The Left and One Party Rule

They get their housing subsidized, they get food stamps and even cell phones these days along with their check and extra money for every minor child they have. If they got a job like the Mexicans do, they wouldn’t be as wealthy having to fend for themselves because they ignored their education and training for a better job. So the left punishes the middle class and the most productive and successful among us for the laziness and stupidity of high-school dropouts, unwed teenage mothers and gangbangers by giving them OUR money.

Here's a table for Medicaid benefits.

Percentage of the federal poverty level calculated based on 2012 federal poverty levels, which are $19,090 for a family of three and $11,170 for an individual.

For example, if a working person in Louisiana with the wife and child makes over 11% of the Federal level of $19,090 which is $2099/yr. they make too much money to qualify. What more has to be said?
I’m not a modern Republican I’m a Classical Liberal. I’m perfectly satisfied to leave the issue and judgment of abortion to God, not government and teenage unwed mothers to the judgment of their parents. Actually it’s the left that creates the incentive for the continuing impoverished single mother syndrome by encouraging it with social programs.

Encouraging what? A young woman is going to think, "Hey! I have a great idea. I'll have a baby and live the good life on welfare." Is that what you think are young women's plans?

By the way you never did state an amout of money. Any examples to offer?
I'll admit this one world government is not something I can wrap my head around but I do appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me.


An example is nuclear proliferation. Except for a couple of countries it's more or less "world law" that no one can develop nuclear weapons. Granted, countries like Russia and the US and China will do what they want but a serious joining together of the world is what's needed. Again, it's something to work towards over time while helping to develop poor nations.
Ya know...when you lay it out like that without the ridiculous hyperbole or the shrieking, hysteria-filled tantrums, then a cooperative, One World Government almost sounds like a GOOD IDEA.

Some people are so afraid to co-operate. Others are so greedy they don't want to help. Their "capitalism" is so ingrained they're unable to see the big picture even when they see their jobs disappearing. They're seeing capitalism at work, they're losing and will continue to lose, yet, they still maintain their beliefs.

All we can hope for is they open their eyes. The proof is all around them.
Who would have ever thought a lefty wouldn’t like that stupid idea?

In the first place a One World Government is a human impossibility. Just look at the United Nations folly and its toothless incompetence, corruption and stupidity. Nobody pays any attention to those social drinking corrupt bastards and not even half the world belongs to that idiocy, and wisely so. That’s why I have no fear of a One World Government, it’s like wishing for Larry, Mo & Curly to become the World’s Gods.

The United Nations is designed so certain countries can unilaterally veto. What does one expect to happen? It's a case of 'you have to obey unless you don't want to. Do whatever is best for you and to hell with everyone else.' How could any form of government operate that way?

On that note I'm out of here for a while. :)
No, I think expecting changes in the Constitution is funny. Well, sad considering the present gridlock. Don't you?

The present gridlock is likely the only thing keeping the bastards in Washington from really sticking it up the country’s ass like the Democrats did with Obama-care when they had both houses of Congress and the Presidency. If Obamas’s media blitz works for the Democrats blaming everything on Republicans and y’all’s media lap-dogs on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC & NBC do their duty to their master & God Obama and make it stick, Democrats will take back the House, increase their majority to a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and Obama can work his “CHANGE” thingy again but it won’t be by changing the Constitution by amendment, they won’t be a bothering with any of that silly shit they’ll simply raise taxes on the moron minions and pass a truck-load more unconstitutional gun laws.
Encouraging what? A young woman is going to think, "Hey! I have a great idea. I'll have a baby and live the good life on welfare." Is that what you think are young women's plans?

What I know actually happens is young adults of both sexes are oh so eager to perform the strongest desirable natural act known to humankind known as the sex act. And since leftist NANNY government is oh so willing to cover for the consequences thereof when they’re unemployed and under educated and untrained to support themselves, the socialist stupidity of leftist NANNY government doesn’t solve poverty it encourages it. Leftist are enablers of irresponsibility!
The United Nations is designed so certain countries can unilaterally veto. What does one expect to happen? It's a case of 'you have to obey unless you don't want to. Do whatever is best for you and to hell with everyone else.' How could any form of government operate that way?

On that note I'm out of here for a while. :)

The United Nations is actually designed to create and further World Socialism. Its members are nothing less than a gang of authoritarian want-a-bes. They’re social drinkers, drunks, gun-grabbers, communist and fascist. The institution is a toothless, incompetent, gang of morons and pure assholes. America should pull out of that bastion of socialist stupidity and charge the bastards rent for the property they occupy in America.
What I know actually happens is young adults of both sexes are oh so eager to perform the strongest desirable natural act known to humankind known as the sex act. And since leftist NANNY government is oh so willing to cover for the consequences thereof when they’re unemployed and under educated and untrained to support themselves, the socialist stupidity of leftist NANNY government doesn’t solve poverty it encourages it. Leftist are enablers of irresponsibility!

I assume you're against abortion so should we punish the resulting child by not helping the mother? What about immigration? Are you pro-immigration or would you prefer more Americans have children? If the latter then wouldn't supporting children and young mothers be the logical thing to do?

On the other hand if you're against supporting young mothers and children are you for increased sex education? Public service ADs? Perhaps a law requiring every retail business to have a condom machine visibly displayed on the premises? Consider the number of vending machines that could be subsidized by preventing just one "welfare birth".

