If domestic and US based corporations don't "win" we are fucked. Marxists and most Lefties hate corporations, that have created the bulk of America's wealth. The real winner over the last two centuries has been the US gubment.
Name one corporation that has enjoyed the total growth in scope power and shear size of the US gubment. Clue: no entity has enjoyed such massive growth.
PNP and Truth Detector thinks we are winning, I guess due to Trump et al. I see only a pause in the massive liberty crushing mess FDR, LBJ and Obamaprompter have grown; and most Republicans also benefit from the massive Federal gubment they love. That is why the swamp hates Trump, (Republicans and dim wit Democrats). The media, academia, and most pols love massive gubment growth and do consistently deliver such.
Fuck the Left, and fuck the dim wit Democrat party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, and lawlessness.