The Lefty Crutch

Nobody i know spends any time thinking about Hillary or the election. Trump is simply getting the criticism he deserves for bringing the Twit to Twitter. He is the worlds oldest teenager, calling world leaders and Dems, insulting childish names. We worry about the future. The immature president we have now may be very dangerous, especially after he gets in trouble with Mueller.

I guess that's why we no longer see any of them making claims such as, but not limited to, Hillary won 3 million more popular votes.
I do not envy the position that lefties are in right now, where they need to dodge, derail, ignore, or otherwise evade answering posts with something relevant to the subject on hand. I admire the passion that they have to comment on everything, but it must suck to have to post something other than a relevant answer.

Some of you may have noticed that I have mentioned the lefty wheel of fortune in a few posts, but let me explain how it works. A topic or question appears in either a new thread as an opening post, or maybe somebody asks a lefty a question. The lefty realizes that the answer to the question does not support lefty agenda, but he feels compelled to post something anyway. Anything. The idea is to change the subject or evade answering, or to contribute a little weight to the vine in hopes that other lefties will jump on and pull the vine down altogether. So what to post instead of an answer that is relevant to what was asked? The lefty wheel of fortune! The wheel is loaded with random lefty talking points that may or may not be related to the subject being discussed, so the lefty gives the wheel a big spin to see what to post other than an appropriate answer. Whatever random talking point the wheel lands on is what gets posted as a reply.
Here is one of my posts from way back in the election campaign that shows my perception of lefties during that time. It was a different political forum, but it is a fun look into the past...

I first noticed this phenomenon during the presidential debates, and it happens when you give a microphone to a lefty and ask him a question. Kane is the one who really got me to notice. Basically, lefties are loaded with lefty talking points, and these talking points are loaded up under high pressure. When you ask a lefty a question, it is like opening the floodgates! Random lefty talking points spew out rapidly, and they don't even need to relate to the question asked. Because these talking points are under pressure, lefties can squeeze out 4 or 5 unrelated talking points before the debate is halted for reorganization. Kane was able to release a dozen of them at a time, every time he was asked a question, but then he is a professional lefty.

I see something similar that happens on this forum. When I post a thread that challenges lefties, the replies are not connected to the OP. They are lefty talking points that are under pressure, although not as much pressure as the professional lefties have. The lefty talking points are just as random though, and they are posted in lieu of an appropriate response that is connected to the OP. It is like squeezing the handle on a hose nozzle. As long as the hose nozzle is open, unrelated lefty talking points flow at a high volume until the handle is released.
I do not envy the position that lefties are in right now, where they need to dodge, derail, ignore, or otherwise evade answering posts with something relevant to the subject on hand. I admire the passion that they have to comment on everything, but it must suck to have to post something other than a relevant answer.

Some of you may have noticed that I have mentioned the lefty wheel of fortune in a few posts, but let me explain how it works. A topic or question appears in either a new thread as an opening post, or maybe somebody asks a lefty a question. The lefty realizes that the answer to the question does not support lefty agenda, but he feels compelled to post something anyway. Anything. The idea is to change the subject or evade answering, or to contribute a little weight to the vine in hopes that other lefties will jump on and pull the vine down altogether. So what to post instead of an answer that is relevant to what was asked? The lefty wheel of fortune! The wheel is loaded with random lefty talking points that may or may not be related to the subject being discussed, so the lefty gives the wheel a big spin to see what to post other than an appropriate answer. Whatever random talking point the wheel lands on is what gets posted as a reply.

That is why lefties shy away from the Above Plain Politics sub forum. They aren’t allowed to play Lefty Wheel of Fortune there and are afraid of getting exposed. They are extremely transparent.

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That is why lefties shy away from the Above Plain Politics sub forum. They aren’t allowed to play Lefty Wheel of Fortune there and are afraid of getting exposed. They are extremely transparent.

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I'll have to see what that subforum is about. I primarily work from active topics.
Stating facts isn't the same as making claims

When overall popular vote isn't what is used to elect a President, stating it over and over and over . . . and over and over is about as meaningful as telling black people to quit having bastard babies. It doesn't make a difference in the end.