The Klansman....err I mean Imus is Back!


JPP Modarater

NEW YORK (AP) -- Don Imus returned to the airwaves Monday eight months after he was fired for a racially charged remark about the Rutgers women's basketball team, and introduced a new cast that included two black comedians.

Translation: I don't want to seem racist, but I like making fun of black people, so I'll hire these guys to do it, so I won't get fired.
I thought this was a funny blurb:

"An hour before the 6 a.m. show began, more than a dozen fans -- all of them white -- waited outside the Town Hall theater for the sold-out show."
Probably all men too. Did you ever hear how he and his crew of miscreants spoke about women? Calling women professionals, even in their own business, fat assed skanks, among other gems? I called MSNBC so many times pitching a fit about those f’ing idiots.
Makes no nevermind to me assholes come in both parties. And even in the libertarian party as well.
Imus is an asshole.
You are the party hack BB, not me.
Hey USC.........

Makes no nevermind to me assholes come in both parties. And even in the libertarian party as well.
Imus is an asshole.
You are the party hack BB, not me.

I did not call you any names nor did I attack you...I just noted how funny this thread was...but carry are also a strange way!
imus was railroaded im glad he's back and i don't even listen to him, i just like sticking it to people.

especially the nappy headed ho's.
Oh lord.........

imus was railroaded im glad he's back and i don't even listen to him, i just like sticking it to people.

especially the nappy headed ho's.

Just waiting for the ladies of the night to come out with a vengence upon you...albeit I saw it as humor...!:cof1:
I couldn't care less. This guy's show reaches fewer people than PBS! Who cares what he says about anything?
As far as I understood it, even his radio show was nothing in comparison to others like Stern. The guy was an old boob. I can't see the kids liking his ancient behind.