Well, he did feed the needy, heal for free, spread the wealth, I could go on.
Very true. He will also reign down hell on Earth and punish the wicked as well.
Well, he did feed the needy, heal for free, spread the wealth, I could go on.
Don't you think you are being a little bit petty STONE?
For heaven's sake!
Well, he did feed the needy, heal for free, spread the wealth, I could go on.
Don't you think you are being a little bit petty STONE?
Isn't there enough real issues out there? For heaven's sake!
Take your meds.
Truth wins in the end.
"You could see all this coming a mile away, I know because I was talking about it in the 90's.....but very few listened and very few cared.....nothing was done.....and here we are".
"Have FUN!....I did my part."
Camilla Paglia
Quote Originally Posted by Stone View Post
Total fallacy. Yeah,...I can tell just how liberal he is by the description of what he does when he comes back!
I saw it coming before the 2016 election. Thank God (yes Stone GOD) for Biden.
And what about what we were told to do and how to act with even our enemies? Jesus isn't either but liberals are closer to his teaching of how to live with your brothers and sisters in Christ. What side wants to help those in need doesn't add up when the one side touts the book these morals arise from.
Disagree. There have been several studies on this. When it comes to giving OUR OWN money instead of someone elses which is very easy to do Conservatives donate far more than lefties do. Far more. Feel free to look up the studies yourself.
Does the exclude donating to the rich televangelists?
BTW....Our defense will be top 10 this year,...BELIEVE IT OR NOT,...and that offense? HELL YEAH...Top three. I smell a deep playoff run,...maybe even playing in the big one. Dak is coming back with a vengeance!
I wonder if they will let him take drugs in Heaven?
No idea,... cant remember. I am no fan of televangelists. I am also no fan of the big mega churches preaching prosperity being number one.