The largest street gang in America

That's bullshit, bringing your blind hatred of Reagan into this. Cops have been like this forever. Most cops in my home town were the troublemakers and bullies in high school. Learn to stay away from them when you can, and be as respectful as possible when you can't.

I've been approached by cops six or eight times in my life and each time I've treated them with professional respect. Many times they've been subsequently helpful to me. I was 17 years old, with friends and stoned and some middle aged guy accused me of attacking his son and the cop refused to press charges since he saw that I was just minding my own business. Another time I was coasting downhill on the interstate and got puled over for speeding. I told that cop that I was just coasting, trying to save gas and she wrote in her report that I was driving responsibly, so when I went to court the judge gave me a lesser fine with no points on my license.

That girl at the fast food who was accused of not given correct change had a solid case since she had no twenty dollar bills in here register. The cop fucked up, and she chose not to reason with him but swear at him.
Oh please. Spare me the diatribe on Reagan. My comment wasn't meant as a criticism but a statement of fact. Reagan did endorse programs that further militarized police departments. (and for the record, I don't hate Reagan, I voted for him twice. I'm just not blinded by a bunch of partisan mythology about the man.)

And your reasoning defies logic. She didn't negotiate with the cop, she had the facts on her side and proved it and it's justifiable in your eyes for a cop to pepper spray a minor cause she cursed? You got to be fucking kidding me, right? I wonder how you would feel if that had happened to one of your kids?
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Oh please. Spare me the diatribe on Reagan. My comment wasn't meant as a criticism but a statement of fact. Reagan did endorse programs that further militarized police departments. (and for the record, I don't hate Reagan, I voted for him twice. I'm just not blinded by a bunch of partisan mythology about the man.)

And your reasoning defies logic. She didn't negotiate with the cop, she had the facts on her side and proved it and it's justifiable in your eyes for a cop to pepper spray a minor cause she cursed? You got to be fucking kidding me, right? I wonder how you would feel if that had happened to one of your kids?
My kids wouldn't have been belligerent off the bat to the guy.
The one that is most disturbing to me is the lady who was attacked and called for help arrested then strip-searched by male officers (females too). That one and the dude shot on the train station deck.

It is astounding how far they will go to avoid even the idea that they might be in the wrong, but that one was just disgusting in every measure.
Cops are never in the wrong. Cops shoot unarmed people and are cleared far more often than not. So many cities still have no policie review board, and if they do, many times they are peopled entirely by cops. Here in Las Cruces we have fought for years to have a LEO review board for our city and county LEO's to no avail. We have even agreed to accept active duty cops on the review board, but both agencies want nothing to do with civilians on the board. Cops exist above the law in too many jurisdictions. The thing that I have always found interesting is how much Internal Affairs is hated in cities that have IA departments. Leads me to believe cops don't want their actions looked into, by anyone but those cops that work the streets with them.
Richland County, SC cops to get SEAL training

You remember Richland County. It’s the county where Sheriff Leon Lott put out a press release a few years ago to celebrate the new tank from the Pentagon’s 1033 program—one with a turreted, belt-fed, 360-degree rotating machine gun that shoots .50 caliber ammunition, and that he charmingly named “The Peacemaker.” He’s also the one who sent his SWAT team into the homes of University of South Carolina students whose only transgression was to have appeared in the same photo where Michael Phelps was pictured smoking pot.
And now for the biggest offender of them all... Lets have a big round of applause for sheriff Joe!

According to Maricopa County Risk Management records, almost 6,300 claims and lawsuits have been filed against Sheriff Arpaio and his office since he began as sheriff in 1993.

The cost to defend those cases has been more than $50 million.

Part of that $50 million has gone to defend more than 5,000 cases which were closed with no payout to the plaintiff.
But of the total 6,300 case, there have been 1,828 lawsuits against the sheriff's office, according to a national lawsuit database.

To put that into perspective, the ABC15 Investigators also searched Harris County in Texas which includes Houston. Harris County is almost the same size in population to Maricopa County.
There are only 283 lawsuits listed under the Harris County Sheriff's Office for the same 17 year period. Maricopa County has about six times more.

According to county records, the cases fall into 3 categories.

Personnel related lawsuits account for just over $2 million in costs.

Jail related claims cost the county about $22 million.

The final category, named other, includes lawsuits like ones for civil rights violations. Those cost the county just over $26 million.

“These aren't frivolous lawsuits...these are serious lawsuits that involve death, dismemberment, abuse of power...they are very serious cases,” said Michael Manning, a defense attorney in Phoenix.

Manning has successfully sued the Sheriff's office five times. He has an additional eight cases still pending.

“Claims are far excessive, and that is because he (Arpaio) has created in our jails a culture of cruelty,” said Manning.
Manning represented Charles Agster, a mentally handicapped man who died in jail after being restrained. The result was a $9 million jury verdict..."

Read more:’s-lawsuits#ixzz1yGSzuz1S

just sayin