They know they have been getting their asses kicked on the issue of gun control for years and they have been seething about it. The sit around waiting for events like yesterday. They hope and dream for them to happen so they can try to disarm the population "for their own safety of course". The fact that it is children makes the left even more giddy because the left has used children to further their statist totalitarian agenda for years.
Everything must be done for the children.
this country is a huge patchwork of differeing gun laws.
Can we dicuss the FACTS surrounding which ones work best where and why to see if there is a better path we can all agree on that could maybe save lives?
Or is any discussion of the facts going to be screamed down by the right as needing "second amendment remedies" from you?
"Act on gun control?"
Dear Leader cannot just 'act' and make the 2nd Amendment go away.
If you want to live in a slave state, totalitarian nation, move.
Grind, can you please invent something that can be sent over the internet to fry Alias II's computer? Oh, and if it works, take out Racist X as well. Thanks.
Unless they are still in the womb, and then they have no problem killing and aborting them.
Oh, HELL no.
Silencing the opposition is what the Right likes to do.
Anyway, Grind and the other board mods agree with those two, don't they?
Should 'I Love America' change his name to I Fear America?
More appropriately, "I Fear Everything"
They know they have been getting their asses kicked on the issue of gun control for years and they have been seething about it. The sit around waiting for events like yesterday. They hope and dream for them to happen so they can try to disarm the population "for their own safety of course". The fact that it is children makes the left even more giddy because the left has used children to further their statist totalitarian agenda for years.
Everything must be done for the children.
"Act on gun control?"
Dear Leader cannot just 'act' and make the 2nd Amendment go away.
If you want to live in a slave state, totalitarian nation, move.
Should 'I Love America' change his name to I Fear America?
Trust me...change is coming. At the very minimum, we're going to see the assault weapon ban return. Hopefully more will happen. Did you know the NRA had to shut down their Facebook page yesterday after being overwhelmed by protests?
Wait and see...people are finally pressuring Congress to step up. Even the NRA bucks won't help now.
I'd much rather see it changed to BANNED
We can learn that Canada does not have near as many armed street gang members as we in the USA do. When the Gang members shoot each other, you gun grabbing Libs add them to the gun violence list in the "Mitt Romney Binder" to bloat that list, so you can try to grab our guns, which will never happen. Not one moore gun law, no way, no how..I used to think when i was young that guns should just be banned.
I have evolved on the subject and would NOT WANT all guns banned.
after seeing and living through the Bush admin that really solidified it for me.
I loved how in the columbine movie MM showed other countries who have guns in their population dont have nearly as many os these incidents as we do.
Now what can we learn from places like canada where they have lots of personal guns yet they dont have weekly mass murders?
We can learn that Canada does not have near as many armed street gang members as we in the USA do. When the Gang members shoot each other, you gun grabbing Libs add them to the gun violence list in the "Mitt Romney Binder" to bloat that list, so you can try to grab our guns, which will never happen. Not one moore gun law, no way, no how..