The Mighty Church of "O"...


Staff member
[ame=""]YouTube - The Church of Oprah Exposed[/ame]

Fricking, weird...
Christianity reminds me of those little chain letters people send around myspace that say "ZOMG if you don't send this around a hunter will appear at 8 AM and shoot an arrow in your back!"

It's completely absurd but every time you log on there's one person who's posted that fucking chain letter on a bulletin board. Just like Christians know that God is absurd, but believe in him anyway to avoid the absurdity of hell. You see, modern Christianity is a very negative religion. You don't do it because you believe in God, you do it selifishly to avoid punishment. And punishment for what? How does it make sense to punish someone for not believing in absurdity? If that is a God he certainly doesn't deserve worship, because he's a petty and cruel individual.
As damo dishes out the red meat meat to solidify christian resolve, he still denies the New age Movement exists. His mason-ass is quite full of crap.
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As damo dishes out the red meat meat to solidify christian resolve, he still denies the New age Movement exists. His mason-ass is quite full of crap.

Newagism is like a fad diet. Not sustainable and totally lacking in substance. At least Christianity serves meat and potatoes.
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He was born a jew, but in rejecting the religion as taught by the rabbis of his day, became the first christian, and was also STILL a jew ethnically. Got it, ace?

Well anyway that is the way that those that actually wrote the letters and such that make up the new testament wrote it down.
The truth could be something else entirely.
As damo dishes out the red meat meat to solidify christian resolve, he still denies the New age Movement exists. His mason-ass is quite full of crap.
I don't deny that the new age movement exists. I deny that Masons have anything to do with it.

I also note that it is down in popularity when compared to other newer, funner, and more "cool" choices.
Kaballah and Scientology, for instance, are two examples of trendy, "in" religions. Damo is a bit late - Buddhism hasn't been trendy since the 70's. Catch up my man.
I don't deny that the new age movement exists. I deny that Masons have anything to do with it.

I also note that it is down in popularity when compared to other newer, funner, and more "cool" choices.
The UN and the New Age have been bed-fellows since the beginning. America's secret destiny is the product of Rosicrucian and Freemason forefathers. The New Atlantis as proposed in Francis Bacon's work is almost at hand. The Ancient Mysteries are being studied for illumination and enlightenment by the New World Order's elite. Not to mention the New Age gurus — dutifully recruiting on behalf of the Secret Brotherhood.

The big three are being turned into new age as well through masonic perversion of their doctrines.
The big three are being turned into new age as well through masonic perversion of their doctrines.
And somebody who is "anti" writing about anything would write negatively.

The reality is that Freemasonry promotes that you believe in your religion as you see fit and understands that each will beleive that they have the right, the "New Age" Movement says that your religion is not any more "valid" than another and that nobody has the "right" and believing so is "wrong".
And somebody who is "anti" writing about anything would write negatively.

The reality is that Freemasonry promotes that you believe in your religion as you see fit and understands that each will beleive that they have the right, the "New Age" Movement says that your religion is not any more "valid" than another and that nobody has the "right" and believing so is "wrong".

Does masonry accept atheists? What is their view on polytheism?
Does masonry accept atheists? What is their view on polytheism?
No, they do not. Why? Because they believe that no Oath or Obligation taken against the belief in a Deity would be considered binding by an Atheist.

As for Polytheists, if they believe that one of the Gods was the Creator, then yes they would be accepted. Otherwise they are again taking Oaths to something they do not believe in.

Unlike Oprah, however, and like the First Amendment, Freemasons believe you have every right to believe as you will. Oprah told people there that her religion was right and all of theirs were wrong.

Pretending that because they believe that a belief in a central Deity is important is the same thing as saying that New Age religion is the only way is preposterous.
No, they do not. Why? Because they believe that no Oath or Obligation taken against the belief in a Deity would be considered binding by an Atheist.

As for Polytheists, if they believe that one of the Gods was the Creator, then yes they would be accepted. Otherwise they are again taking Oaths to something they do not believe in.

Unlike Oprah, however, and like the First Amendment, Freemasons believe you have every right to believe as you will. Oprah told people there that her religion was right and all of theirs were wrong.

Pretending that because they believe that a belief in a central Deity is important is the same thing as saying that New Age religion is the only way is preposterous.

What oaths must they take? are they bloody oaths?
What oaths must they take? are they bloody oaths?
They are allegorical, they tell a story and use a fictional history to teach things at the same time. So while the Obligation ends with a "penalty" the "penalty" is never applied.

The only portion of it that is an Oath is the "So help me God" part, the rest is an obligation. And yes the distinction is important.

I have a question for you.

Have you ever read anything that was not negative about Freemasonry that wasn't also written by myself?
An oath is not a story. And it must be pretty serious if they only accept theists based on the premise that an atheist can't be trusted cuz he has no god.