It's very clear you and nearly NO ONE knows what I think.
You got that right; but that's because you seldom think, you erupt.
So tell me something; how many people have become poor because of the Koch brothers? Can you give us some facts regarding that?
How much wealth have the Koch brothers destroyed? Can you give us some facts regarding that?
Do you have any idea how much the Koch brothers give to charity and their communities?
Do you have any specific evidence where the political efforts the Koch brothers engage in actually harmed anyone?
Why do you only rail about Conservative millionaires but never about Liberal millionaires engaged in influence peddling, or worse, foriegn ones like George Soros who pours billions into a leftist political agenda?
Do you believe that influence peddling is only good when leftists do it?
Why are you so painfully ignorant?
I'm blown away that all these Right Wing morons don't know who the Koch Brothers are. They do NO RESEARCH. But that must be easy to be the party of NO.
So you are for the idea of private property in slaves and you think that is unworkable because we nearly all (except those few who want to revert to property in slaves) fear freedom? How contradictory of you!
Equate this great freedom with the simple provable fact that 12 of the first 16 presidents were slave owners!
Libertarianism is the most primitive mindset Americans can have. Why think about politics when you can be part of a party that doesn't think? The Libertarian "debate" is always brainy though. You can tell by the choice words such as "stupid" and "idiot". They are very brainy people.
You back citizens united................This is the most idiotic person I've met on this forum. YOU CAN NOT BE THIS STUPID unless you are paid
You refuse facts.
how does that make you smart?
the right in this country lives on a steady diet of lies.
explain how that is good?
So which "party" does a self proclaimed genius like you support?
Single topic, single opinion........Like it should be. If I supported a party my name wouldn't be Anti-Party would it?
The INSTANT someone solidifies themselves as part of a party they start justifying everything wrong in that party because that party is more attune to their big interests. Note that MANY voters don't care about politics and vote on a SINGLE topic close to their heart. I actually spend the time to look at every topic and vote for the Best President.........can you imagine doing all of that work? Sifting through the BS media to find the real truth? Thinking for yourself instead of an organization? :lol:
How's Obama working out for ya Goober?
We aren't in WWIII like Ronmey was all but promising so we are doing pretty well. We would have been at war with Iran, Libya, Syria and Russia by now if Romney would have been allowed to beat his chest.
Luckily and surprisingly Biden beat Ryan on the Foreign Policy debate the Right was running on. After that defeat, Romney had no words for Obama.
And strange how we didn't have to go to war with Iran and there IS STILL NO PROOF they have or had nukes. And we didn't have to go to war with Libya. And we didn't have to go to war with Syria. And we don't have to go to war with Russia to make points...............
Further almost every statistic you rate a president on is better today than it was under Bush. The only number worse is the Debt which the Right blames on Obama alone when Obama was put into office with a spending crisis. Obama didn't pass many bills that cost much, that's a fact. Most of his debt was due to bills that were in place before he was in office, that's also fact.
Small brains were talking about Obama's debt even when he was filibustered on every bill he put forward and when asked what bill was driving up the debt they all said "Obamacare" which wasn't in place yet and wouldn't be in place for months/years!
As it turns out Bush had some fault too, BUT HOW DARE ANYONE MENTION HIM! (R)ight?
Why no concern about Soros and the lefty billionaires who try to influence politics? I would take the OP more serious if he were even handed. But he is just another partisan hack wearing a disguises
He's a partisan leftist hack who proclaims he has no political agenda.![]()
It is good to know he thinks Soros has everyone's best interest at heart
He's a partisan leftist hack who proclaims he has no political agenda.![]()
Look who's talking, AP's little RINO brainwashed, brain-dead brother.