Mason Michaels
Verified User
It is a fact that the 'rat Party is Marxist, sorry to say...
In the simple minded jerkoffs like yourself.
It is a fact that the 'rat Party is Marxist, sorry to say...
poor vocational school boi
In which case, use a modern language.I'm talking about the present...
In the simple minded jerkoffs like yourself.
Resorting to ad hom since I destroyed your position lol.
poor vocational school boi
How low can your IQ go ?
Or I'm not the "stalker" that you claimed.
Or, you never went to college.
I'm thinking both, actually.
The state of "Poor". That makes perfect sense...
He went to Notre Dame but somebody burned down his spire!
poor vocational school boi
Or I'm not the "stalker" that you claimed.
Or, you never went to college.
I'm thinking both, actually.
He went to GED U and didn't graduate lol.
Two stupid fucks that don’t know the difference between the cathedral in France and the school in Indiana.
Sad little cunts.
You didn't graduate from ND. lol
I didn’t? And you know that how, cunt?
The next time you lefties need your car repaired, plumber, electrician, general maintenance man or any of the myriad of professions that require specialized training and not a sheep skin. Insist that they be college educated then see how long it takes to get the needed repairs. College is great for many professions but often technical schools are just as demanding when it comes to knowledge and intelligence as many college degree programs. So sneer at the poor uneducated boob fixing your plumbing making $40 an hour with no student debt. Yea a college degree really makes one superior. I have an advanced Bachelors degree so I am speaking from experience.