The main issue with Christianity

I'm all too familiar with this quip. Are you saying 1) that you have no theism or 2) that I do?

I've seen nothing that proves there is a god or higher power.

I've seen nothing the precludes a god or higher power.

There is zero evidence to support OR REFUTE the idea of a god or power greater than man.

In all fairness and out of respect, I will advise you that wandering down this flawed line of reasoning will not serve you well. I fully realize that the quip you made is very popular amongst Christians; however, they never had the benefit of having me explain how they are shooting themselves in the foot with it.

Theists: You must believe in our god - though we have no evidence, and obey the rulers of our faith

Atheists: You must believe there is no god - though we have no evidence, and obey the rulers of our faith

Agnostic: Believe what you want, your faith is your own business.
Judge not lest ye be judged. You are a repellent person. Is that how God wants you to Witness for Him? By being a total douche nozzle?

What business does an Atheist like you have to tell a Christian how to live?

Worry about your own flock - whether they have performed the holy sacrament of abortion often enough to atone for your carbon sins. Have you converted enough people to please nogod?
Here's a question for you: is genocide ever a "good" thing? Because 1Sam 15:3 shows God commanding a genocide (via Samuel) and when the genocide is not carried out sufficiently by Saul God turns away from Saul.

So that means genocide can sometimes be a "good" thing per God's immutable nature.

Genocide is the primary attribute of leftism. From Lenin to Putin, from Mao to Xi, from Hitler to Maduro - the constant of the left is genocide - mass murder.

What is it your party seeks above all else? The eradication of the white race (as the current scapegoat.)

So for you to try impugn others for acts that may or may not have occured 5,000 years ago, when those like you murdered over 200 million people NOW - in the last hundred years, is a level of hypocrisy that is simply beyond the pale.

You hate Christians because they posit that man (as a species) is answerable directly to their god - and that the code of their god stands above what rulers decree - infringing on the absolute rule you of the left impose.
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What business does an Atheist like you have to tell a Christian how to live?

So if I see a Christian who loudly proclaims his faith (the reference in every one of his posts in his signature file) I'm not allowed to note that they don't seem to be living by the same beliefs they loudly claim?

Do you honestly think I wasn't a Christian at one point and can tell what kind of tree they are by the fruit they bear?

Worry about your own flock - whether they have performed the holy sacrament of abortion often enough to atone for your carbon sins. Have you converted enough people to please nogod?

I'm anti-abortion. The only difference is that I actually vote my conscience and vote for things that would eliminate the need for abortion. That's not something a lot of fake Christians can say. All they do is "sit in judgement" like petulant little god-lets.
Genocide is the primary attribute of leftism. From Lenin to Putin, from Mao to Xi, from Hitler to Maduro - the constant of the left is genocide - mass murder.

So you have never read the Bible? Got it.

You hate Christians because they posit that man (as a species) is answerable directly to their god - and the the code of their god stands above what rulers decree - infringing on the absolute rule you of the left impose.

I love how you couldn't answer the question yourself. Why don't you try READING THE BIBLE for a change. Maybe you'll learn something about Christianity.
This "deviation from perfection" is something I just do not see. What does it mean?
Understandable, as you and I have never known a time of "Shalom" (universal flourishing/wholeness/peace). The belief is that there was once a time of "Shalom" "a long time ago" in which there was universal flourishing/wholeness/peace between God and his creation on Earth, mankind was deceived and tempted by Satan to eat fruit that they were told not to eat for their own well-being, thus deviating from God's design, thus spoiling Shalom on Earth.

It sounds attempt to make "we are all sinners" seem like a reasonable construct.
It's simply a faith based belief. "We are all sinners" is the logical conclusion from the premise that we all have thought, said, and did things in our lives that have opposed universal flourishing/wholeness/peace, such as adultery, murder, theft, slander, gossip, assault, hatred, etc etc...

Please...give me an example or two of "sinning" that involves anything other than something that offends your god; let it be something that does not come from disobeying a command of the god.

This is something I truly would like to discuss.
That is an impossible request because you, at the outset, define "sin" as something that offends God, and I've already agreed with you that it's definitely one way to look at what sin is (and it's not wrong per se), but this view of sin makes sin into purely a whimsical personality/preference matter rather than a more serious matter of disrupting Shalom, which to me is the root of what sin is all about.
Here's a question for you: is genocide ever a "good" thing? Because 1Sam 15:3 shows God commanding a genocide (via Samuel) and when the genocide is not carried out sufficiently by Saul God turns away from Saul.

So that means genocide can sometimes be a "good" thing per God's immutable nature.

Hi Darla! :D
Holy moly!

Please take this as a bit of humor, gfm, but I gotta ask: Did your keyboard survive this encounter? Was there any serious damage to it?
:) I dug out a spare one for the time being until the new one arrives.

Look..."humans"...are just the currently dominant life-form** on a nondescript speck of cosmic dust circling a relatively nondescript star in a relatively nondescript galaxy in what is considered by said humans to be a universe so expansive it takes light travelling at over 186,000 miles per second...billions of years to traverse.
For those who don't accept or otherwise aren't convinced by Christian dogma, that seems to me to be as sensible of an outlook as any.

But you are guessing that the GOD that CREATED all so offended by this life-form perverting or otherwise deviating from Its (the God's) transcendent, universally flourishing, and universally harmonious "order of operations" (whatever that means)...that It (once again, the God) considers it "sin"...and demands a blood sacrifice in order to forgive the sinners?

