The Largest and Fastest Religious Shift in America Is Well Underway

of course there're all judgey and I realize you're just another fucking idiot.....
Yes, I'm judgy. Unlike you and Tink, I'm not the one prancing around declaring how great a Christian I am, dumbass.

You're the one who claims to be a "Prophet" and a Christian then lies, spreads hate and judges others. You're a fucking hypocrite. It wouldn't surprise me if one of your caretakers put a large dose of fentanyl in your oatmeal.
America is a Christian nation

As SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial interpretation of the law of the land explicitly says this is a Christian Nation in addition to granting standing to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement National Archives thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists for more than 2 dozen purchased as freedom of tyrannical religion destruction what else would it be other than a more perfect union of Islamidiotocracy by their Fourth Reich Christiananality pedophilia kangaroo court...
I'm not the one prancing around declaring how great a Christian I am, dumbass.

okay I've been here since 2009......I have tens of thousands of posts......never fucking once have I "declared how great a Christian I am" here's the deal.....either link me to one such instance or let it forever be known forever that you are the most miserable piece of shit poster here and that you have a massive shaft of your own self importance shoved up your tiny little mangina.....
okay I've been here since 2009......I have tens of thousands of posts......never fucking once have I "declared how great a Christian I am" here's the deal.....either link me to one such instance or let it forever be known forever that you are the most miserable piece of shit poster here and that you have a massive shaft of your own self importance shoved up your tiny little mangina.....
So now you are denying being a Christian? Interesting. Why did you choose your avatar and username? The scripture in your signature line if you are not a Christian?

You and I are agreed; you’re not a great Christian. Your comments prove you are not a Christian at all except in name only.
And increasingly those who say that they are members of a Christian Church are actually going to WOKE Churches, they have been converted to an opposing religion without the people being aware.

Christianity is clearly dying, and I see no route to a resection.
So now you are denying being a Christian? Interesting. Why did you choose your avatar and username? The scripture in your signature line if you are not a Christian?

You and I are agreed; you’re not a great Christian. Your comments prove you are not a Christian at all except in name only.
not the challenge, fuckwit.....we're looking for your proof I've pranced around declaring myself great......last chance before you face the massive shaft in your mangina.........
not the challenge, fuckwit.....we're looking for your proof I've pranced around declaring myself great......last chance before you face the massive shaft in your mangina.........

We’re? You, yourself and Irene, Pmp? Why don’t you come clean and just admit you aren’t a Christian and don’t give a shit about being one?
And increasingly those who say that they are members of a Christian Church are actually going to WOKE Churches, they have been converted to an opposing religion without the people being aware.

Christianity is clearly dying, and I see no route to a resection.

God said the path to heaven is narrow
In their new book “The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?” Jim Davis argues that the most dramatic change may be in regular attendance at houses of worship. “We are currently in the middle of the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country,” he postulates, because “about 15 percent of American adults living today (around 40 million people) have effectively stopped going to church, and most of this dechurching has happened in the past 25 years.”

When a person can change the minds of all 5 generation gaps alive with a basic instinctive awareness that there was never such a thing as missing generation gaps while population constantly is evolving one at a time in plain sight.

Doesn't matter if faith is wrapped up in a divine being or science fiction, both are ignoring the one constant each ancestor experiences adapting in space now.

Charle Darwin did the same thing to evolution as Karl Marx did to economics. Created a separate system of reasonable doubts now is eternity that still governs ideologies forward now.

here is how and why, Everyone knows Chromosomes never duplicate lifetimes added here now, but context used to communicate brain to brain invent ideas to mind static thoughts used every generation after directing people to behave the same way each rotation of the planet forward defined by relative time theory.

Avoiding actual time evolving in plain sight.