The military occupation of the US continues; did the Congress invoke Posse Comitatus?

Who told you that?

They are basically the state police, so not soldiers when acting as the state police. One state can loan National Guard units to another, and they are still law enforcement. DC is not technically a state, but the idea still stands, though within DC the commander of the National Guard is the President, not a state governor.
They are basically the state police, so not soldiers when acting as the state police. One state can loan National Guard units to another, and they are still law enforcement. DC is not technically a state, but the idea still stands, though within DC the commander of the National Guard is the President, not a state governor.

I'll ask again.

Who told you that?
What other reason is there to keep thousands of troops mobilized in DC?

trump had 8,000 National Guard troops in DC for his inauguration. 25,000 is more than 8,000, but if it is unconstitutional for 25,000, it is unconstitutional for 8,000. trump even used the National Guard to help take over a church, which is more illegal than unconstitutional.
trump had 8,000 National Guard troops in DC for his inauguration. 25,000 is more than 8,000, but if it is unconstitutional for 25,000, it is unconstitutional for 8,000. trump even used the National Guard to help take over a church, which is more illegal than unconstitutional.

Is that so?

Who told you that?
I'll ask again.

Who told you that?

Every news source ever. I still remember back when Katrina hit New Orleans. Regular Army was used for disaster relief, but they could not do law enforcement. There was no problem with the National Guard doing law enforcement.

Another example was after 9/11. For a year or two, the National Guard was in almost every airport, and around major public buildings in NYC. I had to deal with National Guardsmen several times then. No one said word one about it being unconstitutional.

Or the inauguration of trump, which had 8,000 National Guardsmen protecting it. They had no problems arresting people, though lots of problems actually making cases. Or the National Guardsmen helping to seize a church so trump could have his Bible photo op.

I can't remember the title of the book, but there was an interest book about the New York Militia in the early 1800's. Literally, they mostly did law enforcement. If there was a criminal on the run, or even an animal that was attacking people, they would go out searching. The state troopers are basically full time militias.
Every news source ever. I still remember back when Katrina hit New Orleans. Regular Army was used for disaster relief, but they could not do law enforcement. There was no problem with the National Guard doing law enforcement. Another example was after 9/11. For a year or two, the National Guard was in almost every airport, and around major public buildings in NYC. I had to deal with National Guardsmen several times then. No one said word one about it being unconstitutional. Or the inauguration of trump, which had 8,000 National Guardsmen protecting it. They had no problems arresting people, though lots of problems actually making cases. Or the National Guardsmen helping to seize a church so trump could have his Bible photo op. I can't remember the title of the book, but there was an interest book about the New York Militia in the early 1800's. Literally, they mostly did law enforcement. If there was a criminal on the run, or even an animal that was attacking people, they would go out searching. The state troopers are basically full time militias.

So the voices in your head are your sources.

Maybe you should read the relevant law.