seeing is scientist debating lawyers. Most lawyers take great pride in their debating skills where as it's not much of a consideration to those in science.

Having said that most the time I've seen scientist debating lawyers the've kicked the lawyers asses with relative ease.

Debaters do not always make good lawyers. Lawyers don't debate, they sell. We sell our client's position and tell the trier of fact why the the other side is full of shit, at least full of shit enough not meet their burden.
Debaters do not always make good lawyers. Lawyers don't debate, they sell. We sell our client's position and tell the trier of fact why the the other side is full of shit, at least full of shit enough not meet their burden.
I have always thought lawyers were better paid car salesmen, ;p
Debaters do not always make good lawyers. Lawyers don't debate, they sell. We sell our client's position and tell the trier of fact why the the other side is full of shit, at least full of shit enough not meet their burden.
....and vice versa....I know....believe me I of the mentors in my field was an Environmental Atty. He drove me nuts! LOL

Arguing with him was like arguing with your wife. It's a lose/lose proposition! LOL

And by the way....he was also our VP of Marketing.
does anyone have any scheduling conflicts this month? When does billy get back? zappas, could you do the debate earlier?
Here are the Debate topics and who will defend which side of that topic. I'm posting these now so that the competitors will have plenty of time to prepare. I chose the topics but who they were assigned to and which side of the topic a competitor defends were chosen completely at random. That makes Debate #6 really ironic. Topics were mostly politically related but were from different areas of discussion such as science, economics, philosophy, current politics, history, religion, something fun and miscellaneous.

Debate #1. At what point does human life begin, birth or conception?
Human Life begins at conception - Mott
Human Life begins at birth - Watermark

Debate #2. Do the American people owe Native Americans compensation for acts of genocide committed against them?
Yes they do - Asshat Zombie
No they don't - Damocles

Debate #3. Is Rap music torture?
Yes it is - Bravo
No it isn't - Winterborn

Debate #4. Cats or Dogs?
Cats - Liberty
Dogs - Superfreak

Debate #5. Should pot be legalized?
Yes it should be - Yurt
No it shouldn't - Beefy

Debate #6. Is homosexuality a mental illness?
Yes it is - Southernman
No it isn't - US Freedom

Debate #7. Is the theory of macroevolution true?
Yes it is - US Loyal
No it isn't - Thaichi Liberal

Debate #8. Was George H. W. Bush wrong to leave Sadam Hussein in power in 91?
Yes, he was wrong - Zappa's Guitar
No, he was right - Bender

ref. Props to Conservapedia for debate topics.

seriously? You put 'cats or dogs' as a debate topic on a political message board?

I will go ahead and post my side.

Cats suck.


I have no desire to 'debate' something so pathetic.