The Majority Of Black Americans Should Get Smart And Informed.

why don't you care about white on white crime racist

As a % of the population physically violent crimes and murders among white on white folks is a fraction compared to black crime and black on black murders Sweetie.
Not for me anyhow! Democrats have convinced blacks that they're victims of whitie and owed reparations therefrom. Democrats created the public housing ghetto 20th century slave quarters, encouraged creating brood mares out of black women and stud stallions out of black men with "pay for play in the sack" producing democrat assets more future democrat votes a healthy raise, (in ghetto slave land), for each "progressive" colt produced.

Contradict me if you will.

I understand your fear of rational debate.

At least you're honest about your fears.

I only fear, fear itself!

.....And, rational debate.

We know. We know.

We all should know why 90% of black folks are Democrats.

Yeah. Why would they want to vote Republican.....for a Party o' pussies.....who just stand-back and WATCH a woman do, to Trumpy, what they're TOO GUTLESS, TO DO??!!!

I guess that's what we Dems have BEEN doing.....since the '80s. Republicans FUCK-UP (like some irresponsible-child).....'cause they know someone (else) will come-in, and clean-up, behind them.

I'm guessing they've earned another 8-year time-out.

Yeah. Why would they want to vote Republican.....for a Party o' pussies.....who just stand-back and WATCH a woman do, to Trumpy, what they're TOO GUTLESS, TO DO??!!!

I guess that's what we Dems have BEEN doing.....since the '80s. Republicans FUCK-UP (like some irresponsible-child).....'cause they know someone (else) will come-in, and clean-up, behind them.

I'm guessing they've earned another 8-year time-out.

Republicans are just Democrats with different faces so we intelligent folk can tell em apart. Idiots think there's a huge difference between them. That's why idiots are idiots!​