bahahahahahaha!!!!! God I love this place.
Ithe Script!!
Pfft Trump told the reporters every thing on his mind every time he walked to Marine One.Biden was not great on transparency. Much better than trump.
Like the old days on the Island, Ms. ExLax? Der Gropenfuhrer never accepts repsponsibility, amirite, ma'am?Pfft Trump told the reporters every thing on his mind every time he walked to Marine One.
The good news is that intelligent, educated and rational people can make their own decisions. The bad news is that JPP people with lesser abilities tend to side with hateful people since they fear what they cannot understand.Wow, she's really got you riled up. You're up to two meltdowns for every one of her posts now! Dance, puppet, dance!
Trump didn't elect anyone.Who did Trump elect?
Did you not see the assclown fruitcakes the Biden Administration appointed, you oblivious bint?I disagree, rapists, sexual assaulters, and pedophiles do not look great and are not strong choices. You better get right with god before it's too late.
Started by a Trump MAGAt? Why? Because he's a pedo like Daddy?It will be a nothingburger. It was a witch hunt started by McCarthy.
MAGAt rule #5 When losing an argument, use whataboutismDid you not see the assclown fruitcakes the Biden Administration appointed, you oblivious bint?
Lol.... The second silly
Troll thread of the morning on this... Will the third be the charm?
IWhen one lives on hate and feeds on hate sites like Rolling Stone - these sorts of moronic threads are inevitable.
They take a vote, have a decision, then filled out the paperwork. That's the only reason it takes several hours rather than 30 seconds. That it only took a few hours means that they likely had agreement on the first vote.Simple fact. How can a jury go over 34 counts in just few hours?
I love how the AI made his left arm in miniature.^^^
Frau ExLax is a widdle upset with me. LOL
Meanwhile back to pedophiles in Washington, DC: