The Little Dictator Calls For More National Lockdown Despite Vaccine Distribution.

Fauci was Dump's approved medical God
Trump doesn't worship Fauci. Fauci wasn't even installed by Trump, except as an advisor.
until he contradicts his PR based babble....then he's personna non grata..just like everyone else Dump hitched his BS wagon to.
Because Fauci wasn't advising. He was preaching a religion.
When YOU can get the same "cocktail" drugs that Dump and his cronies get,
You can.
I'm not thrilled with the whole medical/white house incompetence regarding this epidemic ... I just find this hypocritical sniping a joke
Paradox. You are being irrational.
Silly rabbit....critical thinking is for grown ups.
You are not thinking. You are being irrational. You can't argue both sides of a paradox.
this was an entirely new strain of one knew exactly how to react until more data came in. at first, experts said masks were not required in public because they thought people would socially distance out of concern for their own safety, and they were also worried that if everybody wore a mask, the supply for essential workers would be threatened, including health care professionals who had close contact with infected patients. but it became more clear this virus was incredibly contagious, and not enough folks maintained social distancing even if possible, and masks had to be required in order to keep the infection rate low...but trump could not even respect that, being the incompetent moron he is. everybody he knows has been infected - himself, his family, his secret service agents, people at his stupid shit rallies and events, and he is supposed to be our leader and the go to guy in this emergency?

Masks do not stop a virus.
6 feet does not stop a virus.
Governor edicts are unconstitutional.
Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' does not stop a virus and is unconstitutional.
Those vaccinated can still catch transmit the virus, until seventy percent of the population is vaccinated, the virus is still a serious threat, and no one is calling for a national shutdown

Amazing how those most critical of addressing the virus know so little about the virus

I don't consider covid19 a serious threat (other than the manufactured panic by the Democrats). This is the mildest virus ever discovered of the Covid/SARS series viruses. It doesn't have a high infection rate (using CDC numbers here). It does not kill. Pneumonia that it can induce can kill, but it can be treated.

Symptoms generally last 24 to 48 hours, followed by lingering effects for about a week. After that, you are effectively 'vaccinated'. No vaccine will do anything further.

Trump is not calling for a national shutdown, and indeed, is not calling for a shutdown at all (other than some airline traffic).
It is estimated that the vaccine against the Trump virus
Trump did not create the covid19 virus. He does not command it either.
will take as long as 6 months to cover the country,
The vaccine is already available in many parts of the country. Distribution is continuing, and should be available everywhere within a week or two.
We can still cut down on cases.
Sure. Wash your hands from time to time as needed, stay away from those infected, stay home if you're sick, etc. In other words, basic hygiene. It's really not tough.
But to rightys, that is not brave enough. A real man would walk into a Corona ward without a mask to prove how smart and brave they are.
Didn't I just say avoid the infected? A mask would make no difference.

BTW, doctors and other personnel in these wards do wash their hands and keep the place very clean. As a result, their higher risk of exposure is mitigated. Masks do not help them. 6 feet does not help them. Stuff like alcohol, hand soap, limiting contact with patients, and keep the place clean is the best measure of defense.
Today thanks to President Trump's Operation warp speed program, vaccine for the Chinese virus is being implemented across the country.

But friends, how do you think Doctor Fouche, America's favorite bureaucrat and Democrat in good standing reacted to this great humanitarian success?

Please reread the post title.

When was the last time this little midget actually treated a patient dear friends?

Fauci is a world-renown expert in epidemiology. He is called when other countries get an epidemic. We are lucky to have him.
The problem is he told the truth about a virus that Trump wanted to ignore. That is not permitted. So the job given to right wong news was to eviscerate Fauci, destroy him. Then Trump can lie unabated. He can always find someone with medical credentials that will do what Trump wants. Enter Atlas. He was willing to claim the expertise Trump wanted, even though it was not in epidemiology, Trump was happy to make him spokesman.
The reds made a big deal that Fauci told people to not buy n95 masks in the beginning. He did that because front line workers did not have enough of them. Once they had enough, he pushed masks vociferously.
Rightys are happy to insult Fauci in any way they can, including his height. That is how crude and childish the reds are.
It is good Biden does not work like Trump and the rightys.

I'm responsible for my own health care, not the government.
Quote Originally Posted by philly rabbit View Post
I'm responsible for my own health care, not the government.

Not in the real world. Assuming you are , you just don't care about others who are not so fortunate?

Right wing wonks always fall back on that old BS. Yeah, he's responsible to hobble his dopey ass down to the local drug store for come in the knowledge that GOVERNMENT regulations and oversight make it pretty sure he won't get poisoned (that is, if he has a GED reading comprehension).
Right wing wonks always fall back on that old BS. Yeah, he's responsible to hobble his dopey ass down to the local drug store for come in the knowledge that GOVERNMENT regulations and oversight make it pretty sure he won't get poisoned (that is, if he has a GED reading comprehension).

A Christmas card just for me from Naomi Wolf herself.
Fauci is obviously not a dictator. Trump had him sidelined when he fought for saving Americans' lives contrary to Trump's plan. So the thread starts with a lie. American vaccination is having near-zero impact now. We are in a Corona spurt that is killing Americans at a terrifying rate. We are heading for 400,000 and will pass that and go on. This is not a pandemic under control.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Right wing wonks always fall back on that old BS. Yeah, he's responsible to hobble his dopey ass down to the local drug store for come in the knowledge that GOVERNMENT regulations and oversight make it pretty sure he won't get poisoned (that is, if he has a GED reading comprehension).

A Christmas card just for me from Naomi Wolf herself.

this is what you wrote; .... Quote Originally Posted by philly rabbit View Post
I'm responsible for my own health care, not the government.

I pointed out how foolish and disigenuous that statement is. Your response is to blow smoke and dodge.