The Minority-Majority Shift: Two Decades That Will Change America

projecting caricatures again to defend your recited mantra from your social chain of command, well trained string theory marionette?

So cute:

I’m a Methodist and don’t feed me that crap. Poland’s history is replete with Pogroms against Jews. Why do you think the few survivors of the Holocaust in Poland left in droves?

High test scores aren’t representative either. Maybe of the top 20 percent in Poland. The bottom 80% have a lower standard of living than the bottom 20% had here in the 19th century.

Some cool stuff has come out of Poland in recent years.

Polish Mole has landed on Mars
Polish Mole has landed on Mars

Home Page Science Achievements in science Polish Mole has landed on Mars
This afternoon NASA InSight mission has landed on Mars. That is a first mission in history to study the deep interior of the Red Planet. The propulsion mechanism of HP3 Mole, which will dig for 5 meters in the Martian soil, was designed and made by Polish company.
- Our participation in the InSight mission proved that Astronika is among the first league of producers of technologically advanced instruments for planetary missions

man who was completely paralyzed from the waist down has learned to walk again after Polish doctors transplanted cells from the patient’s nose into the damaged part of his spine. This pioneering research offers hope for treatment to millions of people around the world with spinal cord injuries.

The patient, 38-year-old firefighter Darek Fidyka from Poland, was left with a completely severed spinal cord after being stabbed four years ago. His doctors had given him a less than 1% chance of recovery but thanks to revolutionary surgery carried out in 2012 Fidyka is now able to walk again with a frame. “It’s an incredible feeling, difficult to describe,” he recounts in a BBC documentary to be aired Tuesday “When it starts coming back, you feel as if you start living your life again, as if you are reborn.” Fidyka has been able to resume an independent life and is even able to drive a car.

The procedure was carried out by Polish surgeons in collaboration with British researchers at University College London. Professor Geoffrey Raisman, who led the U.K. research team, called the breakthrough “historic” and said what had been achieved was “more impressive than man walking on the moon.”

This article is more than 8 months old
Most detailed ever 3D map of Milky Way shows 'warped' shape
This article is more than 8 months old
Our galaxy is like a distorted disc, study based on Cepheid stars confirms

Nicola Davis

Thu 1 Aug 2019 13.00 EDTLast modified on Thu 1 Aug 2019 15.20 EDT
A view of the Milky Way in Hungary.
A view of the Milky Way in Hungary. Photograph: Péter Komka/EPA
The most detailed three-dimensional map yet of the Milky Way has been revealed, showing that our galaxy is not a flat disc but has a “warped” shape like a fascinator hat or a vinyl record that has been left in the sun.

“The stars 60,000 light years away from the Milky Way’s centre are as far as 4,500 [light years] above or below the galactic plane – this is a big percentage,” said Dr Dorota Skowron of the University of Warsaw, first author of the latest research.

Polish scientists develop revolutionary graphene machine

A Polish prototype machine to create graphene has been hailed as a significant breakthrough, potentially allowing mass production of the material at a low cost.

The world’s first mobile blood donation centre in an electric bus - the Solaris Urbino 8.9 LE electric - was presented in Katowice. It is the first of two vehicles of this type commissioned by the Regional Blood Donation Centre (RCKiK) in Katowice. On the day of its première the vehicle won an award at the International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG.
05.12.2014 09:09,27454,amber-polish-ecological-rocket.html

Amber, Polish ecological rocket
Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
ILR-33 "AMBER" - the world\'s first rocket capable of reaching the threshold of outer space that uses more than 98% hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer- has recently reached the 15 km ceiling. It was developed at the Center of Space Technologies of the Institute of Aviation.

In 2006, Solaris became the first manufacturer to market, in Europe, the first serially produced hybrid drive bus Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid.

Zortrax 3D printer operates on veins 0

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Zortrax has designed and developed a unique device to assist physicians in an endovascular surgical removal of lower limb varicose veins. The casing and numerous elements of the device were 3D-printed on the Zortrax M200 3D printer.

Zortrax, the Polish leader of the 3D printing sector, is revolutionising medicine.

