The main issue with Christianity

I find it fascinating that the WOKE seem to expect their victims to keep turning the other cheek indefinitely.

I believe that's called "being a Christian". Might want to check out the Bible some time. Matt 5:39 is a good place to start. Might help you understand the topic more. does not need to know why you lie to observe the fact you are may simply be that you lie because you want to may be a political may be that you are simply, please.....YOU tell US why you are lying.....

no "insights" are atheists denies the existence of deity......its not complicated enough to need "insights"......

Perhaps you could "witness", take an opportunity to show how the core of Christianity IS in keeping with Jesus' words in the Synoptic Gospels. "I am the way, the light..." etc. in John 14:6 forms the basis of the soteriology. Sure Jesus was not as clear on his homoosiouosness with God but it was pretty clear there that he was the savior.

Jesus other commands to not live by the sword, or not worship money, all that can be thrown away by many Conservative Christians, but the essence does seem to be there in the Gospels.

Try that approach rather than just being a raving bastard. I'm sure it will be a better "witness". No matter how you feel about the other poster (remember to "turn the other cheek"), just do your job as a Christian. It's your "Great Commission".
Perhaps you could "witness", take an opportunity to show how the core of Christianity IS in keeping with Jesus' words in the Synoptic Gospels. "I am the way, the light..." etc. in John 14:6 forms the basis of the soteriology. Sure Jesus was not as clear on his homoosiouosness with God but it was pretty clear there that he was the savior.

Jesus other commands to not live by the sword, or not worship money, all that can be thrown away by many Conservative Christians, but the essence does seem to be there in the Gospels.

Try that approach rather than just being a raving bastard. I'm sure it will be a better "witness". No matter how you feel about the other poster (remember to "turn the other cheek"), just do your job as a Christian. It's your "Great Commission".
is it my commission to treat atheists with respect?.......
is it my commission to treat atheists with respect?.......


Matthew 4:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven."

(I'm surprised you don't know the Bible better.)

Matthew 4:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven."

(I'm surprised you don't know the Bible better.)

atheists are not my enemy.........they are God's enemy......
you are the one who said you were an atheist.....have you changed your mind?.....

No, I have not changed my mind. You don't know what an atheist is. Notice that you cannot answer any questions posed to you, regardless of how easy and straightforward they are, even if they are simply requests to clarify your own stated position.

Let me know when you can give me a direct answer to "How am I a liar?" (which you have declared me to be) and "Which deity have I denied?" (which you have declared that I have done).

Otherwise, it's OK to admit you don't know what an atheist is and then ask for help.
No, I have not changed my mind. You don't know what an atheist is. Notice that you cannot answer any questions posed to you, regardless of how easy and straightforward they are, even if they are simply requests to clarify your own stated position.

Let me know when you can give me a direct answer to "How am I a liar?" (which you have declared me to be) and "Which deity have I denied?" (which you have declared that I have done).

Otherwise, it's OK to admit you don't know what an atheist is and then ask for help.

I have answered both......I'm sorry you refuse to read my answers......let me said you were an atheist.....atheists deny the existence of all deities.......that IS the answer to "what deity have I denied? ask me where you said I didn't know the definition of atheism........I gave you the definition of atheism.......therefore, you have lied......two for two......anything else you would like to know?......
God's enemy is Idolatry
Apparently not to American Jews. They seem to think the worship of the Global Warming religion and to the Climate goddess is what God loves. American Jews believe this because they are slaves to the Democrat party who HATES Jews of all sorts. Democrats are rooted in fascist socialism that would rather exterminate all Jews, and the American Jews are happy to help them in that regard.
Why am I God's enemy? Oh, that's right. You aren't up for answering any questions, only for saying that you did. I get it.

again with the "why".....personally I think its because you're stupid......maybe you think you have a valid reason......I can't read your'll have to tell us why you do it......
There is the whole matter of how you have treated me over the years.

Here you again! Playing the victim!

Hawk, what are we going to do with you?

Do you want us to feel sorry for you?

If I ever said anything to hurt your feelings- I AM SORRY!

I hope you will Please accept my apology!

I don't want to hurt any feelings here.
again with the "why".
Again, nary an answer.

....personally I think its because you're stupid
I see, it's my fault that you are dishonest.

......maybe you think you have a valid reason.
For what? Oops, did I ask another clarification question?

.....I can't read your'll have to tell us why you do it......
I ask questions because you never explain your petty insults.
Is that it's not aptly named.

A good portion - and I'd say most - of the religion are practices, rituals, rules and philosophies that were never spoken by Christ, or endorsed by Christ.

I think there are some sects that are strictly about the teachings of Christ, who I feel was an ascended being and someone whose words matter, but they're not mainstream Christianity.

Jesus probably never existed, and if he did, he was merely an itinerant end-times preacher who believed that the world was going to end in the near future. He had no intention of setting up a religious organization because the world was supposed to cease. When he fucked up and got killed (and he was probably hanged and his corpse left for the wild animals to eat, rather than crucified), his followers struggled to make sense of it all.

It's that simple. We're apes and religion is fairy tales.
Jesus probably never existed, and if he did, he was merely an itinerant end-times preacher who believed that the world was going to end in the near future. He had no intention of setting up a religious organization because the world was supposed to cease. When he fucked up and got killed (and he was probably hanged and his corpse left for the wild animals to eat, rather than crucified), his followers struggled to make sense of it all.

It's that simple. We're apes and religion is fairy tales.

Interesting story, but it doesn't make any sense.

Muhammed, The Buddha, Moses were great leaders of theocratic nation states or widely revered religious leaders within their own lifetime. It's easy to see how they were the patriarchs of great world religions.

If Jesus was an itinerate peasant who was arrested, abandoned by his small group of followers, hung, and left for wild dogs to eat, I can't see that as an auspicious start for a great world religion.

If a committee of men were sitting around a table in 35 AD with the intention of fabricating a religious mythology, I really can't see them pointing to an executed criminal who was eaten by wild dogs as the perfect archetype to base their religion on.

Lastly, there is not a single, solitary piece of documentary or even legendary evidence to support your story. It can only fairly be called utter speculation.
God's enemy is Idolatry
