The Largest and Fastest Religious Shift in America Is Well Underway


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In their new book “The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?” Jim Davis argues that the most dramatic change may be in regular attendance at houses of worship. “We are currently in the middle of the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country,” he postulates, because “about 15 percent of American adults living today (around 40 million people) have effectively stopped going to church, and most of this dechurching has happened in the past 25 years.”
You God haters always rejoice over negative religious news

Hating something that may or may not even exist is not really what people hate the most.

This is what people hate- the involving religion with politics, and hypocrites like all of these sorry-son-of-bitches here in this photo!

This is why most Americans are turning away from religion, as they see religion has taken a very wrong turn! This is proof of that and is totally shocking, sanctimonious, and disturbing to most people! It is an abomination of Christianity!

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Hating something that may or may not even exist is not really what people hate the most.

This is what people hate- the involving religion with politics, and hypocrites like all of these sorry-son-of-bitches here in this photo!


I post a news item. Someone accuses me of hating God. They see no irony.
This news is VERY unsurprising. We are living on the cusp of the last days IMO,.....a great falling away is taking place. I feel sorry for them and wish they knew the truth of the matter. Judgement is coming.......
This news is VERY unsurprising. We are living on the cusp of the last days IMO,.....a great falling away is taking place. I feel sorry for them and wish they knew the truth of the matter. Judgement is coming.......

Why do you give a shit, Fat Boy? When was the last time you acted like a Christian or regularly attended church?
Why do you give a shit, Fat Boy? When was the last time you acted like a Christian or regularly attended church?

You arent worth my time anymore,...not even as a punching bag. Biden is right, are a stalker. A VERY troubled one at that.
You arent worth my time anymore,...not even as a punching bag. Biden is right, are a stalker. A VERY troubled one at that.

That's a lie since you just made time for me, Fat Boy. Your threats of violence are typical of RW thugs like you.