30.09.2016 change 30.09.2016©
Pioneering polymer laser developed by Polish scientists

Polymer - in this case plastic - stimulated with electrical current may emit light like a laser! Researchers from Poznań are the first in the world to have shown that such a device can be built. This opens the way to cheaper and easier to produce lasers.

Custom 3D printed implants set to revolutionise spinal surgery
By Aurora Velez • last updated: 11/04/2019
In partnership with
The European Commission

Custom 3D printed implants set to revolutionise spinal surgery

Cutting edge technology, engineering and medicine are combining in Poland to produce 3D titanium spinal implants. Smart Regions explores the revolutionary treatment and the Polish company behind it.

Hours after undergoing major spinal surgery, Karolina is walking. Doctors in the Polish city of Wroclaw have fitted her with a titanium implant that was made by a 3D printer. At 26, the former gymnast is hopeful that the procedure will change her life.

Polish Scientists Reset Traditional Thinking After Finding Heat Also Drives Photosynthesis
Photo: Fotolia
Photo: Fotolia
Scientists in Lublin have blown away traditional thinking after discovering that both light AND heat are needed for photosynthesis.

27.04.2020 change 27.04.2020©
Poznan Scientists Develop World's First Coronavirus Susceptibility Test
Credit: Adobe Stock
Credit: Adobe Stock
The world's first SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection test which can predict more severe courses of the disease could be ready as soon as next week.

Mars ‘Curiosity’ rover equipped with Polish sensors
06.08.2012 11:10
NASA’s ‘Curiosity’ rover which successfully landed on Mars, Monday morning, is fitted with infrared detectors manufactured by the Polish VIGO System company

Gemlike perfection: Robert Dwilinski, president of Ammono [with crystal], and cofounders Leszek Sierzputowski
, Roman Doradzinski
, and Jerzy Garcznski [far right].
That kind of success would fulfill a long-held ambition of Ammono’s president, Robert Dwilinski, who pioneered the development of the firm’s novel gallium nitride crystal growth process nearly two decades ago. The inspiration for its efforts can be traced back to a weekly seminar that Dwilinski attended as a physics undergraduate at the University of Warsaw. He vividly remembers a talk given by Izabella Grzegory, a researcher at the High Pressure Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, also in Warsaw.

20.03.2019 change 20.03.2019©
Polish researchers printed the world`s first bionic pancreas with vessels

9.10.2018 change 19.10.2018©
Cutting diamonds and... the cornea: Polish femtosecond lasers
Photo: Polish femtosecond laser. Source: Michał Nejbauer, Fluence
Photo: Polish femtosecond laser. Source: Michał Nejbauer, Fluence
Super-fast and extremely powerful lasers manufactured by a Polish company are used for cutting diamonds, watching chemical reactions, and for eye correction surgery. These lasers use the solutions awarded this year`s Nobel Prize in physics.

IzzyBike lacks a chain, but has optional 2-wheel-drive
By Ben Coxworth
June 12, 2014
The IzzyBike definitely has a look of its own
The IzzyBike definitely has a look of its own

Bike chains can be dirty and noisy, so an increasing number of manufacturers are choosing to replace them with belt drives. Polish inventor Marek Jurek, however, has gone a step further with his IzzyBike prototype. Its drivetrain is built right into the front wheel hub, which gives it some claimed advantages over other bikes – besides there being less mess.

Glucose testing without the finger-prick

Home Page Science Achievements in science Glucose testing without the finger-prick
diabetes science medicine
A Polish glucose meter that tests blood sugar without the finger-prick has the potential to become a global hit.

A Polish vaccine against diabetes

Home Page Science Achievements in science A Polish vaccine against diabetes
diabetes science Gdańsk medicine
Scientists from Gdańsk have developed a therapy that helps impede the development of type 1 diabetes. This is a world-class discovery.

Feb 8, 2018 | User stories
Prototyping Tools for Spacewalks—How Zortrax Ecosystem Works at NASA
ZORTRAX Astonauts Spacewalk
An astronaut on a spacewalk around the International Space Station. Credits: NASA/JSC.

