The Left's FAKE Promises To Inspire The Base

English tough for you? it is not a Dem party push. An occasional Dem is not the party. there are some, but it is flat out wrong to say the Dems are pro impeachment.

You need to connect with your propaganda media, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN and let them know they're full of shit and they better stop the "IMPEACHMENT" crap because Democrats can count and they all know the numbers are in outer space for a successful impeachment of Kavanauge or Trump. Them media idiots must not have "counted" yet or they think you're all bleeping morons, huh?
She is in a small district no. 43 in California. Walk outside your bunker and ask the next few people you meet who Maxine Waters is. You would learn something. But she will head oversight and investigations when the Dems take the house. Wonder how the Repubs would like some of their own medicine? Delicious irony isn't it?

If she's that unknown, then your base must not be watching ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN, huh? Maxine's face is there at least twice a week or more inspiring the Dem base to confront and harass the American President's cabinet wherever you find them.
you really, really need help. If trump is innocent, nothing will happen. However, if he is guilty of tax evasion and working with Russia, we can actually investigate that, instead of Benghazi again.

Who's Bob Muller? What do you suppose he's been doing friend? Do you suppose Maxine's House Judicial Committee conducted by Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi will actually pin Trump to the criminal wall regardless of Bobby's investigation still floundering after 2 years?
There was no vote, that was the point, representative democracy is dead,

Actually, the United States is a representative Constitutional Republic. The majority mob are not to be the conductor of the law. No representative of the people is sworn by oath to legislate by the will of the people's majority mob. Every representative is sworn to legislate solely by the mandates of the people's "CONSTITUTION" whereby all of the people have agreed to by the representation within their State. That's known as "protecting the minority from the majority mob."
foolish didn't have the votes to carry Garland, you don't have the votes to take the House.......

Dumbo, they should have gone through the motions pretending they actually respect the system. they should have given him the courtesy off having interviews with senators.then in a hearing, they could vote against him. But they knew he was highly qualified and a middle of the roader. they woiuld have gotten lots of trouble for abusing him in public. So they made you happy by cheating and lying all the way through. theysabotaged him in secret. Just what reds do.
the house does not factor in Supreme court.
Who's Bob Muller? What do you suppose he's been doing friend? Do you suppose Maxine's House Judicial Committee conducted by Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi will actually pin Trump to the criminal wall regardless of Bobby's investigation still floundering after 2 years?

Mueller is quietly and carefully investigating trump and his people working with Russians to sabotage a fair and open election in America. It is how Repubs work. You have no idea what he has found although he has charged many and actuall got guilty pleas from 6 . How many did that fabulously well run Republican investigations charge? Why zero. Not one plea. Nobody in jail.
If the Dems take the house, they can investigate the Repugs just like the Repugs used that power to pretend to investigate Hillary over and over. Maxine is a counterpart to Nunes. Although she is not dishonest like he is.
How the fuck would a Trumpkin bubble resident, know what any liberals are doing? It's obvious most of you don't even check, and just close your eyes, and swallow whatever rightist propaganda tells you.

Irony coming from a TDS filled leftist who doesn't know where their brain is. :laugh:
Mueller is quietly and carefully investigating trump and his people working with Russians to sabotage a fair and open election in America.

But that's not what wikileaks says about fair and open elections. They said Hillary & the DNC shoved it up Bernie's ass. then there's the House & Senate investigations & Judicial Watch & the Inspector General's report that are turning up A DNC, Clinton, FBI & Intel agencies that plotted & conspired to exonerate Clinton of her felonies and frame Donald Trump to keep him from ever being President then continued the frame job since. Curious how Muller doesn't seem to be noticing all of that proven evidence, huh?

You have no idea what he has found although he has charged many and actuall got guilty pleas from 6 . How many did that fabulously well run Republican investigations charge? Why zero. Not one plea. Nobody in jail.

You totally fail to understand or recognize three things here friend. First nary a single Muller indictment has connected Trump to a single crime related to his campaign or him personally. If Muller has something on Trump, he's taking one hell of a long time indicting him. Secondly, the U.S. Congress Judicial Watch and the Inspector General have no power of authority to indict anybody, they can only uncover evidence and the Inspector General can "propose" indictments to the Justice Department. Thirdly, Most of Muller's indictments, (all of them on the Russians) will never see an American court of law. The Russians are laughing at Muller's Witch hunt.

If the Dems take the house, they can investigate the Repugs just like the Repugs used that power to pretend to investigate Hillary over and over. Maxine is a counterpart to Nunes. Although she is not dishonest like he is.

GOOOOOO Maxine.!!!!! I wanta see the day when that kook runs a credible investigation of anything. She's an embarrassment to the Congress and an instigator of political violence.
No Mueller is not taking a long time. The Repubs investigations all took a lot longer and obtained zero, none, no guilty pleas at all. But they were political in nature, not judicial. Mccarthy said they were intended to lower Hillary's poll numbers and it worked. Mueller is not doing that. You should be very afraid of what his conclusions will be because trump has a lifetime of skirting laws.

Nunes is a horrible embarrassment. Didn't hurt him to be so dishonest and a pipeline to the Whitehouse. McConnell said he was not going to do his job. Did not hurt him. I do not think you are going to enjoy her use of power.
It's being removed piece by piece.

Senate Republicans will try to repeal a core piece of Obamacare in their massive tax bill

I'd prefer they do it all at once but at least they're getting rid of it.

They got rid of the worst part. The personal mandate. It has no teeth anymore.