I assume you're against abortion so should we punish the resulting child by not helping the mother? What about immigration? Are you pro-immigration or would you prefer more Americans have children? If the latter then wouldn't supporting children and young mothers be the logical thing to do?
I’m pro-life and pro-liberty. Therefore I morally oppose abortions and I morally oppose BIG government mandates concerning what people can and cannot do with their own bodies including women. I support the 4th Amendment and a women’s right to privacy. I’m perfectly willing to leave the abortion issue to God and not the government.
I have no problem with people who immigrate here to work and support their families.
There are private charities and especially families to support children. I support private charities, I have an adopted daughter, I support my family even when someone of them makes a mistake and I oppose government mandated social programs that extort taxpayers through redistribution taxation.
On the other hand if you're against supporting young mothers and children are you for increased sex education? Public service ADs? Perhaps a law requiring every retail business to have a condom machine visibly displayed on the premises? Consider the number of vending machines that could be subsidized by preventing just one "welfare birth".
I’ll say it again, . I support private charities, I have an adopted daughter, I support my family even when someone of them makes a mistake and I oppose government mandated social programs that extort taxpayers through redistribution taxation. I support and promote the idea that government should butt out of people’s private lives and let them live in liberty. Government Social Programs only encourage irresponsibility.
The point being are you in favor of finding solutions or simply making people suffer?
”Make people suffer?” By what actions of mine do
I make people suffer? By what authority am
I responsible for
other people other than my wife who
I have a contract of marriage with and the children
I adopted or fathered?
I am my brother’s keeper,
I’m not
YOUR brother’s keeper. If your brother or sister need charity let them apply to charity if
you refuse them. Government is not charity, “government is not reason, it is not eloquence, its force like fire a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible actions.”