The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest human-made body in the low Earth orbit. Sixteen modules, launched and assembled from 1998 to 2011, provide 32,898 cu ft of pressurized volume for a crew of 6 astronauts to do research in physics, astrobiology, astronomy, space medicine, life sciences, and many other fields. Keeping the ISS operational sometimes requires maintenance to be done outside the station, in the harsh and hostile space environment. Astronauts do this during extravehicular activities or EVA’s, commonly referred to as spacewalks.

So far, there have been over 200 such spacewalks devoted to adding new modules and keeping the existing ones in good technical shape—more than 1250 hours spent in space. All this work would not have been possible without thoroughly designed tools. Designing them is a job of engineers at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston aided by Zortrax M200 and M300 3D printers.,29021,bialystok-natural-saliva-substitute-patented.html

10.04.2018 change 10.04.2018©
Białystok/ Natural saliva substitute patented
Dr. Katarzyna Niemirowicz-Laskowska, Prof. Halina Car and Dr. Joanna Mystkowska. Source: Politechnika Białostocka
Dr. Katarzyna Niemirowicz-Laskowska, Prof. Halina Car and Dr. Joanna Mystkowska. Source: Politechnika Białostocka

Artificial saliva designed to help patients with prostheses or problems with the secretion of natural saliva has been patented scientists from Bialystok University of Technology, the Medical University of Bialystok and the company Nantes.

05.03.2018 change 05.03.2018©
Scientists from Poznań co-develop an electronic stethoscope
Source: Press Office of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Source: Press Office of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
An electronic stethoscope integrated with a thermometer and a mobile application will allow patients to conduct lung and heart auscultation on their own. Scientists from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań participated in the development of the device.

Rzeszów/ 3D printed mandible minimizes intraoperative complications
Source: Paweł Turek
Source: Paweł Turek
3D printed mandible model has been developed at Rzeszów University of Technology. Its use significantly shortens the time of surgical implantation and minimizes the risk of intraoperative complications.

13.12.2017 change 13.12.2017©
Cancer cells destroyed with nanoparticles - a project of scientists from Łódź

Scientists from Łódź have developed a method of thermal destruction of metastatic cancer cells with nanoparticles. The beauty of this method lies in the fact that only degenerated cells are destroyed - said co-author of the solution Prof. Zbigniew Kołaciński from the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems at Lodz University of Technology.

03.05.2017 change 03.05.2017©
Polish company participates in the construction of a docking system for shuttles

SENER Polska will be involved in the construction of a new docking system for space shuttles that will supply the International Space Station

7 Highly Addictive Polish Video Games You Should Try Out
Image from 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' I © The Astronauts/Press Materials
Image from 'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' I © The Astronauts/Press Materials
Photo of Weronika Jurkiewicz
Weronika Jurkiewicz
26 July 2017
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With over 500 independent and a number of AAA game studios, Poland has become a true video game powerhouse in recent years. From acclaimed classics and quirky action-filled shooters, through to narrative-driven exploration games, here’s our selection of Polish offerings that you should definitely check out.
The Witcher Saga
Based on a novel series written by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher Saga is probably the most popular of Polish games. Developed by CD Project RED

Polish engineers develop flight software for OPS-SAT mission
by Staff Writers
Warsaw, Poland (SPX) Feb 27, 2020

Flight software for the OPS-SAT mission is a work of Polish engineers at GMV Poland, a part of the European technology business group GMV. The tasks of the Warsaw company within the OPS-SAT project included the development of the full on-board software for the mission as well as the design and implementation of a number of systems for the satellite.
Although only 30 cm high, its innovative computer is ten times more powerful than on any current spacecraft owned by European Space Agency. OPS-SAT is the ESA's technological satellite designed to test and validate new space technologies that have never before been tried out in-orbit. To date, over 100 companies and institutions from 17 European countries have registered experimental proposals to fly on the world's only spacecraft open for public use.

