The Lincoln Myth

The original edition of None Dare Call It Treason came out in 1964 and, without benefit of a prestige publisher or reviews, sold something on the order of seven million copies. Arguing that the United States had been betrayed by its elite, it is a classic in what Hannah Arendt has called "backstairs political literature." blamed communist sympathizers. " Stormer did not claim there was some grand conspiracy. He went no further than to resort to a metaphor about the pieces all fitting, whether planned by communists or not.

Stormer...... "Could some of those who make the tragic decisions and implement the wrong programs consistently be Communists? . . . We don't know and we can't know." He points to the Council on Foreign Relations and other institutions as "conspiracies" (in quotes) but denies that their members "could be knowing collaborators in a gigantic conspiracy." To the extent that he espies a plot, it results not from machinations in Moscow but a "conspiracy of shared values."

This conspiracy of 'shared values' is more than evident in the current administration.
As long as you understand that slavery ended in the northern states for economic reasons and not for moral reasons which is the point I'm driving home here because this unnecessary war on the south was not motivated by freeing the slaves.
Slavery was never as entrenched in the North as it was in Southern states. I will say it again, you cannot know how, when, if, Slavery would have died a natural death. The war, all war, is aweful, but this one accomplished a worthy goal no matter other less than noble ones.
No true libertarian would object to taking up arms for the sake of a mans liberty. The slave was a man whose liberty was given back to him.
Slavery was never as entrenched in the North as it was in Southern states. I will say it again, you cannot know how, when, if, Slavery would have died a natural death. The war, all war, is aweful, but this one accomplished a worthy goal no matter other less than noble ones.

Ridiculous...all it did was set the Negroes up for decades of the same kind of labor they were already doing without the extra in it opened a wide gulf between the freed negroes and their former masters wherein much animosity developed on both sides --a huge disaster for everyone concerned and the effects of it have only gotten worse and worse....all of our big cities overrun with crime and poverty which can be traced directly back to the abrupt and hasty manner in which the slaves were freed....something they were totally unprepared for and the consequences of which have magnified to such an extent the problem is not has grown too large and too politically charged for any politician to even attempt to do anything about it.
No true libertarian would object to taking up arms for the sake of a mans liberty. The slave was a man whose liberty was given back to him.

The slave was a product of Africa little better than a wild animal who was just beginning to develop some characteristics of a civilized being...he was never free in Africa...totally controlled by the tribal chieftians the mercy of witch doctors and entwined in superstiion and sattanic forces of witchcraft......suffereing from constant warfare, disease, attacks by wild animals and thus had a very,very short lifespan.

Certainly totally unprepared for liberty and what he got with Lincolns stupidity was chaos, deprivation and a huge setback on the road to becoming civilized beings.
I support taxes for everyone but The White Working Class....the class that has fought all of America's Wars, built this nation and who are the only class in America without any representation in Washington.

I support a uprising of True Conservatives who should have no limits on their terms as long as they remain true to the American Ideals of Truth, Justice and The American Way.

Limiting terms as some sort of remedy for bad government is an illusion........the problem lies in who is being elected...bad people constantly being elected cannot be remedied by term limits...if a foolish people keep electing bad people...the obvious solution is to elect the right kind of people. Duh

I support only government subsidies that help The White Working Class

I support Foreign Aid only for our true friends...of which we have very few.

I do support support abolishing the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Energy, and Housing and Urban Development?

Little story: When I was in Vietnam (US Army 9th infantry Division) the worst kept little secret over there is that the southerners were the best fighters on the battlefield. And they were and I stuck to them like glue best I could. The southern boys always had your back. I am alive today because of those southern boys in my platoon.
Slavery was never as entrenched in the North as it was in Southern states. I will say it again, you cannot know how, when, if, Slavery would have died a natural death. The war, all war, is aweful, but this one accomplished a worthy goal no matter other less than noble ones.

There were Jim Crow laws in all the northern states. Some northern states banned blacks from moving there from the south or from other states. Illinois, King Abraham's home state was one. The underground railroad ran up to Canada because the Yankees didn't want southern Negroes dumped into their backyard. The only place blacks could vote in the northern states was up in New England in some areas. (While they were given the vote in the south during reconstruction) King Abraham's Yankee generals like Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant were all racists who hated blacks and Grant was also a Jew hating anti Semite to boot.