The blood sacrifice is less-so about the degree of offended and more-so about "The Plan™" to restore creation to a state of Shalom.
So if I see a Christian who loudly proclaims his faith (the reference in every one of his posts in his signature file) I'm not allowed to note that they don't seem to be living by the same beliefs they loudly claim?

You are free to be a hypocrite, a freedom you exercise fully while seeking to deny the same freedom to others.

Do you honestly think I wasn't a Christian at one point and can tell what kind of tree they are by the fruit they bear?

I don't really care.

That hatred you carry is your own to deal with.

I'm anti-abortion. The only difference is that I actually vote my conscience and vote for things that would eliminate the need for abortion. That's not something a lot of fake Christians can say. All they do is "sit in judgement" like petulant little god-lets.

I find leftists - particularly the green whack-jobs and the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ1++++ to the most judgemental, intolerant, and insipid fascists on the planet - by a HUGE margin.
So you have never read the Bible? Got it.

I love how you couldn't answer the question yourself. Why don't you try READING THE BIBLE for a change. Maybe you'll learn something about Christianity.

Your dancing is amusing.

It changes nothing, the hatred the left has for Christians is bourn of the concept that there is a greater authority than the dictators of the all powerful state.

And THAT, you will NOT tolerate.
:) I dug out a spare one for the time being until the new one arrives.

Thank you for taking the comment in the spirit I meant it. Every once in a while I read one of those structured comments in an op ed piece...and I want to reply in the same way. I'm sure you have seen them also.

For those who don't accept or otherwise aren't convinced by Christian dogma, that seems to me to be as sensible of an outlook as any.

Thank you. And of course, that outlook shapes the way I deal with all sorts of issues in this vein.

The blood sacrifice is less-so about the degree of offended and more-so about "The Plan™" to restore creation to a state of Shalom.

The notion of a blood-sacrifice is abhorrent to me. We can discuss it at some point in the future.

I want to get to your other post at present.
Thank you for taking the comment in the spirit I meant it. Every once in a while I read one of those structured comments in an op ed piece...and I want to reply in the same way. I'm sure you have seen them also.

Thank you. And of course, that outlook shapes the way I deal with all sorts of issues in this vein.

The notion of a blood-sacrifice is abhorrent to me. We can discuss it at some point in the future.

I want to get to your other post at present.

Isn't that what the holy sacrament of abortion, which is the foundation of the faith of the left, actually is?

Infant sacrifice?
Understandable, as you and I have never known a time of "Shalom" (universal flourishing/wholeness/peace). The belief is that there was once a time of "Shalom" "a long time ago" in which there was universal flourishing/wholeness/peace between God and his creation on Earth, mankind was deceived and tempted by Satan to eat fruit that they were told not to eat for their own well-being, thus deviating from God's design, thus spoiling Shalom on Earth.

I will grant we have not known a time of universal peace...although the universal flourishing/wholeness continues to befuddle me. But let's put that aside and discuss the last part of that paragraph. I have originated threads in other fora** that deal with the time/temptation/and "sinning" in the garden...and I say to you out-front that the story is ludicrous...and is as insulting to any god that might exist as any of the many others that are related in the Bible. Whoever invented that thing was a fool...or if not invented and actually a product of a god...then the god is a fool.

Think about it. Put two kindergarteners into a space filled with delights and toys and tell them they are free to play and indulge with everything in the space EXCEPT A BOX WHICH SITS IN THE CENTER OF THAT SPACE. MY GUESS: 99.999999999999999% of the attention of the kids will center on that box. Fuck the "delights"; fuck the other toys. All they would want to know if what is in the box...and how to play with or delight in it.

Any 5 year old would tell you that. For a god not to realize it is beyond comprehension. And what on Earth was the reason for putting a Satan-like creature to tempt them?

They were tempted the second the god said they could not partake of the fruit of just one tree. 99.9999999999999999% of their attention was going to be focused on that one tree and the possible taste of its fruit.

Any 5 year old would tell you that also. For a god not to realize it is not only beyond is as evil as any of the things the god preached against.

Tell me you see this, gfm.

**If you want links to those discussions just ask, and I will share them.
Isn't that what the holy sacrament of abortion, which is the foundation of the faith of the left, actually is?

Infant sacrifice?

I've taken you off IGNORE for now. I want to see if we can deal with each other in a more respectful way on these issues.

I intend to take everyone I currently have on IGNORE off for the sake of discussions in this area. No more politics for me here right now.
I've taken you off IGNORE for now. I want to see if we can deal with each other in a more respectful way on these issues.

I intend to take everyone I currently have on IGNORE off for the sake of discussions in this area. No more politics for me here right now.

The problem is that the issue is highly political.

I've already said that I have no faith - I am not moved by that which requires me to believe that which there is no evidence for. I cannot be Christian, I cannot be Atheist. Both require faith in the unproven.

Abortion is not a religious question - it is the killing of humans who are very real. That abortion stops a beating heart - snuffs out a life - is scientific fact.
I am not a holocaust denier.

Please do not troll me. I want to discuss this subject...and I would love to hear and consider your opinions.

I'm not trolling you.

Abortion is the greatest holocaust in human history. No other act has ended more innocent human lives.