Jagiellonian scientist triumphs over Google in patent battle

The ANS method compresses computerized data in a way that is thirty times faster and more efficient in terms of information flow.
A scientist from Jagiellonian University has won a patent battle with Google centred around a complex file compression method.

Dr. Jarosław Duda developed the Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS) hoping to make it publicly available, only to find out that Google had already filed an application to patent it in the United States.

The ANS method compresses computerized data in a way that is thirty times faster and more efficient in terms of information flow. Since being coined, the system has already found itself used by Apple, Facebook, Google and Linux

Poles construct first 3D printed life-saving ventilator
rl/kb 23.03.2020, 18:18Share:

Drone carries COVID-19 test samples between Warsaw hospitals
No obligatory quarantine for cross-border seasonal workers: PM
Fuel prices down in April, food prices up
Pole Position looks at EU and China
COVID-19 cases in Poland rise to 12,877
Polish, Ukrainian presidents discuss bilateral ties amid coronavirus
Analysis: Proposals that could affect Polish NHS workers
Dancing after rain: happy deer caught on camera
Former Deputy PM: May 23 the first possible election date
Hoist sails: elder transforms house into boat
A breakthrough in producing these life-saving devices cheaply may have been achieved, as the first Polish 3D printed ventilator was developed by a group of Polish engineers and designers from the company Urbicum, a manufacturer of 3D printers.

Polish invention combats UV-radiation
schedule 4 min

Polish invention combats UV-radiation
Posted by Katarzyna Zachariasz-Podolak | Oct 4, 2019 | Tags: skin cancer, sunscreen, ultra violet radiation

The record heat in Europe has also being enjoyed by scientists from Łódź (Poland). Among their own inventions are materials that protect against UV radiation. We usually remember about UV radiation when the sun is out and shining brightly. Then we smear ourselves in sunscreen and cover our bodies with clothes in the hope that we will be kept safe from the sun. Nothing could be further from the truth. Creams and ordinary clothes protect only to a small extent. 95% of UVA radiation from the sun reaches the Earth regardless of the season or cloud cover. It easily penetrates through clothing (even thick clothing), skin and reaches the deep layers of our skin.

Engineers create the first laser breathalyzer, for drive-by DUI enforcement
By John Hewitt on June 17, 2014 at 2:56 pm53 Comments
Google Plus
Hacker News
Laser-based blood-alcohol testing, diagram
Back in the day when science magazines had science, a kid could find all sorts of laser spy devices, and even the plans to build them. A popular instrument usually found in the back pages next to the X-ray specs was the window-bounce remote laser microphone. With a little effort one could detect vibrations in the glass made by sounds by bouncing a laser off the window. A new kind of stealthy laser device is under development at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw — and so far, testing has been fairly successful. Using this tool, law enforcement could potentially triage drivers for a DUI workup by remotely sensing alcohol vapor in the cab as they drive through their trap.​
The irony is that most of that demographic change is occurring in conservative southern States.

You have a fair number of black people over the past two decades leaving high priced western and northern cities and moving back to the South for starters. My understanding is New York was often called the center or hub or black life/culture in this country. Today I believe Atlanta holds that title.

Additionally you have a good number of non black people from the West and North moving to the South for job opportunities and more affordable living. Massive job growth going on in the South.
The irony is that most of that demographic change is occurring in conservative southern States.

I should have asked in what sense are they changing? Are you talking race or ethnicity or geography?

In California it's almost 40% Hispanic, 36% white, 14% Asian and 5% black.

In Texas it's 41% White, 31% Hispanic, 12% black and 4% Asian.

To my knowledge the South is mostly white and black. Outside of Miami (and not including Texas) are there any other Southern cities with large Hispanic populations? What about Asian/Indian populations?
You have a fair number of black people over the past two decades leaving high priced western and northern cities and moving back to the South for starters. My understanding is New York was often called the center or hub or black life/culture in this country. Today I believe Atlanta holds that title.

Additionally you have a good number of non black people from the West and North moving to the South for job opportunities and more affordable living. Massive job growth going on in the South.

