Again, I don't need to refute him. Psychology is a field that is composed of opinions and not much in the way of hard science. Have you ever taken a university-level psych class? I have taken three of them.
My opinion is that conservatives suffer from an often-debilitating fear of change and difference. In some it amounts to a phobia, which we call racism and bigotry. Conservatives tend to be extremely clannish and reject those who are dissimilar in appearance and beliefs. Conservatives are often easily manipulated by those perceived to have power and strength. Thus they are prone to cultishness, egocentrism, and pathological hatred for those seen as threats. They can easily be coerced into supporting a war if the cult leader convinces them that it is just.
Because of the strong fear of change, conservatives generally remain loyal to whatever religion they had as children, and strongly reject others as heretical and threatening. Their God(s) tend to be omnipotent male figures such as Jehovah and Allah. Female figures in these religions are seen as weaker and often they are leading males into temptation and sin. Therefore conservative-dominated societies tend to have males in the positions of wealth and power, with females relegated to the roles of mother and sex partner. Older males are seen as having greater wisdom and power, while older females become invisible.
The overwhelming fear of progress causes many conservatives to demand a stronger military in their country, as well as more powerful personal arms at home. Conservatives have a strong sense of survival and thus are very resistant to efforts to curb military spending in favor of domestic programs. This survival sense also causes them to reject government programs aimed at aiding low-income people because the conservatives realize that this will take taxpayer funding away from the defense budget. Conservatives tend to have a self-perception of being individualistic and self-supporting, which is not borne out by empirical data.
See how anyone can write something making a group of people appear to be mentally ill?