The Matt Gaetz Ethics Report Is Going to Be Released After All The House Ethics Committee secretly voted to release the findings of its investigation,

This should be fun! But Matt appears to have moved on from politics to milking his "15 minutes of weird fame" on Cameo and other stuff. I'm sure he'll end up with a cush job at a think tank or some second rate law firm (behind the scenes for quite some time because people are gonna know about him...)

It will be interesting to see what they found, but it won't matter much in the long run. There's probably several dozen more Matt Gaetz's in the pipeline and I'm sure the Trump Administration will go through all of them at some point.
Please remind everyone here who's so concerned that they can stop worrying about Matt....
There's quite a collection of creations isn't there?
Please remind everyone here who's so concerned that they can stop worrying about Matt....

There's quite a collection of creations isn't there?
Didn't one of the pussy posse call him "Pedo Matt...??"

When it only takes a few hours to go over 34 felony counts and reach a decision, you know the whole damn bunch of them are libturds.
Translation: Anything that is against Der Gropenfuhrer is a libturd lie!!!

All Hail Trump, der Gropenfuhrer has returned!

Frau ExLax, Pedo Matt has the option to return. I think this was a warning shot that he should not or he'll face a Congressional impeachment.

Not doubt this pisses off Der Gropenfuhrer.

Flirting with the rules again, coward?