Good riddance.
You have a fair number of black people over the past two decades leaving high priced western and northern cities and moving back to the South for starters. My understanding is New York was often called the center or hub or black life/culture in this country. Today I believe Atlanta holds that title.

Additionally you have a good number of non black people from the West and North moving to the South for job opportunities and more affordable living. Massive job growth going on in the South.
Atlanta is definitely the cultural center of African American now. Unlike New York in the past it’s mostly middle class too. I was in downtown Atlanta for a week last summer and was pleasantly surprised by the large number of petite hot sisters dressed to the nines.

Ohio is weird. We have a very low cost of living and lots of economic growth as long as you have professional training or a skilled trade. God help you if you’re unskilled labor though as life can be tough here.

To contradict the economic growth in the south, outside of Indiana and including Texas, they are the minimum wage capital of the nation. I’ve had a lot of opportunities to work in Texas in my field for comparable wages but the cost of living is significantly higher than Ohio. If the cost of living was equal between Columbus, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin For the same wage I’d pick Columbus over all but Austin in a heartbeat. Austin I would consider but the cost of living there is significantly higher. Houston flat out sucks. It would take a shit load of money for me to consider living there.
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I should have asked in what sense are they changing? Are you talking race or ethnicity or geography?

In California it's almost 40% Hispanic, 36% white, 14% Asian and 5% black.

In Texas it's 41% White, 31% Hispanic, 12% black and 4% Asian.

To my knowledge the South is mostly white and black. Outside of Miami (and not including Texas) are there any other Southern cities with large Hispanic populations? What about Asian/Indian populations?

No you’re right but in much of the South blacks are not rising so much in numbers but in socioeconomic status. They are earning more and thus gaining more political clout.
No you’re right but in much of the South blacks are not rising so much in numbers but in socioeconomic status. They are earning more and thus gaining more political clout.

Black income is half that of white households in the US—just like it was in the 1950s

The massive new study on race and economic mobility in America, explained
Even black men born to wealthy families are less economically successful than white men.

Black Americans experience dramatically lower upward mobility than white Americans do — a difference that appears to be driven largely by significant economic disadvantages among black men.
I’m a Methodist and don’t feed me that crap. Poland’s history is replete with Pogroms against Jews. Why do you think the few survivors of the Holocaust in Poland left in droves?

High test scores aren’t representative either. Maybe of the top 20 percent in Poland. The bottom 80% have a lower standard of living than the bottom 20% had here in the 19th century.

I used to go to Poland regularly on business in the 90s and it was indeed a poor country back then, that's no longer true.
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No you’re right but in much of the South blacks are not rising so much in numbers but in socioeconomic status. They are earning more and thus gaining more political clout.

Actually, haven't blacks had political clout for quite awhile? You look across the country and numerous big cities have black Mayor's, black police chiefs, black head of education etc. I'm not suggesting this is a prevalent view but I've read black authors who have argued the black community should have focused more on economic advancement than political. And they point to the Asian community as an example where Asians have achieved a lot of economic success but haven't really focused on the political realm.
Atlanta is definitely the cultural center of African American now. Unlike New York in the past it’s mostly middle class too. I was in downtown Atlanta for a week last summer and was pleasantly surprised by the large number of petite hot sisters dressed to the nines.

Ohio is weird. We have a very low cost of living and lots of economic growth as long as you have professional training or a skilled trade. God help you if you’re unskilled labor though as life can be tough here.

To contradict the economic growth in the south, outside of Indiana and including Texas, they are the minimum wage capital of the nation. I’ve had a lot of opportunities to work in Texas in my field for comparable wages but the cost of living is significantly higher than Ohio. If the cost of living was equal between Columbus, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin For the same wage I’d pick Columbus over all but Austin in a heartbeat. Austin I would consider but the cost of living there is significantly higher. Houston flat out sucks. It would take a shit load of money for me to consider living there.

