the main 08 issue.. taxes. this is what people ultimatly vote on

Like the article says. Tax cuts are made to replace existing tax cuts. We stay the same if not worse as a people.

How many current tax cuts are going to be displaced by a portion of a hugly expensive health care system (If we expect the same or better care), and how much are taxes going to go up for that portion of the cost that is going to be paid with income tax with their proposed health care plans?

Has anybody in the press asked a good question like that?

How come I am the only one if the damn world that thinks of any questions that get to the bottom of things? Where the hell did you guys go to school anyway?

I should get paid! :)
I always knew you were a clowntoon apologist topper.
where did I say I paid 50K in taxes ?
I will be paying more than that for last years taxes though.
Penalties, and since this falls into the IRS idea of fraud, it can be rather hefty.

And it is a big audit flag, too.

How is it fraud if he's paying his taxes at the end of it all? What possible difference can it make? This sounds very anal on their part to me.
I always thought that they really did not care, as long as you claimed the correct number on your filing and paid the amount of money you earned, that they said you owe.

Chap dog--your not borrowing form the government--it is your money. get that straight and vote for Ron Paul.