The point being are you in favor of finding solutions or simply making people suffer?
The United Nations is actually designed to create and further World Socialism. Its members are nothing less than a gang of authoritarian want-a-bes. They’re social drinkers, drunks, gun-grabbers, communist and fascist. The institution is a toothless, incompetent, gang of morons and pure assholes. America should pull out of that bastion of socialist stupidity and charge the bastards rent for the property they occupy in America.

I find it necessary to periodically post the definition of socialism.

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

It seems anything and everything that involves the participation of citizens is branded socialism. How many countries can we say really fit the definition of socialism?

The strangest thing is the most socialist of all systems is the one the strongest opponents of socialism vigorously support; the family. Everyone sharing in responsibility. Everyone benefiting equally in the necessities of life; food, shelter, medical care, etc.

In the past it has been tyrants who have taken over countries and instituted socialism. We can not accurately judge the success or failure of any system when run by outlaws. It's like looking at certain construction industries run or heavily influenced by the mob and determining construction industries are all failures.

All things considered a democratically elected government instituting social programs benefit the vast majority of people. We have the technology, the capability to slowly implement such a world system.
I assume you're against abortion so should we punish the resulting child by not helping the mother? What about immigration? Are you pro-immigration or would you prefer more Americans have children? If the latter then wouldn't supporting children and young mothers be the logical thing to do?

I’m pro-life and pro-liberty. Therefore I morally oppose abortions and I morally oppose BIG government mandates concerning what people can and cannot do with their own bodies including women. I support the 4th Amendment and a women’s right to privacy. I’m perfectly willing to leave the abortion issue to God and not the government.

I have no problem with people who immigrate here to work and support their families.

There are private charities and especially families to support children. I support private charities, I have an adopted daughter, I support my family even when someone of them makes a mistake and I oppose government mandated social programs that extort taxpayers through redistribution taxation.

On the other hand if you're against supporting young mothers and children are you for increased sex education? Public service ADs? Perhaps a law requiring every retail business to have a condom machine visibly displayed on the premises? Consider the number of vending machines that could be subsidized by preventing just one "welfare birth".

I’ll say it again, . I support private charities, I have an adopted daughter, I support my family even when someone of them makes a mistake and I oppose government mandated social programs that extort taxpayers through redistribution taxation. I support and promote the idea that government should butt out of people’s private lives and let them live in liberty. Government Social Programs only encourage irresponsibility.

The point being are you in favor of finding solutions or simply making people suffer?

”Make people suffer?” By what actions of mine do I make people suffer? By what authority am I responsible for other people other than my wife who I have a contract of marriage with and the children I adopted or fathered? I am my brother’s keeper, I’m not YOUR brother’s keeper. If your brother or sister need charity let them apply to charity if you refuse them. Government is not charity, “government is not reason, it is not eloquence, its force like fire a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible actions.”
I find it necessary to periodically post the definition of socialism.

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

It seems anything and everything that involves the participation of citizens is branded socialism. How many countries can we say really fit the definition of socialism?

The strangest thing is the most socialist of all systems is the one the strongest opponents of socialism vigorously support; the family. Everyone sharing in responsibility. Everyone benefiting equally in the necessities of life; food, shelter, medical care, etc.

In the past it has been tyrants who have taken over countries and instituted socialism. We can not accurately judge the success or failure of any system when run by outlaws. It's like looking at certain construction industries run or heavily influenced by the mob and determining construction industries are all failures.

All things considered a democratically elected government instituting social programs benefit the vast majority of people. We have the technology, the capability to slowly implement such a world system.

Socialism is not a pregnancy whereby it’s impossible to be a little bit pregnant. It certainly is possible to be socialist by degree.

There are two kinds of socialism. VOLUNTARY & GOVERNMENT MANDATED BY FORCE socialism. The former is RIGHTEOUSNESS and the blessings of God, The latter is AUTHORITARIAN OPPOSITION TO LIBERTY & A CRIMINAL ACTION TO HUMANKIND.
The conservative holding on to the socialism bs are one of the weights sinking the titanic Republican Party.

The Republican Party is as corrupt and SOCIALIST & FASCIST as the Democrat Party. The only difference between them is WHO they allow to feed at the government trough first.

When Democrats replace Republicans or Republicans replace Democrats in the seats of power they only create their own political demise. Carter created Reagan/Bush. Reagan/Bush created Clinton. Clinton created Bush 2. Bush 2 created Obama. Same goes with the Congress. Democrat control of Congress creates Republican control of Congress and vise-versa.
Socialism is not a pregnancy whereby it’s impossible to be a little bit pregnant. It certainly is possible to be socialist by degree.

There are two kinds of socialism. VOLUNTARY & GOVERNMENT MANDATED BY FORCE socialism. The former is RIGHTEOUSNESS and the blessings of God, The latter is AUTHORITARIAN OPPOSITION TO LIBERTY & A CRIMINAL ACTION TO HUMANKIND.

Voluntary socialism? If the majority of people vote for a candidate to implement a policy is that voluntary socialism?
Lies from the Obama Administration, huh? You are aware that we are in Sequester because president Obama offered two dollars of budget cuts for one dollar of new taxes, and Republicans turned it down. The blame is falling clearly where it belongs. The longer the Sequester last, the more people who get hurt, the stronger the postion of benefits. You do realize that the focus of Republicans is refusal to plug up corporate tax loopholes. Thank you, the Democratic Party will take the win. The American citizens will be the loser. And, the blame will go to Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. Hummm, the off year election where all house members and a third of U. S. Senators will be up for election is 19 months away. Pundits are saying this could be the first off-year Congressional election where a president ACTUALLY INCREASES HIS POWER IN CONGRESS.