I've never been to Houston and have no desire to go. Isn't it hot, humid and muggy as sh*t there? Austin's fine to me but I have no desire to live in a college town like that. I want a big City with pro sports teams. And FVCK UT! I lived in Dallas as a kid and my in-laws live just outside Dallas so we go back quite a bit. Hell, my wife wants to move back there. Columbus is obviously the G.O.A.T.
I've never been to Houston and have no desire to go. Isn't it hot, humid and muggy as sh*t there? Austin's fine to me but I have no desire to live in a college town like that. I want a big City with pro sports teams. And FVCK UT! I lived in Dallas as a kid and my in-laws live just outside Dallas so we go back quite a bit. Hell, my wife wants to move back there. Columbus is obviously the G.O.A.T.

Austin is a lot like Columbus. State Capital, the premier State University and a diverse economy and population. The major difference is our winters suck and their summers suck. Houston is just flat out ugly.
Austin is a lot like Columbus. State Capital, the premier State University and a diverse economy and population. The major difference is our winters suck and their summers suck. Houston is just flat out ugly.

I have a couple of older co-workers who went to UT and this is how they described Austin to me. They said it used to be a small, funky, liberal college town. Over the years its grown tremendously but like SF has a very anti-development attitude. So therefore infrastructure and housing development haven't kept up with the population growth. As a result Austin today is very crowded with bad traffic and doesn't have near the charm it used too.

I've been to Austin a couple of times but don't know it well enough to comment one way or the other on what my co-workers said.
I have a couple of older co-workers who went to UT and this is how they described Austin to me. They said it used to be a small, funky, liberal college town. Over the years its grown tremendously but like SF has a very anti-development attitude. So therefore infrastructure and housing development haven't kept up with the population growth. As a result Austin today is very crowded with bad traffic and doesn't have near the charm it used too.

I've been to Austin a couple of times but don't know it well enough to comment one way or the other on what my co-workers said.
I love their motto. Keep Austin weird. They have a great music and food scene.
Actually, haven't blacks had political clout for quite awhile? You look across the country and numerous big cities have black Mayor's, black police chiefs, black head of education etc. I'm not suggesting this is a prevalent view but I've read black authors who have argued the black community should have focused more on economic advancement than political. And they point to the Asian community as an example where Asians have achieved a lot of economic success but haven't really focused on the political realm.

after the MLK riots in the late 60's -Black political power started to run the cities.
Baltimore for ex got a lot of black folks on the city council, and first black mayor by mid-80's.
it would have been earlier but the incumbent was there for 20 years prior.
Now it's an all black power structure.. DC followed a similar pattern -but wasn't damaged by riots.

There are black cities all over the south, as well as the mid-Atlantic;and a thriving black middle class.

Which is why when i hear "racism" I mostly just tune it out as political rhetoric
after the MLK riots in the late 60's -Black political power started to run the cities.
Baltimore for ex got a lot of black folks on the city council, and first black mayor by mid-80's.
it would have been earlier but the incumbent was there for 20 years prior.
Now it's an all black power structure.. DC followed a similar pattern -but wasn't damaged by riots.

There are black cities all over the south, as well as the mid-Atlantic;and a thriving black middle class.

Which is why when i hear "racism" I mostly just tune it out as political rhetoric

Here would be my thoughts to that. On one hand there's a definite truth to what you are saying. There's an element of people who use the cry of racism as a default for anything they don't like and they use it as a crutch. And there are folks who internalize racism to the point it prevents them from pursuing and achieving their goals and dreams.

However there's also no denying the very real legacy of slavery and institutionalism of racist laws. I'll offer just one example and that is of housing. We see a number of older people today who are funding their retirements with a lot of help from equity they have built up in their homes over the years. Or we are seeing parents in expensive areas pass on their homes to their children who wouldn't be able to afford to live their otherwise. Now think about older black people who a long time ago wanted to buy a home but were prevented from doing so by redlining and flat out racist laws that said you can't sell to people of color. Those folks weren't able to buy in good neighborhoods and gain appreciation like their white counterparts nor pass on their homes to their kids. That is a real and tangible example of racism and how it still plays a role today.

You have some definite race hustlers out there who profit off of selling victim hood and division. But we also aren't at a point where we can say 'racism is a thing of the past' either.