I can take people off ignore. Did you know that?
you are a lying sack of shit. WE KNOW THIS.
I can take people off ignore. Did you know that?
you are a lying sack of shit. WE KNOW THIS.
I feel sorry for you. You actually need to be a hateful person.
I feel sorry for your parents. I am sure they tried their best. I have no sympathy for lying trolling shit stains such as yourself
Stew in your own hatred.
Taking into account things not taken into account in that list, it isn't so straightforward as it appears.
For example, two of the top 10:
Massachusetts: This small state has one of the highest number of large universities in the US. That isn't something new or recent. The result is that the state has a higher percentage of college graduates not because the state provides better education, but rather because there happens to be a higher concentration of universities there.
Maryland: Another tiny state that is co-located with Dirty City. The high percentage of college graduates is due to that proximity, not because the state has a particularly good education system. If fact, if you discount those who live in Maryland due to employment in Washington DC, the state's education system sucks big time. One of the egregious cases that demonstrates this is a student that graduated public high school there with a 0.13 GPA and was in the top half of his class of 120. The vast majority (depending on who's figures you look at) of students--somewhere between 7 and 9 out of 10--are incompetent in math, illiterate to semi-literate, and had little or no knowledge of anything else.
It sounds like you are arguing there is a correlation between education and being a Democrat, but that the cause is education, and the effect is being a Democrat.
I don't believe anyone brought up intelligence until you did. Better educated is better educated. You can draw any conclusion you want. But clearly, the correlation between red/blue and education is not coincidence. There correlation also exists with healthcare.
thats some seriously stupid shit right there.
i've seen college graduates I wouldn't trust to use the bathroom on their own. Conversely, i've worked alongside high school graduates who control airplanes and airspace, who design, build, and administer networks that most college educated idiots can't understand.
in other words, the correlations you're drawing are of your own idiot fantasies about who you think you are, not what you actually are.
Nope. The correlation is fact. Every time states are ranked the result is fundamentally the same. Try reading. It really would help you to not look like a fucking moron.
These are the type of people that vote for Trump, and also, economical policies that are detrimental to themselves.
I know it is very ironic you criticize others for poor literacy while you demonstrate it.
LIF. Grow up. Arguing like a five year old isn't going to cut it.
shut the fuck up you goddam asshole
Grow up. Arguing like a five year old isn't going to cut it.
go kill yourself you fucking asshole
Grow up. Arguing like a five year old isn't going to cut it.