The Left is winning, and that is bad for all of us

The corporate state is winning and has no side, they always have it covered "either" way, and will, until a sustained grass roots effort insists upon the formation of a real 2nd party that represents the people.

If domestic and US based corporations don't "win" we are fucked. Marxists and most Lefties hate corporations, that have created the bulk of America's wealth. The real winner over the last two centuries has been the US gubment.

Name one corporation that has enjoyed the total growth in scope power and shear size of the US gubment. Clue: no entity has enjoyed such massive growth.

PNP and Truth Detector thinks we are winning, I guess due to Trump et al. I see only a pause in the massive liberty crushing mess FDR, LBJ and Obamaprompter have grown; and most Republicans also benefit from the massive Federal gubment they love. That is why the swamp hates Trump, (Republicans and dim wit Democrats). The media, academia, and most pols love massive gubment growth and do consistently deliver such.

Fuck the Left, and fuck the dim wit Democrat party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, and lawlessness.
If domestic and US based corporations don't "win" we are fucked. Marxists and most Lefties hate corporations, that have created the bulk of America's wealth. The real winner over the last two centuries has been the US gubment.

Name one corporation that has enjoyed the total growth in scope power and shear size of the US gubment. Clue: no entity has enjoyed such massive growth.

PNP and Truth Detector thinks we are winning, I guess due to Trump et al. I see only a pause in the massive liberty crushing mess FDR, LBJ and Obamaprompter have grown; and most Republicans also benefit from the massive Federal gubment they love. That is why the swamp hates Trump, (Republicans and dim wit Democrats). The media, academia, and most pols love massive gubment growth and do consistently deliver such.

Fuck the Left, and fuck the dim wit Democrat party of slavery, kkk, jim crow, and lawlessness.

one are one dumb MOFO
OLdecsRule - what is it about Americans that turn them all into adolescent prima donnas when they talk about politics? Can you really not imagine countries where opponents don't spend their time 'hating' one another? It seems a pretty ludicrous way to behave. Probably it is because MacCarthy abolished political choice, leaving you to fight over ludicrous 'personalities'.
OLdecsRule - what is it about Americans that turn them all into adolescent prima donnas when they talk about politics? Can you really not imagine countries where opponents don't spend their time 'hating' one another? It seems a pretty ludicrous way to behave. Probably it is because MacCarthy abolished political choice, leaving you to fight over ludicrous 'personalities'.

:lolup:Another useless idiot who thinks European politics are not full of hate and division.
PNP and Truth Detector thinks we are winning, I guess due to Trump et al. I see only a pause in the massive liberty crushing mess FDR, LBJ and Obamaprompter have grown; and most Republicans also benefit from the massive Federal gubment they love. That is why the swamp hates Trump, (Republicans and dim wit Democrats). The media, academia, and most pols love massive gubment growth and do consistently deliver such.

I think Republicans are winning because over the last few decades, since BillyBob Clinton's philandering Presidency, the massive control Democrats asserted over the legislature has been broken.

Right now Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House over 2/3rds of the State houses and Governorship's. That's a lot of winning in my books. Can they do better? I have to believe so because the alternative is repugnant and unacceptable.

Although I did not support a Trump candidacy in the beginning, I now see his Presidency as a gift. Because of him, the left leaning news media are no longer pretending to be objective and the festering sore and threat to our republic represented by a dark state embedded within the bureaucracy has been exposed and with time, rooted out.
I think Republicans are winning because over the last few decades, since BillyBob Clinton's philandering Presidency, the massive control Democrats asserted over the legislature has been broken.

Right now Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House over 2/3rds of the State houses and Governorship's. That's a lot of winning in my books. Can they do better? I have to believe so because the alternative is repugnant and unacceptable.

I agree that Republicans have won a lot of legislature seats, yet men can "marry" men, women can "marry" women, most major cities flaunt federal law and welcome illegals and MS 13 without consequence. The policies are moving to the Left. Most of the world is moving away from Socialism due to the abject failure, yet this country is moving towards Socialism, and the majority of millennial snowflakes are Socialists. Do we still have Obamacare? yup. It will be a good day when McCain goes away.

Although I did not support a Trump candidacy in the beginning, I now see his Presidency as a gift. Because of him, the left leaning news media are no longer pretending to be objective and the festering sore and threat to our republic represented by a dark state embedded within the bureaucracy has been exposed and with time, rooted out.

I didn't support Trump until he won the Republican nomination either. I agree with you that his policies and personal toughness have been a blessing.
OLdecsRule - what is it about Americans that turn them all into adolescent prima donnas when they talk about politics? Can you really not imagine countries where opponents don't spend their time 'hating' one another? It seems a pretty ludicrous way to behave. Probably it is because MacCarthy abolished political choice, leaving you to fight over ludicrous 'personalities'.

You are an extra stupid Brit fuck up. pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft....