The Liberals' War on Science

Actually, the Mauna Loa reading wasn't "consistent" with anything.

1) If you are trying to prove man is warming the planet then why put a monitoring station on top of an active volcano?
2) The point of having many measuring stations is to take readings and average them. But, the 403ppm reading hasn't been averaged, it's been used stand alone...for shock value.


Keep struggling, Gilda. Eventually, you'll discover the truth.

Mauna Loa, at almost 14,000 feet, is a pristine location. When the OCCASIONAL activity is detected, it is easy to identify and correct. Educate yourself on why it was chosen.

Antarctica was the last station to detect the 400ppm mark. Mauna Loa, Barrow, Tasmania, Antarctica. All seeing the same trends and levels. If you don't like the data, write NOAA and ask them why their methods and data are so unreliable.
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liberals got no science. they are heathens.

Okay gomer...

We can't prove gravity. We can't prove evolution. The consensus involves agreement on the available science.

We're getting pretty close to truth simply not existing at all. What a fucked up viewpoint.

We can prove gravity. Jump off the highest bridge you can find. Bet you hit real hard. Prove me wrong.