The low wage drag on our economy

What's your take crash on the proposed immigration reform legislation? Does it hurt workers?

I think anytime you have more workers than jobs the cost of labor goes down and society suffers. So yes, I think it hurts workers right now. Politically it's the right thing do do now. Is it amnesty like Reagan did? I don't know. But I do know that both sides are playing political games with it.

To see Hispanics moving with marginally more strength toward the party that currently holds the White House should give pause to Republican opponents of immigration reform – especially those considering a future national campaign. The issue has fragmented the GOP, with some conservatives – namely Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and his state’s former governor, Jeb Bush – pushing for reform that includes some kind of a path to citizenship. Others, including Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas, have dug in on the issue, voting against legislation that was passed by the full Senate last month.
Senator McCain, who represents a heavily Hispanic state but who is also aware of the political importance of the voting bloc, was, of course, part of the so-called Gang of Eight who crafted the legislation and backed the bill.
Meanwhile, another voting group that helped carry Obama to victory in both cycles – young people...

being vindictive for what they've done to workers in this country, I like anything that divides them and causes them controversy and votes. Maybe thru fair laws and good legislation we can show the young and hispanics that democracy works best when not run by corporate interests. Fat chance, see ya at the revolution.
I think anytime you have more workers than jobs the cost of labor goes down and society suffers. So yes, I think it hurts workers right now. Politically it's the right thing do do now. Is it amnesty like Reagan did? I don't know. But I do know that both sides are playing political games with it.

To see Hispanics moving with marginally more strength toward the party that currently holds the White House should give pause to Republican opponents of immigration reform – especially those considering a future national campaign. The issue has fragmented the GOP, with some conservatives – namely Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and his state’s former governor, Jeb Bush – pushing for reform that includes some kind of a path to citizenship. Others, including Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas, have dug in on the issue, voting against legislation that was passed by the full Senate last month.
Senator McCain, who represents a heavily Hispanic state but who is also aware of the political importance of the voting bloc, was, of course, part of the so-called Gang of Eight who crafted the legislation and backed the bill.
Meanwhile, another voting group that helped carry Obama to victory in both cycles – young people...

being vindictive for what they've done to workers in this country, I like anything that divides them and causes them controversy and votes. Maybe thru fair laws and good legislation we can show the young and hispanics that democracy works best when not run by corporate interests. Fat chance, see ya at the revolution.

Political reality being different from whats actually good policy is the road to hell man. This is how our country gets so fucked up. Im saddened that your lending your vast intellect to this idiocy.
Political reality being different from whats actually good policy is the road to hell man. This is how our country gets so fucked up. Im saddened that your lending your vast intellect to this idiocy.

Vast intellect?!! Thanks but I just call them as I see them.
Shallow thinkers like evince are only obsesed with one thing: Identity politics and the punishment of white men, even if it takes a totalitarian dictatorship to do it.
I completely share your sentiment, AHZ. Trade, markets, government, these things are fine. But not in the centralized form they're in now. When you have a capitalist class in the position to enforce ideology, engage in pre-election vetting, exploit workers, retain dominance over the US supply-side while exporting our jobs, wreak havoc on the environment, deny workers a living wage and affordable healthcare, deal with murder as an expense, and write policy and curriculum; when, by virtue of information monopolies, people think this is okay, capitalism ceases to be acceptable.
I completely share your sentiment, AHZ. Trade, markets, government, these things are fine. But not in the centralized form they're in now. When you have a capitalist class in the position to enforce ideology, engage in pre-election vetting, exploit workers, retain dominance over the US supply-side while exporting our jobs, wreak havoc on the environment, deny workers a living wage and affordable healthcare, deal with murder as an expense, and write policy and curriculum; when, by virtue of information monopolies, people think this is okay, capitalism ceases to be acceptable.

You're awesome, rose. Are you a chick. if you are i want to lick you downstairs.
