The Matt Gaetz Ethics Report Is Going to Be Released After All The House Ethics Committee secretly voted to release the findings of its investigation,

Biden did invite them...He welcomed them...and once they were here, protected them...of course it's true...
Are you not aware that the country is full of sex trafficking individuals? They're still's still's still a problem...
There are still sanctuary cities...
Do you need links to that? It's why you lost...
Oh my God.

Gaetz admits to sending money to ‘women he dated’ as he blasts House plan to release ethics report​

Now-former congressman at center of years-long probe into allegations of sexual misconduct​

Hopefully this spells the end of this garbage sleazebag's political career.
If you know for a fact and know of instances why don't you report it , If not, you are complicit
The best available estimates are there are over on million modern slaves in the US that is people in forced labor. Farming, industry, and sex. I'm sure if TOPS personally witnesses trafficking she reports it. The next time you get your happy endings massage the person giving you that happy ending may be forced labor.
Everyone should be vetted...very carefully...for every job....

Then why are you trolling so hard to support Gaetz? Why do you call every single negative report on Trump or one of his incompetent nominees a witch hunt and/or fake news? Apparently to you sycophants, "vetting"= "only bring up positive things."
No one is concerned about this report.... But again I liked that it was secret...that is special...

I like the secret part as well. It's a bipartisan committee. We all know your #MalignantMessiah's penchant for vengeance. The (R) members of the committee are rightfully concerned that their yes votes would likely lead to Trump's wrath, and death threats -- and/or actions -- from his deranged worshipers like yourself.
“exaggerating?” You don’t think finding out the person the President wanted to appoint to lead the nation’s judicial system was a deceitful immoral scumbag doesn’t say something about the person making that nomination?

And getting things done ain’t happening, didn’t happen the first time around even when Trump had majorities in both houses of Congress, besides, it’s not Trump’s shtick, doesn’t feed the rich wing media’s need for theater, got to be melodrama, not running the country

:hand: :hand: :hand:

Yep, we're in for another four years of a Trump reality show where nothing good gets done, but talking heads and SNL and political cartoonists make enough to retire. lol