The least educated and unhealthiest states vote for the Republican

Wow. You consider a household income of $72,000 rich???

A higher education level is synonymous with a higher income, but if you consider a household income as being rich then I'd say yes it is synonymous.
Personally I consider $72,000 pretty low, but to each their own.

The median family income is about $59,000. That makes $72,000 not rich but above the median.

"It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class."
There is a clear correlation between a person’s level of education and his or her likelihood to vote for a right wing party. The lower the level of education, the more likely it is that that person votes Republican (or UKIP in Britain or for Le Pen in France or Wilders in the Netherlands etc). Put bluntly, people who aren’t very well-educated are more likely to believe in simplistic solutions, above all solutions that blame “the other” (eg immigrants or ethnic minorities).

This is being proven out everyday with the trumpanzees

go roll in the shake and bake and get in your oven, little ball of hate
Wow. You consider a household income of $72,000 rich???

A higher education level is synonymous with a higher income, but if you consider a household income as being rich then I'd say yes it is synonymous.
Personally I consider $72,000 pretty low, but to each their own.

The last year the data is available is 2016. US median income was $59,000.

Do you know what “median” even means?
Hello StoneByStone,

Cawacko and Flash, I'll give you. Are they Trump supporters?
Annonymoose, nooo.

I noticed a thing about smiling long ago.

If you pass a stranger on the street, in a store, whatever, and you find yourself looking into each other's face, most people will not immediately give you a smile.

They are tentatively checking out your expression. They are looking for a hint of how to read you.

Now here's the thing. If you smile first, they will generally smile back (unless they are not feeling very well at all.)

But if you have no expression on your face, that is what you will get back. An expressionless look.

It's sort of the same way here at JPP.

Only in this case, we cannot smile.

That's why I begin my posts with a greeting, and treat people with respect, never saying anything derogatory about them, focusing my posts on the discussion.

And then a marvelous thing happens. My posts come across refreshingly different from the typical wall of indifference most people put up. I let them know in this way that it is OK to drop the pretense, drop their guard a little bit. I am not threatening, not gonna bite anybody's head off. I just wanna talk about the subject, not them. The result of that is I probably get a different response than others get out of the same person. I put out respect and that is what I get back. (If I don't, I won't even talk to them. It's either mutual respect or nothing for me.)

I said there were other conservatives I can share respect with I had overlooked. One of them is Sirthinksalot. He has never been rude to me.

And, you know, ain't it like that in real life? The smile thing is just an example of it. Basically, you get back the energy you put out. It's another way of saying what goes around comes around.

That's why Trump gathers all these combative dysfunctional Jerry Springer types. That's the energy he puts out.

Not all of his supporters are like that. But most of his fans are. There's a difference. Education level doesn't always equate to interpersonal functionality. But there is a correlation.

I generally don't even want to talk to racists. But racism isn't a clear delineation. There's degrees of it. You can't judge a person by skin color, but there are other indicators. I won't talk to an overt racist because I find that offensive. But I talk to you because you put out a much better energy and you've always been respectful to me. Although I must say I don't know many people who wish the other races well, but simply feel races are better off when separated. I don't understand that but I'm fascinated to hear how you rationalize it. I will never agree, but as long as the discussion is civil I'm good with that. I'm an atheist who has a lot of Jewish friends. I've had a lot of fun with them in my life. I know my life would be diminished without that. I've also got some Hispanic friends I coudn't imagine cutting out of my life without making it less. The black acquaintances I've known have all come across as good people too. I know our nation is better off for having all this diversity. Diversity makes America great. I don't really see a problem with that. The trouble-makers in our society come in the form of all races and back grounds. People have to be judged as individuals, not ethnic roots. Just surround yourself with good people, push the bad ones away, and you've got a great life! It's not rocket science. It's how social circles work.
Hello anonymoose,


You either implied it or deflected by changing the subject. I took that you implied it. Sorry. Of course there are always exceptions. I know a guy that owns a pizza joint in San Diego that nets almost a $million/yr. in taxable income from his restaurant. Bronx Pizza .
But in general education level is positively correlated with earnings. I'm pretty sure you know that but if you don't I'll provide a chart from the bureau of Labor Statistics.

So basically it's a myth that Trump voters are generally uneducated, low income hicks. Just like the polls that said there was a 90% chance hrc would be our next president.

There ya go. It's right there in the data. The people with a doctoral degree do not earn as much as the ones with a professional degree. Some people are all focused on making money. Money, money, money. They think the more money they get the better off they are. Other people have a different relationship with money. You get enough to enjoy life and be comfortable and that sets you free. Then you explore your freedom any way you like. If you wish to indulge in higher learning it's all there for you. You think the people who brought us that image of a black hole did it to get rich? How about the people who built that 26 mile diameter particle collider in Europe? Ya think they did that to get rich?

Do you know who Alfred Loomis was?

Most people don't.

He didn't want notoriety or riches for what he did.

He wanted to get rich when he was young so that he could pursue his dreams of inventing things.

Good thing he did that or we might all be speaking German or Japanese.

He was so smart he predicted the crash of '29. Sold everything before it happened, and then bought all kinds of lucrative stock afterwards. That made him super-rich.

Did he keep chasing after more money after that?

Nope. Spent his own money pursuing previously unheard of weapons - to save the allies from the German onslaught. HIS OWN MONEY!

btw, he also saw WWII coming. He was so convinced of it, he began working on weapons to save the allies BEFORE the war even began. What they GUY.

Did he want fame for that? Nope. The weapons were all secret. He just wanted to do it because he felt it was the right thing to do. Did he do it to get rich? NO! He was ALREADY rich. He actually SPENT HIS OWN MONEY doing it.

I sure am glad he did that. What the guy. We are all SO LUCKY he was not obsessed with money, money, money. He knew that money was nothing more than a tool. Tools are not the end-all be-all. They are what you use to pursue higher dreams. If money is your dream, you are totally missing the point of life.

Alfred Loomis wasn't alone, either. Plenty of people do amazing things not for the money but to contribute to humanity and society. Another person who did amazing things but not for the money was Nikola Tesla. Edison was a FOOL to let Tesla go!

Money isn't everything.

Anybody who thinks it is is shallow. Such thinking actually limits a person. (Like it did Edison...) Those who know better don't want to have anything to do with somebody who is all about money. That's why Tesla quit working for Edison and why Trump is shunned in higher social circles.
What a moron .... that’s what we heard for a year before Trump won .

Do you hear the whoosh .... when it goes over your head

Do you hear the whoosh .... of your little brain... rolling around in your little head HOMER? LOL!

Hello StoneByStone,

I noticed a thing about smiling long ago.

If you pass a stranger on the street, in a store, whatever, and you find yourself looking into each other's face, most people will not immediately give you a smile.

They are tentatively checking out your expression. They are looking for a hint of how to read you.

Now here's the thing. If you smile first, they will generally smile back (unless they are not feeling very well at all.)

But if you have no expression on your face, that is what you will get back. An expressionless look.

It's sort of the same way here at JPP.

Only in this case, we cannot smile.

That's why I begin my posts with a greeting, and treat people with respect, never saying anything derogatory about them, focusing my posts on the discussion.

And then a marvelous thing happens. My posts come across refreshingly different from the typical wall of indifference most people put up. I let them know in this way that it is OK to drop the pretense, drop their guard a little bit. I am not threatening, not gonna bite anybody's head off. I just wanna talk about the subject, not them. The result of that is I probably get a different response than others get out of the same person. I put out respect and that is what I get back. (If I don't, I won't even talk to them. It's either mutual respect or nothing for me.)

I said there were other conservatives I can share respect with I had overlooked. One of them is Sirthinksalot. He has never been rude to me.

And, you know, ain't it like that in real life? The smile thing is just an example of it. Basically, you get back the energy you put out. It's another way of saying what goes around comes around.

That's why Trump gathers all these combative dysfunctional Jerry Springer types. That's the energy he puts out.

Not all of his supporters are like that. But most of his fans are. There's a difference. Education level doesn't always equate to interpersonal functionality. But there is a correlation.

I generally don't even want to talk to racists. But racism isn't a clear delineation. There's degrees of it. You can't judge a person by skin color, but there are other indicators. I won't talk to an overt racist because I find that offensive. But I talk to you because you put out a much better energy and you've always been respectful to me. Although I must say I don't know many people who wish the other races well, but simply feel races are better off when separated. I don't understand that but I'm fascinated to hear how you rationalize it. I will never agree, but as long as the discussion is civil I'm good with that. I'm an atheist who has a lot of Jewish friends. I've had a lot of fun with them in my life. I know my life would be diminished without that. I've also got some Hispanic friends I coudn't imagine cutting out of my life without making it less. The black acquaintances I've known have all come across as good people too. I know our nation is better off for having all this diversity. Diversity makes America great. I don't really see a problem with that. The trouble-makers in our society come in the form of all races and back grounds. People have to be judged as individuals, not ethnic roots. Just surround yourself with good people, push the bad ones away, and you've got a great life! It's not rocket science. It's how social circles work.

you ban most people from your threads, mr. positive.
Although I must say I don't know many people who wish the other races well, but simply feel races are better off when separated.

And I 100% don't blame you for not knowing people like me exist. The truth is, most Ethnic Nationalists, and even a lot of White Nationalists, are rooting for other races too. But the media and academia, which is largely controlled by Jewish Globalists, ONLY depict pro-white people who hate other races. I'm sure you've seen plenty of Neo-Nazi skinheads on TV, but how often do you see people like Jared Taylor? I wouldn't be surprised if you never even heard of him, because he's a white advocate who grew up in Japan, speaks Japanese, and wishes other races well.

I don't understand that but I'm fascinated to hear how you rationalize it. I will never agree, but as long as the discussion is civil I'm good with that.

Never say never. There was a time when I would have said the same thing.

I'm an atheist who has a lot of Jewish friends. I've had a lot of fun with them in my life. I know my life would be diminished without that. I've also got some Hispanic friends I coudn't imagine cutting out of my life without making it less. The black acquaintances I've known have all come across as good people too.

That's fine. I don't think people should be forcibly segregated. I think we should have freedom of association. If you own an apartment building, and you want to rent to only white people, that should be legal. If you want to rent to people of all races, that should also be legal.

By the way, I do have non-white friends too. I just prefer living in a mostly white society because I know culture is a result of genetics. Being friends with a few Blacks isn't going to harm the country. But letting in so many Blacks that they become the majority will result in drastic cultural changes. If you truly care about diversity, you want to preserve all peoples and cultures.
And while I do have some minority friends, most of my friends are white, because like everyone else, I generally get along better with people who are the same race as me. This is another reason why multiracialism leads to lower social trust and Balkanization. I believe you when you say you have non-white friends, but if there were less white people around, you'd probably have less friends and less people that you even remotely trust.

I know our nation is better off for having all this diversity. Diversity makes America great. I don't really see a problem with that. The trouble-makers in our society come in the form of all races and back grounds. People have to be judged as individuals, not ethnic roots. Just surround yourself with good people, push the bad ones away, and you've got a great life! It's not rocket science. It's how social circles work.

In what ways is it better off? How are we better off with less social trust, constant fights over representation, and Whites being taught to feel guilty?