But blacks in the north weren't slaves, they were free - free to starve to death living in squalor because the Yankees didn't want anything to do with them.
Slavery was never as entrenched in the North as it was in Southern states. I will say it again, you cannot know how, when, if, Slavery would have died a natural death. The war, all war, is aweful, but this one accomplished a worthy goal no matter other less than noble ones.

It should have died a natural death after 1808.
Little story: When I was in Vietnam (US Army 9th infantry Division) the worst kept little secret over there is that the southerners were the best fighters on the battlefield. And they were and I stuck to them like glue best I could. The southern boys always had your back. I am alive today because of those southern boys in my platoon.

You were on a battlefield in Vietnam? I have never heard a Vietnam Vet call it "the battlefield" before. Interesting
No true libertarian would object to taking up arms for the sake of a mans liberty. The slave was a man whose liberty was given back to him.

The slave was a product of Africa little better than a wild animal who was just beginning to develop some characteristics of a civilized being...he was never free in Africa...totally controlled by the tribal chieftians the mercy of witch doctors and entwined in superstiion and sattanic forces of witchcraft......suffereing from constant warfare, disease, attacks by wild animals and thus had a very,very short lifespan.

Certainly totally unprepared for liberty and what he got with Lincolns stupidity was chaos, deprivation and a huge setback on the road to becoming civilized beings.
There were Jim Crow laws in all the northern states. Some northern states banned blacks from moving there from the south or from other states. Illinois, King Abraham's home state was one. The underground railroad ran up to Canada because the Yankees didn't want southern Negroes dumped into their backyard. The only place blacks could vote in the northern states was up in New England in some areas. (While they were given the vote in the south during reconstruction) King Abraham's Yankee generals like Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant were all racists who hated blacks and Grant was also a Jew hating anti Semite to boot.

But blacks in the north weren't slaves, they were free - free to starve to death living in squalor because the Yankees didn't want anything to do with them.

The Underground Railroad ran to Canada because your loyalist brethren up there didn't have Fugitive Slave Laws.
There were Jim Crow laws in all the northern states. Some northern states banned blacks from moving there from the south or from other states. Illinois, King Abraham's home state was one. The underground railroad ran up to Canada because the Yankees didn't want southern Negroes dumped into their backyard. The only place blacks could vote in the northern states was up in New England in some areas. (While they were given the vote in the south during reconstruction) King Abraham's Yankee generals like Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant were all racists who hated blacks and Grant was also a Jew hating anti Semite to boot.

But blacks in the north weren't slaves, they were free - free to starve to death living in squalor because the Yankees didn't want anything to do with them.

I'll tell you what. I need a housekeeper, gardner, and all around slave. How about I just own you for the tasks I need to have done daily?
I may beat you, sell or kill your loved ones as I see fit, but I will feed and clothe you well enough to stay healthy since it serves my needs to do so. I am allowed to because you are really no better than an animal. No worries though, someday, maybe, it may end.
But I own you, for as long as I please.
Or you can choose door number 2, and make your own way, but there may be some harsh realities you face.
Mr. Lincoln's political ploy of Emancipation

I'll tell you what. I need a housekeeper, gardner, and all around slave. How about I just own you for the tasks I need to have done daily?
I may beat you, sell or kill your loved ones as I see fit, but I will feed and clothe you well enough to stay healthy since it serves my needs to do so. I am allowed to because you are really no better than an animal. No worries though, someday, maybe, it may end.
But I own you, for as long as I please.
Or you can choose door number 2, and make your own way, but there may be some harsh realities you face.

Overly simplistic and really stupid view....the only humane manner to have ended slavery would have been to do it in a peaceful and gradual manner.

Mr. Lincolns hasty and violent method was just a self-serving political ploy that caused extreme hardship for the slaves not even to mention the larger problem it created for society.

The ramifications of Mr. Lincoln's political ploy are still with us today and all the problems he created to gain some political advantage are growing as can be seen in our prision population.

There are more blacks incarcerated in our penal institutions today than were slaves in 1850.....and this tragic reality can be traced directly back to the brutal manner in which slavery was who did Mr. Lincoln really help? one but himself and in fact that was all he had in mind...a purely selfish motive and act.